After being quiet for so long since its initial announcement, Square Enix have been steadily revealing more and more info on its much hyped Final Fantasy 7 Remake since its E3 presentation. One of our own was even able to try out the E3 exclusive demo and break down how the new combat system works. There will of course be plenty of other changes to the RPG classic to update it for the modern generation, which will also include how Materia - the game's source of magic - will be implemented.

Director Tetsuya Nomura recently took part in an interview with Famitsu, where he gave more concrete details about certain elements of the title, including the new dialogue options and that the cross-dressing scene will return but be altered slightly. However, an online version of the interview has since been published and includes some extra information, particularly about the Materia system.

Materia are items that can be equipped on weapons and gear to provide the characters extra buffs and abilities and, according to Nomura, this is something that will remain the same in the remake, despite the overall battle system being completely overhauled. However, certain Materia will be removed from the remake since their functions wouldn't work with the battle system. Fortunately, Nomura also confirmed that brand new Materia will be included as well, and any Materia equipped will be represented visually on the characters, which is a nice touch.

final fantasy 7 combat screenshot

There are still concerns from fans about Final Fantasy 7 Remake, mostly in regards to how the game is being split up into episodes, with the first episode to be set entirely in Midgar. Square Enix has promised that new content has been added to make it feel as big as a standalone game, and that future episodes won't take as long to develop, so fans won't have to wait too long in-between parts. Those concerned seem to be in the minority anyway, as the first episode is amongst GameStop's ten most pre-ordered games of the year, only losing out to the new Call of Duty and Pokemon titles.

Final Fantasy 7Remake's first episode will release on PS4 on March 3rd 2020.

Source: Twinfinite