Having the right Materia build for each character is important in Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Each character has their own strengths and advantages and having Materia that complement their ideal party role is essential to getting the most out of them. This guide will go over the ideal setup for each character and how that fits into the party’s overall strategy. There is always a little variance depending on the player’s preferred playstyle, but this is a solid foundation going forward for any player in Final Fantasy 7 Remake.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake: 5 Characters Who Were Stronger In The 1997 Game

The remake of Final Fantasy 7 nerfed a few characters that were far more daunting and strong in the original 1997 Square Enix game.

Materia played a huge role in Final Fantasy 7, and fans are glad to see that Square Enix gave this mechanic the love and adoration it deserved in the Remake. Classic materia were present in the series once again, along with new additions that fit in perfectly with the real-time action-oriented combat system. It's easy to see why players wanted the materia setup of their party to be as perfect as possible to ensure that players never faced any problems while tackling the many enemies that stood in their way.

Updated on May 4, 2024, by Ritwik Mitra: With the release of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, players who want to catch up to the story as soon as possible should make it a point to check out Remake. The attempt to re-tell the story of Final Fantasy 7 with a few nuances here and there made for a great time, and fans can't wait to see what the final chapter in this remade trilogy has in store for players. While going through the many challenging combat encounters in the Remake, it's only a given that most players would want to optimize everything possible to ensure that they can ace the combat in this game. Materia allocation plays a huge role here, and players would obviously want to seek out the best materia around to ensure they face no problems while controlling the main cast of characters.

4 Cloud

A Close-Range Swordsman With Powerful Attacks

FF7R Cloud Materia

Cloud is the party’s main melee fighter. His job is to be on the front lines, slicing and dicing while his teammates provide aid and support. Because of this, Materia isn’t as crucial to his performance and is seen more as a bonus. That being said, there are still certain pieces of Materia that will benefit Cloud quite a bit.

Deadly Dodge

Deadly Dodge is probably Cloud’s strongest Materia option, as it enables him to deal area-of-effect damage immediately after performing a successful dodge. The player will likely spend the majority of the time controlling Cloud, making this a highly useful skill.


HP Up is also handy for keeping health high and giving Cloud more room for error. Given that he's pretty much always fighting in the thick of things, it's always great to give Cloud greater vitality and allow him to absorb more damage before succumbing to these blows. While the game is manageable without equipping HP Up on Cloud, doing so will make the moment-to-moment combat infinitely better and more satisfying.

ATB Stagger

ATB makes the world go around in Final Fantasy 7 Remake, with players being able to access their strongest attacks only when they're making the most of this gauge. So, it's easy to see why party members would benefit from a materia that supercharges this meter when staggering an enemy. This is perfect for Cloud since players will spend the most time controlling this character and would love to use his best attacks against tough opponents that are being pushed against the ropes.

Steadfast Block

Steadfast Block is a great Materia for Cloud, as it reduces enemy damage and fills the ATB gauge faster when Cloud is on guard. While this Materia can be switched out for something a little more offensive like Time, this might work against the player. This is because while Time grants access to Haste to increase the ATB gauge refill rate, many believe that Steadfast Block seems to perform better in this context.

7 Things That Need To Be In The Third Final Fantasy 7 Remake

The third part of the Final Fantasy 7 Remake trilogy will have a huge weight of expectation on its shoulders. Here are some things we'd love to see.

Elemental Materia + Lightning

The combination of Elemental Materia along with Lightning is a powerful combo and is considered essential on Cloud’s weapon. It increases damage output significantly and Lightning is guaranteed to hit. It also seems thematically appropriate for Cloud to strike with Lightning.

HP Absorb

Cloud hits like a truck with his melee attacks, but this also means that he'll be in the heat of the action more often than not. This means he'll be taking some damage in the process, and players will have to keep an eye on his health bar in every encounter. Thankfully, HP Absorb will allow him to replenish his health bar while dishing out damage. This can make it more manageable to get into the thick of battle and remain there without having to guard or heal all that often.

First Strike

The game auto-reverts to Cloud as the main character whenever he's in the party, which happens more often than not. This means that players will be using him the most in battle, so First Strike should definitely be used to maximize his potential. After all, players can technically use an ATB charge from the get-go to deal damage before either continuing their usual barrage of sword strikes or switching over to another party member.


Finally, a good summon for Cloud is Ifrit, since it gives him access to Fire. This is obviously one of the more subjective aspects of these recommendations, and players don't really have to stick to this particular Summon Materia for Cloud. However, there's no denying just how useful this summon is in general. Having it on Cloud gives him access to another magic attack, which is never a bad thing.

3 Barret

A Long-Range Gunner Who Can Swoop In To Turn The Tide Of Battle

FF7R Barret

Barret is meant to function as a type of ranged Tank. He can draw enemies' attention away from Cloud to give him breathing room and focus on crowd control. As a result, players should equip Materia on Barret which complements his play style and makes him a ranged behemoth in battle.


Assess is used to determine the weaknesses and vulnerabilities of opponents. Having this knowledge takes away a lot of guesswork and keeps the party efficient and effective in battle. After all, Final Fantasy 7 Remake's combat isn't all that easy, and players need to be on their toes at all times to get through most encounters with minimal damage.

First Strike

First Strike is a great addition to any combatant's arsenal. However, given that Barret is the recommended character for Assess, it makes more sense to give him the First Strike Materia. It gives Barret enough ATB at the beginning of the fight to immediately use Assess, which can make the rest of the battle comparatively easier.


Given Barret is meant to be the tank, it’s important to keep his health high with HP Up. Of course, it's also true that Barret stays away from conflicts and keeps a decent amount of range between him and his enemies, so players can always replace this Materia with other recommendations instead.

5 Ways Chrono Trigger Was Square's Best RPG (& 5 Ways It's Final Fantasy 7)

Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy 7 were both amazing RPGs developed by Square, but only one game can reign supreme.


Barret is a tank in battle, which is why it's rather odd that he's a ranged fighter who's almost always out of harm's way. This can make it frustrating for players who are being pounded by enemies and need his help to even the playing field. With the Provoke Materia on him, Barrett can direct all enemy attention towards him whenever the player is in a tight spot, giving them some much-needed breathing room without worrying about said party member biting the dust because of Barret's high HP.


Auto-Cure is a handy Materia for Barret, as it enables him to heal other members of the team should the designated healer go down. Cleansing can also help keep teammates from being afflicted by status effects. However, Auto-Cure definitely has more utility in battles, since damage is a constant while status effects are more of a flip of the coin.


Wind is the ideal elemental Materia for Barret to wield, as it enables him to deal damage to enemies and draw them in towards him. This is handy for keeping other teammates from getting overwhelmed and draws the aggro to Barret instead. This, coupled with the range from which Barret attacks, means that his casting of Wind can be a source of great annoyance for enemies.


For the summon Materia, Leviathan seems to be a solid choice that complements Barret well. Of course, getting this summon can be quite a task, due to the challenge involved in defeating Leviathan. Thankfully, getting a few levels should be enough to let players defeat this imposing beast.

2 Aerith

The Best Mage In The Party By A Country Mile

FF7R Aerith

Aerith is the designated healer of the party. Her primary concern is to keep everyone in the fight as long as possible and get them back up when they go down. This is why the majority of her Materia should be to support the party. However, her magical offense shouldn't be ignored either.

Magnify + Healing

This combination is immensely powerful for keeping the entire party in the fight. Healing is obvious, as it enables Aerith to keep replenishing the HP of her teammates, which is her primary job. However, the addition of Magnify can allow her to use the same spell to heal the entire group in an appropriate area of effect zone at the same time when fully upgraded. It's true that the effect is diminished, but being able to heal everyone at once saves a ton of MP and is efficient even with the loss. If the party is spread out too far, Pray can be used instead.


Revival is also critical for Aerith, as it allows her to get teammates back up when they’re knocked down. Not only does this save Phoenix Down feathers, but it is also essential on higher difficulties that don’t allow items like Phoenix Down. Without this ability, the player will be seeing the Game Over screen more often than not.


Refocus lets Aerith break her ATB gauge into three parts for faster regeneration. This is an excellent ability that Aerith will definitely benefit from, due to her inclination towards healing magic. It will allow her to keep party members at high HP levels and safeguard their well-being in a particularly nasty battle.


Fire is a great element that Aerith can use to bring pain to enemies. Of course, given Aerith's immense magical damage, pretty much any element is the perfect choice for her.


Wind is another great source of damage can use to bring pain to her enemies. Aerith's decent MP pool means that players can easily use multiple casts in a fight without worrying too much.

Final Fantasy 7 Vs. The Remake: Which Game Is Better?

Final Fantasy 7 Remake's quality is so immense that many are saying it's better than the original– but can it actually compete with the PS1 classic?


There are many robotic enemies that players will fight in Midgar. Having Lightning on Aerith means that battling against these mechanical constructs will be easier since their weaknesses can be exploited.


Finally, another great element that Aerith can use in battle is Ice. It's a pretty cool technique to use, no pun intended. As players can see, most elements work great on Aerith.

MP Absorb

There's no denying that Aerith has a massive MP pool, but using her magic too many times will lead to players facing issues in prolonged fights where even this caster will eventually run out of MP. This should ideally be avoided since she hits the hardest with her magic attacks. Giving Aerith the MP Absorb materia is a great way to ensure that she can make up at least some of the damage she incurs as MP, lessening the time period in between having to replenish her source of magic.

Magic Up

While there's something to be said about equalizing every party member's stats to make them useful in a bevy of situations, there's no denying that min-maxing is the optimal way to ensure that party members unleash the highest levels of damage in battle. This is why the Magic Up Materia is perfect for Aerith since it bolsters a stat that is already as high as can be and brings it to new heights. Suffice it to say, most players who control Aerith and unleash a wealth of powerful magic on their enemies will be immensely surprised to see just how high the damage numbers will be.


Giving Aerith the Shiva Summon just feels like the right thing to do. This icy Summon has been a mainstay of the series and is one of the coolest allies in the game, quite literally.

1 Tifa

A Fast Brawler With Amazing Close-Combat Capabilities

FF7R Tifa

Tifa is a multi-use fighter, able to jump into the front lines or hang back and use spells as needed. This means she’s capable of being support, tank, melee fighter, healer, and more as the player sees fit. This recommended Materia build is based on the composition of the other teammates.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake: The 5 Best Designed Characters (& 5 That Could Have Used More Work)

The character designs in the Final Fantasy 7 remake were predictably great, but some of them could've used a bit more work.


Tifa spends a lot of time up close and personal with her enemies. So. it's easy to see why players would prefer to use Materia which accentuates her close-combat moves and helps turn the tide of battle against the opposition. The Parry materia is great in this regard, letting players dodge and assault enemies at the same time at the drop of a hat. Suffice it to say, a swift fighter like Tifa will benefit from a Materia that helps them turn defense into offense in a flash.


Time Materia is Tifa's bread and butter throughout the game. Haste, Slow, and Stop especially are useful Time spells that can give her options in battle to improve herself or control the crowd.

Steadfast Block

Steadfast Block is a good Materia to increase Tifa's durability and fill the ATB gauge faster. Given her emphasis as a melee character, this Materia will be a perfect accompaniment to her in-your-face combat style.


Barrier Materia lets Tifa focus more on defense and step in as a tank when needed. A Barrier spell like Manawall is also helpful for shrugging off strong magical boss attacks, which is especially useful in some of the more challenging battles.


The best element for Tifa is Ice, both for balancing and because it gives her strong offensive options if she needs to act as a ranged mage. These situations might be rare, but it's always nice to have a backup magical attack on Tifa.

HP Absorb

Just like Cloud, Tifa is another fighter who loves to get down and dirty while fighting up close with enemies. This makes her a natural target who is bound to incur a decent amount of damage during any fight. With HP Absorb, Tifa can restore some HP with her punches, which is going to be a source of delight for players who love her energetic play style.

Deadly Dodge

Deadly Dodge is a great choice of Materia to have on any melee fighter, and Tifa definitely fits the bill. In her case, this Materia allows her to perform a series of roundhouse kicks that hit for decent damage after a successful dodge.

Fat Chocobo

Finally, Tifa can choose to summon Fat Chocobo to benefit the team and damage unsuspecting enemies. It's a simple Summon choice, and can easily be replaced by any of the other great Summon Materia in the game.

final fantasy 7 remake intergrade
Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade

PC , PS5
June 10, 2021
Square Enix