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When it comes to a roleplaying epic, players want to be challenged and discover new things as they progress. With plenty of dangerous enemies to vanquish and a party of interesting characters to develop, it is no surprise that Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth will be a long investment for all those who want to experience everything there is to offer.

It is not just about getting the best gear for the party either. Cloud and the gang can use all sorts of skills to aid in combat, with the best ones often locked behind the Party Level feature. For those who are hoping to raise the Party Level quickly in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, this guide is the best place to start.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's Massive Open World Makes its Map Menu More Valuable Than Ever

Players could realy on just the mini-map in Final Fantasy 7 Remake, but Rebirth's size and exploration make the full map menu a necessity.

What is Party Level in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth?

Party Level serves as a measurement of your party's readiness, distinct from the individual character level. Unlike individual level, the Party Level is only increased when players hit a certain threshold for party experience. This is not gained normally through winning in combat; rather, it is only earned by completing certain objectives in the open world.

What is Party Level in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

By increasing the Party Level, players will start to unlock new Folios for each of their party members. This allows them to spend SP to pick up new Synergy Skills and Abilities, as well as other useful abilities. There is no need for unnecessary busywork either, as the Folios will automatically unlock at certain Party Levels.

Increasing Party Level in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

With this in mind, it is important that players go out of their way to explore the large open world and take on as many tasks as possible to raise their Party Level. These tasks include:

Side Quests

Not only are they a key part of the adventure, but completing side quests in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth comes with the added bonus of awarding Party XP as well. Not only are you gaining potentially lucrative rewards, improving relationships, and finding new locations, but at the same time, your Party Level will be getting a boost.

Main Story Progression

There will often be major flashpoints in the game that players will go through. Completing these sequences will reward Party XP as well. It is a good bonus to have just by progressing the main story. However, these are few and far between, so make sure you are doing other things and not relying on these alone.

World Intel Tasks

Increasing Party Level in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Be sure to seek out Chadley's World Intel requests outside Midgar. Each request fulfilled awards 5 Party XP. These requests include locating Protorelics, Lifesprings, and accomplishing combat intel, as well as excavation intel. The more you get done, the higher your Party Level will be. One of the best activities in this category is that of Remnawave Towers, which not only gives Party XP, but also has the added bonus of marking nearby World Intel points of interest when activated. Be sure to seek them out as soon as you can.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Final Fantasy
PlayStation 5
February 29, 2024
Square Enix