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The idea of mini-games has always been quite a key part of the roleplaying experience, serving as necessary diversions for players to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the main quest. This applies not just to the big blockbusters but, oftentimes, to smaller titles as well. As for Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, players have the luxury to enjoy the game that is Queen's Blood.

As a card game, players will enter a different world that is full of tactical nuances and surprising depth, and a nice complement to the various side quests that can be found in the world. For those hoping to learn more about Queen's Blood and the various ranks in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, this guide is the best place to start.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Cloud's Sephiroth Visions Explained

Throughout both Final Fantasy 7 Remake and Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, Cloud sees visions of Sephiroth, and there's a big story reason behind that.

What is Queen's Blood in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth?

A deck-builder mini-game, Queen's Blood is quite an easy game to understand but hard to master. Opposing players will each use a deck of 15 cards, with the objective of winning lanes using a combination of cards in the five spaces available in the three lanes. Winning a lane means banking the points generated with the cards used there, and the one with the most points will emerge victorious.

All Queen's Blood Ranks in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Each card requires varying amounts of charges to play, with these charges garnered from activating the spaces determined by the cards themselves. The power value, on the other hand, decides the victor of the particular lane. After being introduced to the mini-game in Chapter 2, it is only the beginning for this engaging mini-game.

All Queen's Blood Ranks in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

What is Queen's Blood in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

In total, there are 12 Queen's Blood Ranks in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. To get to a new rank, players must defeat a set number of opponents, and progression will allow you to challenge more and more adversaries down the line. Here are the ranks and requirements for moving up the ladder:

Queen's Blood Rank


Blood Peasant

Starting Rank.

Blood Servant

Defeat 3 opponents.

Blood Squire

Defeat 6 opponents.

Blood Acolyte

Defeat 9 opponents and the Keeper of the Cruor Cameron in Crow’s Nest.

Blood Knight

Defeat 12 opponents.

Blood Knight Second Class

Defeat 15 players and the Keeper of the Cruor Navalan in North Corel.

Blood Captain

Defeat 18 different players.

Blood Tactician

Defeat 21 opponents and the Keeper of the Cruor Wize in the Dustbowl.

Blood Marquis

Defeat 24 opponents and the Keeper of the Cruor Regina in Gongaga.

Blood Sovereign

Defeat 28 players and the Keeper of the Cruor Lindrehl, located in the Haunted Hotel at the Gold Saucer.

Blood Executioner

Defeat the Beast of Chaos, aka Vincent, at Nibelheim Manor.

Blood Champion

Defeat the Shadowblood Queen at the ruins in Gongaga.

Do note that the number of opponents that are counted will be the ones that are marked on the map with icons, so any vanquished foes in tournaments and even the Card Carnival will not figure into the calculations.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Final Fantasy
PlayStation 5
February 29, 2024
Square Enix