
  • Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, the continuation of Square Enix's beloved classic, is highly anticipated by both new and old fans of FF7.
  • Tokyo Game Show, a well-respected gaming trade show, could potentially unveil big news about Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, alongside other Square Enix titles.
  • The extent of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's open-world structure remains a mystery, but the game is expected to offer a more robust offering of side quests and a more open gameplay experience.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is set to continue Square Enix's retelling of its beloved classic, FF7. The company released Final Fantasy 7 Remake in 2020 to critical acclaim. One of the things that the first entry made clear was that this new trilogy would not try to replace the original game but instead would re-envision its story in a new way. This decision has left both new and old fans of FF7 hotly anticipating Final Fantasy 7Rebirth. Luckily for fans of the series, the game is scheduled to release next year, and a big news update for the title could be right around the corner at the Tokyo Game Show.

Tokyo Game Show was founded in 1996 and has been held there annually since the early 2000s. TGS has, in its over 20 years of operation, become a well-respected gaming trade show and has hosted a number of huge reveals and announcements. TGS 2023 is scheduled to run from September 21-24, with Square Enix taking the stage for its showcase on the night of the 22nd. The company has announced that it will be showing off Final Fantasy 14 at the show, but given the importance of the franchise, it seems likely that Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and Final Fantasy 16 will be present at the Tokyo Game Show as well.

RELATED: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Can Learn One Thing From FF16's Most Controversial Feature

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Is Coming Soon


Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is currently scheduled for next year, and there's still not a ton of information about the game available. On the initial launch, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth will be a PS5 exclusive. FF7 remake was originally released on the PS4, but FF7 Remake Intergrade was only on PS5 and later ported to PC. Given that FF16 recently had a PC port announced, it seems likely that Rebirth will also eventually make its way to PC. Also confirmed is that Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth will ship on two discs, and the developers have publicly said that it will be more open than the first installment.

While it is known that Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth will be more open than FF7 Remake was, the extent to which the game will adopt an open-world structure remains a mystery. The trailer from Summer Game Fest shows off some of the world and the game's UI. Given the compass at times shows numerous points of interest fairly far apart, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth could be open-world. Given the more open nature of the game, it seems safe to assume that Rebirth will feature a more robust offering of side quests.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Is Hiding Some Secrets


Long before Final Fantasy 7 Remake was released, it was made public knowledge that the game would focus on Midgar. Because of this, returning fans more or less knew the game's ending point. While this might have been announced to try and add to the level of surprise about the differences in FF7 Remake, the ending of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is still a mystery. It seems unlikely at this point that Square Enix will provide answers about th game given that the end of FF7 Remake thrust its world into a new timeline. While details about where the title will end will likely be left till launch, a new trailer could shed some light on what content has made the cut for Rebirth.

The biggest possible reveal related to Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth that could be announced at the Tokyo Game Show is the game's release date. While the Summer Game Fest trailer revealed that the game would be available in early 2024, an FF7 Rebirth developer update from a few days previous revealed that the team was still nailing down a launch date. Now that over 3 months have passed and 2023 is entering its final few months, it makes sense that the release date for Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth would be revealed at the Tokyo Game Show.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth will release on the PS5 in early 2024.

MORE: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth May Be Red XIII's Time to Shine