In response to the latest update regarding Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, the second part of Square Enix's remake project, fans show up in droves in support of Vincent Valentine. As many fans know, Vincent is an optional party member in the original Final Fantasy 7, but his dark secrets, unique qualities, and lovely design have always endeared him to fans. He's a popular character, arguably up there with Cloud and Sephiroth, and even received his own spin-off in Dirge of Cerberus. Many fans have long been curious how Square Enix would handle Vincent in Final Fantasy 7's remake project, and a recent update may hint at just that. However, fans should temper their expectations. Square Enix doesn't outright say anything about Vincent, but the response is overwhelming in support of the former Turk.RELATED: Square Enix Makes Bizarre Claim About Final Fantasy 7 RebirthIn an update regarding Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's combat system, battle director Teruki Endo stated that "new comrades will join" players and that "you can cooperate with other party members" in closer ways than before. The "new comrades with join" seems to be the spark that lit up the Vincent Valentine fanbase, it's a logical connection after all, but it's not a guarantee. Other interpretations could hint at brand-new party members like Zack Fair, returning party members who will be "new" in FF7 Rebirth such as Cait Sith or Cid, and the game could cut and include these characters at will. As such, it means that Vincent Valentine too is a real possible reference here, but nothing is confirmed.

That didn't stop the fervent fans, however. While there is some discussion in the comments and Quote Tweets about SGF reveals, the vague nature of past responses to similar marketing questions, and other possible characters, it's hard to deny the overwhelming wave of Vincent Valentine comments. It's clear that, ultimately, many fans are excited about the possibility of Vincent Valentine joining Cloud in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, but a proper reveal—if he is confirmed prior to release—is likely some time away.

Many fans have seen these comments as potential teasers that Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth will be at Summer Game Fest, and that very well could be. At the same time, Final Fantasy 16 is set to release later this month, and Square Enix is likely to focus on this imminent release than a winter title. It wouldn't necessarily hurt for Square Enix to focus on both, though, as reportedly part of this newfound, lightweight FF7 Rebirth marketing is due to the fact that the company is allegedly concerned over Final Fantasy 16's lackluster pre-orders. It all remains to be seen, of course, but fans are clearly excited about everything Square Enix has lined up for the franchise.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is currently in development for PlayStation 5.

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