
  • Character changes in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth make them vulnerable and more relatable, adding depth to the story.
  • Some familiar characters like Cid Highwind and Dio have different roles and personalities in Rebirth, adding new layers to the game.
  • The presence and role of villains like Tonberry and the iconic Sephiroth are expanded upon, creating new challenges for players in the game.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake and Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth are rare examples of when something is not, in fact, too good to be true. The recreation of the 1997 classic is done with extreme care and attention to detail to fully bring the beloved world of Final Fantasy 7 into the modern age.

7 New Things Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Teaches Us About The Lore

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth expands on the world's lore in fascinating ways. Here are some of the most interesting details.

Oddly, some characters are a little weaker than once before. It is not as black and white as their power levels being reduced, though. Sometimes, something in their character fundamentally changes to make them more vulnerable. This is ultimately a positive change since it makes them more interesting and more relatable.

5 Cid Highwind

The Last Mandatory Party Member

Cid Highwind is originally introduced in Rocket Town where the party is quickly acquainted with his curmudgeon attitude and disrespect toward Shera. Shortly after, he joins the party and players can use him in battle whenever they please. He's quite a handy fellow to have in battle, too, mostly having the characteristics of a dragoon with his spear.

In Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, however, we see none of this. The party first meets him when they order a ride to Cosmo Canyon on the Tiny Bronco. He eventually follows the heroes to the Temple of the Ancients, but he never engages in combat. Those who never played the original game have no idea if he is adept at combat or not.

Though Rocket Town is absent in Rebirth , it is difficult to imagine it not showing up in the third game.

4 Dio

He's A Lot Nicer Now But Seems To Have Less Control

Dio is the scantly clad owner and manager of the Gold Saucer amusement park. In addition to being a hub for many of the title's minigames, it also hosts many key story events. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth changes Dio's personality slightly, making him a little nicer to the party while also making it seem like he has less control over his establishment.

7 Saddest Moments In Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth doesn't pull any punches when it comes to somber moments. These are some of the most hard-hitting in the game.

During the mysterious shootings in Chapter 8 of Rebirth, he makes a deal with the party for them to find the real killer before he charges them with the murders. In the original game, he simply tosses the party into the desert prison. The subplot in Chapter 12 of him battling Don Corneo for the naming rights is also nonexistent in the 1997 game. He never needs help from Cloud and can take care of himself in that title unlike in Rebirth.

Speaking of Don Corneo, he is adversely more powerful and more sinister in Remake and Rebirth . His role in general is significantly expanded upon as well.

3 Tonberry

Usually Saved For The Last Dungeon

The Tonberry is a staple of the Final Fantasy series, generally showing up in either late-game dungeons or in harder side quests. Their whole shtick is looking harmless while actually possessing some of the most powerful attacks of any enemy. They show up in both Final Fantasy 7 Remake and Rebirth as an obstacle for the party, and they are not formidable in either of them.

Compare this with the Tonberry from the 1997 game, who only shows up in the last dungeon. With the Tonberry already being familiar to the party, how will they be utilized in the third part of this trilogy? Will a more powerful variant show up in a side quest or as a regular enemy in the final dungeon?

2 Red XIII

His Insecurities Show

Players first run into Red XIII during the assault on Shinra HQ. In Remake he is merely a guest character who players cannot control. In Rebirth he is a full-fledged member of the party who players get to know more as they travel through the world on their quest.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: 9 Best Abilities

These abilities can turn the tides of battle in Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth.

The original game gives him a great character-building segment in Cosmo Canyon where the game more deeply explores his past. It is sweet but does not expand upon the character in the same way Rebirth is able to. The 2024 game reveals all of his insecurities and everything he does as a shield, from changing his voice to wanting to be accepted into the Queen's Blood tournament. This is implied in the original game, but it is on full display in Rebirth.

In combat, Red XIII can be one of the most useful combatants. His role most closely resembles sentinels or tanks, as he becomes more powerful the more hits he takes while guarded.

1 Sephiroth

He Has Already Been The Last Boss Twice

When comparing the original game to Remake and Rebirth, it is shocking how little players see Sephiroth for a large chunk of the journey. The first time he is shown in the former is on the ship between Junon and Costa del Sol. By this time in the new trilogy, players not only see him several times, but they fight him as the last boss in Final Fantasy 7 Remake.

It makes sense for his place to switch around a bit considering they need a climactic fight for the end of the first game and there is a new story thread involving multiple universes that still is not fully explored. However, it is hard to believe the scariest and most powerful villain in the continuity being so easily bested by the party just as they leave Midgar, especially when considering what level the party would be at in the 1997 title.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

PlayStation 5
February 29, 2024
Square Enix
Square Enix