With the long-awaited Final Fantasy 7 Remake dropping officially tomorrow, many are no doubt excited to finally get their hands on the dramatic re-imagining of the classic game. As if they needed any more convincing, reviews for the title have also been stellar, with critics praising the remake's sensational visuals, incredible combat, and its attention to detail when it comes to re-envisioning a number of the original's classic sequences. Evidently, this is an authentic and respectful remake that captures the essence of its source material perfectly.

Fans and new players alike are likely wondering, however, how long this return to Final Fantasy 7 will be, especially as the game merely chronicles the first act of the original game. It seems the fact the game's only a small part of the overarching story of Final Fantasy 7 doesn't matter too greatly in terms of its run-time, which according to a number of critics falls somewhere between the 30 - 40 hour mark.

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As many will no doubt know, that's around the length of the original game, showing that Square Enix is definitely committed to transforming each chapter of the Final Fantasy 7 story into an entire full-length video game in its own right. Seeing as the remake only follows the Midgar section of the story - which originally was only around seven to eight hours of Final Fantasy 7 - fans can expect to learn far more about the characters, world, and gripping narrative of the game, with much more detail and time being paid to each one.

Final Fantasy 7

Of course, that run-time can no doubt fluctuate exponentially based on the additional content the player completes, with critics claiming that there's plenty of side-quests to experience outside of the main campaign. These will definitely boost the player's run-time, however, critics have complained that these can come across as filler, with some feeling like artificial padding included to make the Midgar section appear brimming with content.

Regardless, it seems Final Fantasy 7's remake is a perfect game to release right now, with players obviously stuck in quarantine due to the spread of the Coronavirus. While the likes of Resident Evil 3 was met with a lot of criticism due to its short runtime, it seems Final Fantasy 7 is a much more dependable choice for players looking for a game to sink a lot of hours into while they wait for the pandemic to blow over. Hopefully, it lives up to the high expectations many have when it releases tomorrow.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake is coming to PS4 on April 10, 2020.

MORE: How Sephiroth's Role Has Changed in Final Fantasy 7 Remake