Thanks to Final Fantasy 7 Remake, fans of the FF7: Advent Children film can now get extremely close to replicating the thrilling fight scenes featured in this Final Fantasy 7 movie. And as with other Final Fantasy entries, FF7 Remake retains the unique gameplay mechanic the original FF7 introduces: magic in the form of Materia, or orbs of condensed energy.

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Following the same mechanics as its original counterpart, Materia in FF7 Remake, players can equip Cloud and his teammates with Materia in order to gain access to powerful spells and effects. However, before players even get to use Materia and its game-changing effects, fans may first need to know where exactly they can obtain these powerful trinkets.

Barrier (Green Materia - Magic)

Barrier Materia
  • Price: 1,500 G
  • Level 1: Barrier
  • Level 2: Manaward
  • Level 3: Manawall

This more defensive Final Fantasy spell is given to Cloud by Jesse in Chapter 4. However, the Material also becomes available in Chapter 9 in the narrow alleyway inside Wall Market. This Material gives access to efficient protection spells.

Binding (Green Materia - Magic)

Binding Materia
  • Price: -
  • Level 1: Sleep
  • Level 2: Silence
  • Level 3: Berserk

Cloud can only get Binding during Chapter 9 in Sector 6 Slums, specifically near the area of the second robot hand puzzle. When used, the Materia’s spells can stop enemies from functioning normally, be it through stopping their spells or rendering them unable to discern opponents in combat.

Cleansing (Green Materia - Magic)

Cleansing Materia
  • Price: 300 G
  • Level 1: Poisona
  • Level 2: Esuna
  • Level 3: Resist

Primarily the status ailment recovery tool in the Final Fantasy game, Cleansing becomes available in most Item Shops for 300 G after completing the “Rat Problem” mission. After players clear Chapter 5, Cleansing also becomes available in Vending Machines.

Fire (Green Materia - Magic)

Fire Materia
  • Price: 500 G
  • Level 1: Fire
  • Level 2: Fira
  • Level 3: Firaga

One of the more iconic elemental spells in the Final Fantasy title, Fire is Cloud’s default Materia. However, it can be acquired in the Abandoned Factory in Chapter 3 during the “Just Flew In From The Graveyard” mission. Item Shops also have this Materia for 500 G.

Healing (Green Materia - Magic)

  • Price: 600 G
  • Level 1: Cure
  • Level 2: Cura
  • Level 3: Regen
  • Level 4: Curaga

Considered the go-to recovery Materia in the game, Healing is Barret’s starting Materia. Cloud acquires this when Chapter 2 begins, courtesy of Jesse. It can also be purchased for 600 G in Sector 7 Slums - Item Shop. When foraging, Healing can be found in Chapter 5 just beside the Shinra employee on the left side of the train when the level begins.

Ice (Green Materia - Magic)

  • Price: 500 G
  • Level 1: Blizzard
  • Level 2: Blizzara
  • Level 3: Blizzaga

Capable of freezing enemies in the game, Ice becomes available beginning Chapter 3. Players can purchase the Materia from Sector 7 Slums - Item Shop with 500 G or find it in the Scrap Boulevard Cave during “A Job For The Neighborhood Watch.” Likewise, the item also becomes available in Chapter 13, where i t’s located inside a small cage alongside a chest and other Shinra boxes.

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Lightning (Green Materia - Magic)

  • Price: 500 G
  • Level 1: Thunder
  • Level 2: Thundara
  • Level 3: Thundaga

This shocking spell in the Final Fantasy game is Barret’s default offensive Materia. However, beginning Chapter 3, players can also purchase this in the Sector 7 Slums - Item Shop. Likewise, this Materia once again becomes available from the Vending Machine near Crab Warden’s boss battle stage in Chapter 5.

Poison (Green Materia - Magic)

  • Price: 1,500 G
  • Level 1: Bio
  • Level 2: Biora
  • Level 3: Bioga

Players can locate the Poison Materia in the Vending Machine after defeating Queen Grashtrike in Chapter 5. However, another Poison Materia becomes available after Chapter 10 when players climb the top of a certain ladder and accessing its small area.

Revival (Green Materia - Magic)

  • Price: -
  • Level 1: Raise
  • Level 2: Arise
  • Level 3: -

Powerful enough to revive allies, players can get Revival after they defeat Roche in Chapter 4. It should be along the path Cloud takes throughout the story, so players need to stay sharp and not miss it.

Subversion (Green Materia - Magic)

  • Price: -
  • Level 1: Breach
  • Level 2: Dispel
  • Level 3: -

Players need to acquire this Final Fantasy spell via farming, specifically the Ghoul that is encountered in Chapter 11. Once acquired, this spell becomes extremely useful in stopping various spell effects.

Time (Green Materia - Magic)

Using Time Materia to unleash a powerful attack
  • Price: 5000 G
  • Level 1: Haste
  • Level 2: Slow
  • Level 3: Stop

Enjoyers of Final Fantasy 7 Remake gameplay may be able to find this Materia for the first time when completing the side quest “Missing Children” in Chapter 14. Players can obtain another copy of this Materia in Chapter 17. They can also purchase this Materia for 5,000 G in vending machines beginning Chapter 15.

Wind (Green Materia - Magic)

  • Price: 2,000 G
  • Level 1: Aero
  • Level 2: Aerora
  • Level 3: Aeroga

More devastating Wind spells in Final Fantasy 7 Remake become accessible after finishing Chadley’s “Battle Intel 02” quest. While players get their first Wind Materia at a discounted price, the price becomes the default 2,000 G in subsequent purchases.

AP Up (Blue Materia - Support)

  • Price: -
  • Level 1: Doubles AP earned for linked Materia

Acquired after finishing 5,000 steps with the special Pedometer, this Final Fantasy 7 Materia will double the AP players earned when using the linked Materia they have. This is quite the nifty perk to have in extended battles.

Elemental (Blue Materia - Support)

  • Price: -
  • Level 1: 8% Linked Elemental Damage Dealt (Weapon), 50% Linked Elemental Damage Reduction (Armor)
  • Level 2: 15% Linked Elemental Damage Dealt (Weapon), 100% Linked Elemental Damage Reduction (Armor)
  • Level 3: 23% Linked Elemental Damage Dealt (Weapon), Absorbs Linked Elemental Damage Reduction (Armor)

Players can locate this Materia in Chapter 6 of their Final Fantasy 7 Remake gameplay. After defeating the two Queen Gashtrikes, they need to go to H-06 via the ladder then proceed to the vertical walkway and go over to H-07. Players can get their second Elemental Materia as a gift after completing all Side Quests and Chapter 14.

HP Absorption (Blue Materia - Support)

HP Absorption
  • Price: 100 G
  • Level 1: Absorb 20% damage
  • Level 2: Absorb 30% damage
  • Level 3: Absorb 40% damage

Attacking with this Final Fantasy 7 Materia equipped will have players absorb some of the damage they deal as HP. Players can purchase the HP Absorption Materia from Chadley after finishing Battle Intel Report 19 later in the game.

Magnify (Blue Materia - Support)

  • Price: -
  • Level 1: Expand range of all linked Materia (reduced to 60% when expanded)
  • Level 2: Expand range of all linked Materia (becomes 45% when expanded)
  • Level 3: Expand range of all linked Materia (becomes 25% upon expansion)

This particular Materia is located near the third robotic arm puzzle. Players may remember that this particular minigame is located in their Chapter 9 gameplay, making Magnify the must-have item in th game.

MP Absorption (Blue Materia - Support)

MP Absorption
  • Price: 100 G
  • Level 1: Absorb 20% damage as MP
  • Level 2: Absorb 30% damage as MP
  • Level 3: Absorb 40% damage as MP

Similar to the HP Absorption Materia, the MP Absorption Materia is available for purchase from Chadley after Battle Intel Report 18. This absorbs a particular amount of damage dealt with the Materia equipped as MP.

Pedometer (Blue Materia - Support)

  • Price: -
  • Level 1: Becomes AP Up after 5,000 steps

Players can find the Pedometer Materia somewhere near Aerith’s home by the time they reach it in Sector 5 Slums during Chapter 14 of their Final Fantasy 7 Remake gameplay. Equipping this will transform the Pedometer into AP Up after 5,000 steps.

Synergy (Blue Materia - Support)

  • Price: 100 G
  • Level 1: Use Synergy

Similar to Gambits in Final Fantasy 12, the Synergy Materia forces allies to follow-up on the leader’s attack with any attack from their linked Materia. Players can get this Materia from Chadley after finishing Battle Intel Report 9.

Warding (Blue Materia - Support)

  • Price: -
  • Level 1: Debuff duration -25%
  • Level 2: Debuff duration -50%
  • Level 3: Debuff duration canceled

When players of FInal Fantasy 7 Remake get to Chapter 10, they can easily locate this Materia in the Sewers. Likewise, Chapter 13 houses another Warding Materia in the Sector 7 Underground Lab. Players can find this particular Warding Materia inside a cage alongside a chest and other Shinra boxes.

Assess (Yellow Materia - Command)

  • Price: 1,000 GP
  • Level 1: Assess a single target
  • Level 2: Assess all targets

An alternate form of the Libra ability, the Assess tool from the Assess Materia gives players of Final Fantasy 7 Remake a means of identifying weaknesses of enemies they are facing. Players can obtain this Materia after finishing Wymer in Chapter 3. This will be part of the slate of items they can purchase from Chadley.

ATB Boost (Yellow Materia - Command)

ATB Boost
  • Price: -
  • Level 1: ATB Boost now has 360 seconds CD
  • Level 2: ATB Boost now has 300 seconds CD
  • Level 3: ATB Boost now has 240 seconds CD
  • Level 4: ATB Boost now has 180 seconds CD
  • Level 5: ATB Boost now has 120 seconds CD

When players activate their ATB, the effects of ATB Boost become activated and drastically improve their characters’ combat performance in Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Players can get this from Chadley after finishing Battle Intel Report 4.

Chakra (Yellow Materia - Command)

  • Price: -
  • Level 1: Restore 20% of damage taken
  • Level 2: Restore 25% of damage taken
  • Level 3: Restore 30% of damage taken
  • Level 4: Restore 35% of damage taken
  • Level 5: Restore 40% of damage taken

Serving as quite the useful recovery tool in a player’s Final Fantasy 7 Remake gameplay, the Chakra Materia not only can cure damage taken but also dispel Poison. The more HP the players have lost, the more this will cure them. Players can access this during Chapter 8 as part of Tifa’s starting Materia.

Enemy Skill (Yellow Materia - Command)

Enemy Skill
  • Price: -
  • Level 1: Learn Enemy skills

Blue Magic remains an interesting aspect of the Final Fantasy franchise as this school of magic allows players to use the abilities of enemies they encounter. They can do the same in Final Fantasy 7 Remake, where players can get this from Chadley once they finish Battle Intel Report 16.

Prayer (Yellow Materia - Command)

  • Price: -
  • Level 1: Cure a slight amount of HP
  • Level 2: Cure a small part of HP
  • Level 3: Cure moderate HP
  • Level 4: Cure a great amount of HP
  • Level 5: Cure a significant amount of HP

When players acquire Aerith as a character in their Final Fantasy 7 Remake gameplay, they can obtain the Prayer Materia as part of her default slate. This stage is unlocked during Chapter 8, where Cloud first meets the character. Players can also get this Materia in the “Corneo’s Secret Stash” Side Quest in Chapter 14, where this is hidden behind Don Corneo’s stash door in Sector 5.

Steal (Yellow Materia - Command)

  • Price: 100 G
  • Level 1: Use Steal

Players who love the classic Final Fantasy mechanic of stealing items from opponents will love the Steal Materia. After obtaining this from Chadley after Battle Intel Report 7, players may be able to try and steal loot from opponents during battle.

ATB Assist (Purple Materia - Extra)

ATB Assist
  • Price: 100 G
  • Level 1: Repeating command will give small ATB increase
  • Level 2: Repeating command will give medium ATB increase
  • Level 3: Repeating command will give large ATB increase

If players get to repeat commands while having ATB Assist equipped, they will be able to receive a particular boost in ATB. They can get this Materia from Chadley after finishing Batle Intel Report 8.

ATB Stagger (Purple Materia - Extra)

ATB Stagger
  • Price: 100 G
  • Level 1: Staggering enemies will give small ATB increase
  • Level 2: Staggering a foe will give medium ATB increase
  • Level 3: Staggering opponents will give large ATB increase

When players stagger a foe, they get a boost in ATB. This is accomplished when using the ATB Stagger Materia, which players can get from Chadley after finishing Battle Intel Report 8.

Auto-Cure (Purple Materia - Extra)

Auto Cure
  • Price: 100 G
  • Level 1: Use Auto-Cure up to 3x per battle
  • Level 2: Use Auto-Cure up to 10x per battle

Unlike the usual Cure spell that is manually cast, having Auto-Cure Materia allows players to automatically cast Cure on injured allies up to a particular number of times. The spell won’t activate if there aren’t any MP or ATB charges for the character being controlled. Players can get this Materia in Chapter 3 by heading back to Scrab Boulevard and Assessing two different enemies. Afterwards, players can return to Chadley to complete this quest and make it purchasable from his store.

Deadly Dodge (Purple Materia - Extra)

Deadly Dodge
  • Price: 600 G
  • Level 1: Use Deadly Dodge
  • Level 2: Boost the effects of Deadly Dodge

Players who want more action-packed gameplay in their Final Fantasy 7 Remake playthrough may want to get Deadly Dodge. When activated, this ability triggers an area-based Attack after dodging. This Materia in particular is located in Loveless Street of Sector 8, particularly during Chapter 2’s Business District segment. In particular, they can find this after fighting Guard Dogs and Security Officers deep into the level. They may also purchase this from the Item Shop in Chapter 4’s Sector 7 Slums.

EXP Up (Purple Materia - Extra)

  • Price: -
  • Level 1: Double the amount of EXP looted

Similar ot the Gil Up Materia, players can also get the EXP Up Materia after winning the “Two-Person Team vs. High Flyers’ Battle” challenge. Again, this is accessible between Chapter 16 and 17, particularly in the Shinra Tower VR Challenges.

First Strike (Purple Materia - Extra)

Using First Strike
  • Price: 100 G
  • Level 1: Get a small ATB Boost when the battle starts
  • Level 2: Get a medium ATB Boost when combat begins
  • Level 3: Get a large ATB Boost when combat starts

Players looking for faster ways of dealing with enemies may want their ATB meters to fill up quickly, and First Strike gets the job done. Acquired from Chadley after finishing Battle Intel Report 3, First Strike will give varying degrees of ATB Boosts when combat starts.

Gil Up (Purple Materia - Extra)

Gil Up
  • Price: -
  • Level 1: Double the amount of Gil looted

Since Gil is obtained in small quantities during a player’s Final Fantasy 7 Remake playthrough, having Gil Up is a helpful addition to anyone’s Materia Slots. Players can acquire this upon winning the “Two-Person Team vs. High Flyers’ Battle” challenge in Chapter 16 and 17’s Shinra Tower VR challenges.

HP Up (Purple Materia - Extra)

Getting HP Up Materia
  • Price: 2,000 G
  • Level 1: Boost HP by 10%
  • Level 2: Boost HP by 20%
  • Level 3: Boost HP by 30%
  • Level 4: Boost HP by 40%
  • Level 5: Boost HP by 50%

Enjoyers of Final Fantasy 7 Remake gameplay who want to boost their survival as much as possible may want to use HP Up Material to boost their overall HP. They can find this Materia in Chapter 2 close to the burning dead end. Likewise, Chapter 11 contains the same Materia where it’s found lying on the ground near the two train cars.

Item Master (Purple Materia - Extra)

Item Master
  • Price: 100 G
  • Level 1: Boost item efficiency by 30% in battle
  • Level 2: Boost item efficiency by 40% in battle
  • Level 3: Boost item efficiency by 50% in battle

Players who know how dependable certain items are in Final Fantasy 7 Remake should consider using Item Master Materia to ensure they’re more effective than their standard performance. In this regard, players may be able to acquire this Materia via purchasing from Chadley after finishing the Battle Intel Report 11 in Chapter 9.

Luck Up (Purple Materia - Extra)

Luck Up
  • Price: -
  • Level 1: Get a 10% Luck boost
  • Level 2: Get a 20% Luck boost
  • Level 3: Get a 30% Luck boost
  • Level 4: Get a 40% Luck boost
  • Level 5: Get a 50% Luck boost

Players can obtain the Luck Up Materia during Chapter 4 of their Final Fantasy 7 Remake gameplay. This is located particularly from Wedge once players win the top of the darts leaderboard in the bar.

MP Up (Purple Materia - Extra)

MP Up Materia
  • Price: 2,000
  • Level 1: Boost MP by 10%
  • Level 2: Boost MP by 20%
  • Level 3: Boost MP by 30%
  • Level 4: Boost MP by 40%
  • Level 5: Boost MP by 50%

Players are able to acquire this in their Final Fantasy 7 Remake gameplay throughout Chapter 6, particularly after Cloud accesses the H-01 cargo lift. Likewise, Cloud can get the MP Up Materia once they finish the “Discovery: The Language of Flowers” side quest in Chapter 8.

Magic Up (Purple Materia - Extra)

Magic Up
  • Price: -
  • Level 1: Get a 5% Magic boost
  • Level 2: Get a 10% Magic boost
  • Level 3: Get a 15% Magic boost
  • Level 4: Get a 20% Magic boost
  • Level 5: Get a 25% Magic boost

Enjoyers of Final Fantasy 7 Remake gameplay may be able to further increase Cloud and his team’s Magic Attack Power via the Magic Up Materia. They’re able to acquire this in Chapter 7, where they have to play a lever minigame in the control room to unlock the door to the equipment vault.

Parry (Purple Materia - Extra)

Using Parry
  • Price: 2000 G
  • Level 1: Boost Damage and provide ATB Boost

Transforming the parry gameplay mechanic most action RPGs into a purchasable move, the Parry Materia allows users to guard against attacks and quickly launch a counter. Players are able to purchase this from Chadley as soon as they finish Battle Intel Report 12.

RELATED: Things You Didn't Know About Final Fantasy 7 Remake's Development

Provoke (Purple Materia - Extra)

  • Price: 100 G
  • Level 1: Provoke for 60s, Cooldown for 90s
  • Level 2: Provoke for 90s, Cooldown for 60s
  • Level 3: Provoke for 120s, Cooldown for 30s

Enjoyers of Final Fantasy 7 Remake gameplay who want their allies to take on the role of a tank in combat may appreciate the Provoke Materia. With this item, players are able to taunt enemies into fighting them when their allies are injured. While this doesn’t affect enemy bosses and can’t be used by the player-controlled character, this is still an integral skill in difficult situations. Players can acquire this via purchase from Chadley after finishing Battle Intel Report 5.

Skill Master (Purple Materia - Extra)

Skill Master
  • Price: 100
  • Level 1: Using 3 command types will give small ATB boost
  • Level 2: Using 3 command types will give moderate ATB boost
  • Level 3: Using 3 command types will give large ATB boost

Enjoyers of Final Fantasy 7 Remake gameplay who want their attacks fast and loose might appreciate the incentives of the Skill Master Materia. Now that they’re able to get an ATB boost whenever they use 3 command types, fans can have more leeway in going more intense in combat. They can acquire this after completing Battle Intel Report 17, which involves acquiring 16 abilities from various weapons. When unlocked, they can buy this Materia for 100 Gil from Chadley.

Steadfast Block (Purple Materia - Extra)

Steadfast Block
  • Price: 100 G, 2000 G for new copies
  • Level 1: Guarding will mitigate some damage and give some ATB
  • Level 2: Guarding will mitigate small damage and give medium ATB
  • Level 3: Guarding will mitigate damage and give large ATB boost

Players leaning into a defensive playstyle in their Final Fantasy 7 Remake gameplay may appreciate Steadfast Block. When they block or guard against attacks, not only do they mitigate damage but also receive some ATB. They’ll be able to get this from Chadley after finishing Monster Bio Part 2 where they have to assess 10 types of enemies.

Bahamut (Red Materia - Summon)

  • Price: -
  • Level 1: Invoke the presence of Bahamut to aid players in combat

Arguably one of the stronger Summon Materia that players can access in the Final Fantasy experience, players can acquire Bahamut after finishing Battle Intel Report 20 and reporting to Chadley. When summoned, Bahamut also deals non-elemental damage like Leviathan but also packs quite a punch via Megaflare, its iconic ultimate attack.

Chocobo & Moogle (Red Materia - Summon)

A Moogle Riding a Chocobo
  • Price: -
  • Level 1: Summon a Chocobo and Moogle to aid players in combat

A summon featuring two of the most iconic mascots of Final Fantasy, the Chocobo & Moogle Materia quite literally spawns the “Chocobo & Moogle” summon, capable of dealing Wind Element damage alongside Stampede, a Wind-based Ultimate. Players can find this in Chapter 6 once they turn off two more sun lamps in the second section. Once done, players can return to the cargo elevator as the lift to the right should be accessible. This triggers a time limit that players need to beat through deactivating fans, defeating monsters, and activating the second terminal that leads them to a secret room.

Fat Chocobo (Red Materia - Summon)

Fat Chocobo
  • Price: -
  • Level 1: Summons a Fat Chocobo to help Cloud and the team in combat

When players saw the Fat Chocobo in Final Fantasy 7 Remake, one might see it as too cute to resist. However, the Fat Chocobo isn’t acquired so easily as fans need to fight it in Chadley’s Combat Simulator to acquire it. Despite its size, the Fat Chocobo does pose a threat to monsters once summoned. Its abilities include a staggering shockwave, bombs that cause a lot of explosions, and an ultimate that involves Moogles carrying the Fat Chocobo and throwing it to enemies.

Ifrit (Red Materia - Summon)

  • Price: -
  • Level 1: Summon Ifrit to aid players in battle

This summon features one of the most iconic summonable creatures in the franchise, Ifrit. The Materia becomes available for acquisition once Cloud starts Chapter 4. Jessie gives this to him as part of the story, making this one of the first summons that Cloud would acquire. Ifrit majorly deals Fire Damage, an element that is also shared by his Ultimate called Hellfire.

Leviathan (Red Materia - Summon)

  • Price: -
  • Level 1: Summon Leviathan to aid players in battle

Another Summon Materia that players of Final Fantasy 7 Remake can acquire would be Leviathan. Acquired after completing Battle Intel Report 15 during Chapter 13, Chadley can give Cloud access to this rather strong summon. Unlike the other summonable creatures, Leviathan deals non-elemental damage both as a standard attack and in the form of its ultimate, Tidal Wave.

Shiva (Red Materia - Summon)

  • Price: -
  • Level 1: Summon Shiva to help players in combat

Almost always opposing Ifrit is Shiva, the ice-related summon who is also prominent in most Final Fantasy titles. This time around, the Shiva Materia isn’t given to Cloud automatically but rather acquired after finishing Battle Intel Report 5 in Chapter 9. Reporting to Chadley after this mission will grant Cloud access to Shiva, whose Ice Damage also extends to its ultimate, Diamond Dust.

Cactuar (Red Materia - Summon)

  • Price: -
  • Level 1: Summon a Cactuar in battle

Compared to other Summons that players access in their Final Fantasy 7 Remake gameplay, the Cactuar is something they can only acquire after pre-ordering the game. They can access their Cactuar from the Main Menu and selecting “Download” from System > DLC.

Carbuncle (Red Materia - Summon)

  • Price: -
  • Level 1: Invokes the presence of the Carbuncle to help players

Taking the form of a rather cute fox with a diamond on its forehead, the Carbuncle can act as a support unit that may provide effects such as Barrier, Manaward, and Haste as well as an ultimate that heals HP and revives KO’d members. Players can acquire Carbuncle as a free DLC pon preordering the game.

Chocobo Chick (Red Materia - Summon)

Chocobo Chick
  • Price: -
  • Level 1: Summons a Chocobo Chick to help players in battle

At some point during the original Final Fantasy 7, Tifa comments how Cloud’s hair makes him look like a Chocobo. This is referenced when players acquire the Chocobo Chick Materia as part of their DLC bonus. This cute-looking chick isn’t all for show, though. Its attacks include fire, ice, lightning, and wind damage that may cause stagger. It also has a non-elemental staggering ultimate attack.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, the second half of the Final Fantasy 7 Remake series, is slated for a 2023 release for the PS5.

MORE: Final Fantasy 7 Remake (PS4): Weapons, Gear, And Skills That Make The Game Way Too Easy