There are plenty of highlights in Final Fantasy 7, but one of the bigger ones is the main party. Final Fantasy 7's playable cast is fondly remembered thanks to their distinct designs, personalities, and the different ways they interact as the story proceeds. As the Final Fantasy 7 Remake trilogy continues into Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, many fans are discovering this all over again thanks to how the games' increased number of cutscenes develop each character's personality even more than the original.

With Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth supposedly around the corner, the FF7 community shouldn't have long to wait before they get another chance to hang out with Cloud Strife and his friends. Regardless of whether the Remake trilogy follows the story beats of the PS1 game, it should still hit all the same iconic moments and character arcs that truly bring the party together and keep the player invested. With FF7 Rebirth starting after much of the core cast has assembled, it may be time to double down on them being comrades and make sure that the player can feel it during gameplay.

RELATED: 10 Character Stories That Need To Be Expanded On In Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

The FF7 Party's Bonds Must Always Stay In Focus

final fantasy 7 remake part 2 reveal

Beating overwhelming odds through the power of friendship is an old but ever-relevant trope. It doesn't need to be done in a complex way to stay satisfying in many contexts. Even so, FF 7 veterans have already experienced a ragtag crew made up of former Final Fantasy's Avalanche and Shinra members pulling together to defeat a world-ending threat. Final Fantasy 7 Remake followed that up by establishing the core cast of Cloud, Barret, Tifa, and Aerith as good friends, so there's only so much future story arcs can do to develop them in new ways

Instead, as characters naturally form relationships through their shared experiences, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth should focus on delivering this aspect through gameplay as well. "Show, don't tell" is the operative phrase here, and it should help players grow attached to the extended party. This can manifest to a degree in cutscenes and dialogue, but again, this is something that Final Fantasy 7 Remake and the original have already done. Really, FF7 Rebirth and the third title's best move is to carry on some combat ideas introduced in Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade.

Battle Mechanics Can Bring FF7 Rebirth's Party Together

final fantasy 7 intergrade episode intermission yuffie sonon

Yuffie Kisaragi's Episode INTERmission DLC for FF7R Intergrade featured her as the only playable character, but with an expanded moveset that matches a full party in versatility. Assisting her in this is her partner Sonon, a Dragoon-adjacent fighter who can be directed through both menu commands and a special Synergized state. The duo can play like a single character, letting loose a continuous assault that can even culminate in paired Limit Breaks once that is unlocked. Many suspect that this special episode is a testing ground for future FF7 installments, and they should take advantage of its innovations.

To demonstrate the growing bonds between Final Fantasy 7's party, FF7 Rebirth should rope some of Yuffie and Sonon's team mechanics back into regular gameplay. Fully synchronizing characters might be difficult given how different ranged characters can play from melee ones, but some ATB actions should still be paired. This would play out like Double and Triple Techs from Chrono Trigger's party members, giving certain party members special commands and even Limit Breaks when particular characters are in play. If nothing else, it would be heartwarming to see Yuffie reclaim some of her INTERmission abilities after she's learned to trust the party. The precise gameplay and story differences Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth will bring are still unknown, but the main cast and their bonds should persist through it.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is set to release in Winter 2023 for PS5.

MORE: Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 2 Should Introduce New Characters