One Final Fantasy fan has compared the scenes of the original Final Fantasy 7 with the newly released Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth trailer. The latest trailer for Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth was released during Summer Games Fest 2023, showcasing plenty of the game's fan favorite areas, like Cosmo Canyon. While there is plenty to dissect from this trailer, many fans have taken to comparing some of the shots from the trailer to the original Final Fantasy 7, showing not only how different the two games look, but just how similar they are as well.

Final Fantasy 7 is one of the most beloved RPGs of all time, and an important part of PlayStation's history, one that wouldn't have happened if Final Fantasy 7 were to release on Nintendo 64 as originally planned. With its rich world and in-depth characters, it managed to capture the hearts of millions and still does to this day. Final Fantasy 7 Remake in 2020 gave plenty of love to the parts of the original players remember the most.

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It seems things will be the same for Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth as one fan compared shots from the original game with its remake. Posting on TikTok, user huntevs uploaded a short clip that shows the scenes from both games together. The video shows off the Chocobo Ranch, the team's meeting with Bugenhagen in Cosmo Canyon, as well as the subsequent encounter and battle with Rude and Elena later on in what are seemingly the Cosmo Canyon's caverns. Despite the difference in the 27 years since the game's original release, there is plenty to of similarities as well as differences.

Many in the comments asked for more videos like this, enjoying the comparison between the two games. As there are to be plenty that players will find familiar with the two games, there will also be that which is different, like the order in which the players will come to certain Final Fantasy 7 locations - not to mention the monumental story event that occurred in the previous game that will allude to possibly greater changes in the future story.

While there will be players who may disagree with the changes made in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, there are plenty who praised Final Fantasy 7 Remake's new direction, claiming it to be a fresh take on the original's story. Fans will have to wait until the turn of the new year, however, with the next game set to come out sometime in 2024.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth launches early 2024 for PS5.

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