Final Fantasy 7 Remake was a resounding success for fans who have waited well over a decade to see it come to fruition. A big theme surrounding Final Fantasy 7 Remake is that the threads of fate don't necessarily apply to this new iteration of the story, and outcomes will vary from the source material. Players can already see this if they give Final Fantasy 7 Remake a try, where new storylines intertwine with the main plot and side characters are more important than ever. This has culminated in fans questioning what will happen going forward, as the main plot beats are more or less the same but there are vast differences, including to fan-favorite Barret.

The plot in Final Fantasy 7 Remake and Intergrade revolves entirely around Midgar, the opening city of the original game. Though the original Final Fantasy 7 comprised of many acts for players to trudge through, the remake managed to squeeze an entire game into the large city setting. While some fans saw this as a money grab aimed at nostalgia, it can't be argued that there isn't a lot to do in this first entry of the remake series. Final Fantasy 7 Remake proves the developer is in it for the long haul, and hopefully the final product of all the remake games encompassing Final Fantasy 7 will satisfy fans.

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Final Fantasy 7 Origins

final fantasy 7 wedge death

In the original Final Fantasy 7, fans were treated with a large 3D world for the first time in the series. Not only that, but the story, characters, and themes were all impactful when it came to setting the stage for the series going forward. This culminated in many new fans discovering Final Fantasy at the time, and as such it's important to fans that the new Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 2 will hit all of the same high notes.

The original Final Fantasy 7 centered around an eco-terrorist group that turns its attention from taking down a giant corporation slowly destroying the planet to that of a super being quickly destroying the planet. Though it isn't the most complex plot structure, Final Fantasy 7 does something well with its storytelling in that it gives players a chance to slow down with each of the main party members and side characters. This allows players to learn more about each of the characters from where they were at the beginning of the game, and through every step toward the end of the game.

One of the more interesting main characters is Barret Wallace, leader of his Avalanche group bent on taking down anyone trying to harm the planet. Barret believes the planet is alive and that the Shinra Electric Power Company is draining its life force. It isn't until later in the story that his focus shifts from Shinra to Sephiroth. From the beginning to the end of Final Fantasy 7's origin story, players discover what makes Barret an interesting character, from being a father trying to leave behind a world his daughter can live comfortably in to rediscovering his past and repenting his mistakes. Fans familiar with the original iteration would want to see the same level of complexity in the remake.

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Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 2's Barret

Final Fantasy 7 Character Designs Barret

There's a good chance the beginning of Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 2 will take place before or in the small town of Kalm. This is the first stop in the original Final Fantasy 7, and an important one because it is where Cloud tells the rest of the party about his hometown of Nibelheim and Sephiroth. During th adventure, the main party eventually comes across the small town of North Corel where Barret's backstory opens up. It's the only time where Barret quietly accepts blame for his past transgressions that aren't made immediately clear to the player. After some story progress, it is revealed that Barret made some mistakes and has to single-handedly confront a past demon who wishes to harm his daughter.

In the original Final Fantasy 7, the main party only hears about Sephiroth through flashbacks in Kalm, and don't physically see Sephiroth until they are on their way across the water to Costa Del Sol. This has been changed in Final Fantasy 7 Remake, where the party not only encounters Sephiroth in Midgar, but fights against him in the final battle. Barret even has a fatal encounter with Sephiroth until the destiny-gatekeeping Whispers revert this to bring Barret back to life. This is a huge revelation for Barret's character, and the implications going forward are immeasurable, as now that Barret had a close call with death his actions could be different.

Originally, Barret wanted to defeat Shinra not only for the planet but for his Avalanche pals who perished at the hands of the evil corporation during the Midgar segment. Eventually, his shift focuses on Sephiroth as the threat to the planet is greater, but in Final Fantasy 7 Remake that has all changed. Barret's Avalanche friends aren't all confirmed to be dead in the remake, and Barret now has a personal score to settle with Sephiroth. As a result, fans will probably see Barret more driven than ever to find Sephiroth.

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Character's Fate in Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 2

Final Fantasy 7 remake intergrade party

This new remake emphasizes that a character's destiny isn't necessarily written in stone, as the newly introduced Whispers have involved themselves in key moments altering expected outcomes from the original Final Fantasy 7. Though fans can probably expect similar story beats from the original to stay intact, this gives the developer room to play around with the story. This makes for a more intriguing take on the original, keeping fans new and old on the edge of their seats and speculating.

At the end of Final Fantasy 7 Remake the Whispers are defeated, which shares the same meaning as the destruction of the DeLorean in Back to the Future Part 3. As Dr. Emmett Brown put it, "It means your future hasn't been written yet, no one's has." Only time will tell how things are going to change, as it seems fans should expect the unexpected when it comes to the Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 2 now that destiny is off the rails.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake is available now for PS4 and PS5.

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