Some attendees at E3 2019 had the chance to get hands-on with the Final Fantasy 7 Remake demo and experience the updated combat, character swapping, and general hype for the upcoming project. Although there is no home version of the demo for general PS4 users to dive into, one industrious Dreams early access player managed to recreat their own version of the FF7 demo in the creator-friendly PS4 game.

The Dreams take on Final Fantasy 7 Remake attempts to capture the new project's updated combat and UI, but sticks with the PlayStation 1 era character designs. The mashup of old and new come together incredibly well and make for a delightful creation.

Anyone who owns Dreams, which is available now for $29.99 in Early Access, can play the level now by visiting PSN user sosetsuken5360's creations.

The creator captured so many of the little details that make this homage seem more authentic. From the damage number flying off enemies to menu-based combat appearance; this labor of love really hits the mark. The classic polygonal character models may not be as sharp as the updated characters we'll see in the finished product, but they definitely capture the spirit of Cloud and his squad.

Gamers who now have the FF7 itch and want to know more about the real project can review our E3 2019 Final Fantasy 7 hands-on impressions. That may not be quite the same as getting to play a demo today, but hopefully it can hold you over until March 2020 arrives.

Dreams is out now in early access, exclusively for PS4. Final Fantasy 7 Remake releases March 3, 2020, exclusively on PS4.

Source: Escapist