
  • Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth continues the story of Cloud and friends, setting new standards for remakes.
  • Cait Sith stands out as one of the best characters due to his unique personality and combat style.
  • However, Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 3 could delve more into Cait Sith's backstory and purpose, providing more character development. Specifically, learning how exactly Cait is controlled (and how he breaks free from that control) would be a good addition.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is yet another successful reimagining of Final Fantasy 7, proving Square Enix's grasp on what a true remake really is and setting standards for the industry to follow. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth continues the story that the first game started, with Cloud and his friends still in pursuit of Sephiroth — and another title to tie up the trilogy is still on the way.

While almost every character in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth has its merits, Cait Sith stands out as one of the best. This is largely due to his unorthodox personality and character, as well as the unique elements that he contributes to the party's composition. However, his distinct combat style sets him apart from the other members as well, as he offers an approach that no one else can offer on account of not having a pet moogle to command. Unfortunately, despite all that Cait Sith adds to the party in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, it mostly neglects to dive too much into his backstory and purpose, leaving what is revealed vague at best. As such, the third and final installment in the Final Fantasy 7 Remake trilogy could give Cait Sith a bit more attention to expound on things even the original game failed to clarify.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 3 Needs to Rectify One Disappointment from FF7 Rebirth

The next Final Fantasy 7 remake chapter has a chance to include one feature that was sadly missing from Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 3 Should Delve More Into Cait Sith's Story

How Cait Sith Is Presented in the Original Final Fantasy 7

When the party first encounters Cait Sith at the Golden Saucer in Final Fantasy 7, he appears to them as a fortune-teller. In fact, shortly after their first encounter, Cait attempted to tell Cloud's fortune several times but failed. However, after saying, "What you pursue will be yours. But you will lose something dear," Cait joins the party, although the rest of the team is entirely unaware that he is actually a spy for Shinra Electric Power Company. Eventually, Cloud catches Cait attempting to deliver the Keystone, a Materia required for opening the Temple of the Ancients, over to Tseng, director of Shinra Electric Power Company.

After Cait is caught betraying the party, he comes clean to Cloud about how he is being controlled by someone from Shinra Electric Power Company but refrains from telling him who. Fortunately, Cait eventually joins forces with the team and truly helps them on their mission. Still, it is never revealed exactly how Reeve controls Cait and there is still plenty of room for speculation, as Cait often seems to function independently of the one who controls him. This is something Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 3 could clear up to provide even more character development for the beloved cat.

How Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 3 Could Take Cait Sith's Character Even Further

It can already be assumed that Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 3 will reveal that Cait Sith is, in fact, remotely controlled by Reeve Tuesti. After all, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth only vaguely hinted at this, so Final Fantasy 7 newcomers may still not know what's going on with Cait behind the scenes. However, Part 3 could take Cait Sith's character even further by delving more into how Reeve's control of Cait works, and even more importantly, how Cait is able to occasionally break free from Reeve's control and function as what seems to be a sentient being.

This would also involve a further dive into Reeve's character, since Cait's apparent change of heart is at least mostly Reeve's doing. Furthermore, as Cait Sith is a highly advanced AI who sometimes acts with complete self-governance, it would be interesting for Part 3 of the Final Fantasy 7 Remake trilogy to divulge more of this as well. Either way, at least there is certainty that there will be more of Cait Sith in the next Final Fantasy 7 Remake game, and quite possibly an even greater emphasis on his character.