Final Fantasy VII Remake is an ambitious reimagining of one of the most beloved games of the PS1 era. In this classic title, a ragtag group of adventurers end up embarking on a quest to save the world from a terrifying evil. The remake faced a rocky road upon launch, receiving adoration and criticism in equal spades as stories about the game's development started taking center stage. Fans were as eager as they were worried, with the majority of gamers hoping that the legacy of Final Fantasy VII was carried over to the remake.

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Thankfully, upon release, most fans were happy with the end product. Barring a few missteps, Final Fantasy VII Remake is an excellent title that deserves all the plaudits it has received. The story and characters are great, and the combat is a treat. Even characters like Aerith — a White Mage who mainly focused on magical attacks — are entertaining to control in battle. Her long-range attacks and support magic are a godsend in battle. This was further compounded by her weapons and the abilities, all of which are mentioned — and ranked — below.

6 Reinforced Staff — ATB Ward

Aerith's ATB Ward from FFVII Remake

The ATB bar is one of the most important parts of Final Fantasy VII Remake's combat system. It allows the main party members to use the most powerful abilities in their arsenal to great effect. With this context, it might seem like the ATB Ward is one of the most powerful moves out there, allowing the party members to recharge their ATB quickly.

However, there are major drawbacks to this weapon ability. For starters, the ATB Ward takes up two full ATB Gauges and doesn't even affect the caster herself. Aside from this, the ATB Ward is placed in a limited area and players need to bring their fighters back to this ward when they want to accrue the benefits. This becomes especially frustrating in large battle arenas, where staying mobile is key.

5 Arcane Scepter — Fleeting Familiar

Aerith's Fleeting Familiar from FFVII Remake

Out of all the abilities that Aerith can use, the Fleeting Familiar might seem like a rather utilitarian move. However, the Familiar that she summons doesn't really contribute much in battle. It's pretty weak, and doesn't even reach a damage level that the most basic of attacks can aspire to.

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The only way the Fleeting Familiar could be useful is during drawn-out fights with special enemies or bosses, since the Familiar lasts for quite some time and helps bolster Aerith's offense. However, the ability is pretty useless otherwise. Players are better off casting magic or using other weapon abilities instead.

4 Bladed Staff — Lustrous Shield

Aerith's Lustrous Shield from FFVII Remake

Given how low Aerith's vitality is, it goes without saying that the player should take steps to ensure she doesn't become a punching bag. Thankfully, some abilities in her arsenal allow her to avoid damage and heal up. The Lustrous Shield being particularly notable in this regard, since it provides a genuinely excellent defensive option.

The Lustrous Shield is so powerful that it can prevent boss attacks from hitting anyone behind it. As a nifty bonus, this Shield also harms any enemies near it. However, the largely stationary nature of this shield means that players need to position themselves properly in order to dodge certain attacks, which can get really old really quick.

3 Silver Staff — Sorcerous Storm

Aerith's Sorcerous Storm from FFVII Remake

For the most part, Aerith should not be at the front lines in battle. She doesn't boast the highest HP or defenses, meaning certain doom if she ends up being surrounded by her enemies. However, players who get caught in such a conundrum can always rely on one particular ability of hers — Sorcerous Storm.

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Obtained after equipping and mastering the Silver Staff, Sorcerous Storm is a powerful magical attack that summons a storm around Aerith without the need to expend any MP. It's a great way to get her out of a bind without having to resort to desperate measures.

2 Guard Stick — Arcane Ward

Aerith's Arcane Ward from FFVII Remake

The potential of magic is immense in Final Fantasy VII Remake, with the tide of battle swinging in an instant when the player casts extremely powerful magic. However, most characters have limited MP reserves, making it essential that the player doesn't go haywire with the casting.

Considering this, players would love an ability that allows them to cast more without expending too much MP. The Arcane Ward accomplishes this with ease. It's one of the first abilities in Aerith's arsenal, meaning that players are bound to get familiar with this powerful buff. It's especially helpful in challenging fights against enemies with high physical defenses.

1 Mythril Rod — Ray Of Judgement

Aerith's Ray of Judgment from FFVII Remake

The Mythril Rod is arguably Aerith's best weapon in Final Fantasy VII Remake. It's only fitting that this powerful weapon will also allow players to utilize an extremely powerful ability that can decimate staggered enemies. The Ray of Judgement is Aerith's best offensive ability, allowing her to shoot a magical ray from the tip of her staff that hits for colossal damage.

Furthermore, this ability deals extra damage to staggered targets. Any tough enemy that's finally been brought to its knees will face the wrath of this ray. The fact that staggered enemies can't move — which is crucial for the Ray of Judgement since it's an immobile attack with a slow charge-up — is definitely a huge plus to maximize the ability's overall damage.

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