Following the latest trailer for Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, game director Naoki Hamaguchi stated that the Tiny Bronco would return as one of the main vehicles that Cloud and the party will use. Hamaguchi also confirmed that the Tiny Bronco will serve a similar purpose in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth as it did in the original release and that players will be able to use it to traverse through certain parts of the world.

During the September 14 State of Play broadcast, a trailer for Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth capped off the show. The trailer revealed the game's February 29 release date and gave players a small glimpse of what they will experience in FF7 Rebirth. After escaping Midgar, Cloud, Barret, Tifa, Aerith, and Red XIII will experience the greater world of Gaia as they search for answers surrounding Sephiroth and their uncertain fates. With Final Fantasy 7 Remake diverging from the original game's plot, only time will tell how much will remain the same and how much will deviate in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. However, one part of the original game will return.

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In an interview on the Square Enix blog, Hamaguchi confirmed that the Tiny Bronco will be one of the main modes of travel in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. In the original game, the Tiny Bronco was a bi-plane that Cid Highwind owned. During a scuffle with Shinra in Rocket Town, the Tiny Bronco was stolen but was shot and sustained significant damage to the wings. However, the Tiny Bronco's engines were still intact, and the plane functioned as a boat that could skim across most bodies of water. It remains to be seen how far into the story players will need to progress to obtain the plane-turned-boat. Between the Tiny Bronco, the buggy, and different kinds of chocobos, players will have options for taking on the vast quantity of content in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

In the same interview, Hamaguchi touched upon the mini-games of FF7 Rebirth and revealed that a new card game called "Queen's Blood" would be one of the main side activities that players can participate in. While Hamaguchi did not go into detail on what the rules of the game will be, he stated that "Queen's Blood" will feature its own story that will change as players progress through the main story of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

Though the fate of certain FF7 Rebirth characters is still a mystery, the fact that the Tiny Bronco will return is one less thing for players to worry about. Only time will tell what else will return to Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth launches on February 29, 2024 for the PS5.

MORE: We Played as Sephiroth in Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth