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It is always a good idea to have plenty of money in reserve in any game. For an RPG adventure like Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, it pays to have as much Gil as possible to invest in whatever provisions or equipment you need for the challenges ahead.

In the early parts of the game, Gil can indeed be hard to come by. It is thus important that players maximize their sources of income when the opportunities arise, so that they have a good nest egg to depend on even late into the upcoming battles. Use this guide on how to get Gil fast in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth to do just that.

How Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth’s Ramuh Compares to the FF16 Eikon

The Lightning Summon called Ramuh has had multiple incarnations in the Final Fantasy series, and his two recent incarnations starkly contrast.

How to Earn Gil Fast in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

There are several ways in which players can boost their in-game wealth. Most of them have to do with the inventory and the many items that Cloud and the rest of the gang will pick up.

Selling Excess Items

Just like any good old JRPG, there will be many items clogging up the inventory that players might not need. These can be healing items, equipment, and all sorts of products that may or not come in handy. As progress is made in the main story, more items will become obsolete, at which point they can be sold for a tidy profit. Getting rid of Potions makes sense when you have access to Hi-Potions, and as you get better gear, older pieces of armor and weapons can all be sold off. Even Materia can be sold for a good amount of Gil whenever you need it.



There will also be plenty of resources that players will pick up as they explore the world, often leading to an excessive amount of crafting materials sitting around. Rather than not using them, start transmuting your extra resources into more valuable items using various recipes. The items can then be sold for pure profit without having any impact on the party.

Finding Treasure Chests

In each of the open regions that players can explore, they can find Caches, with a set number of Treasure Chests within that area. Be sure to seek them all out, as they can contain anything from more Gil to equipment that can be sold away.

The same goes for buried treasure, which is often indicated by a large swelling of bunnies in an area. Call up your Chocobo and start sniffing, which will then lead to hidden treasure that will boost the coffers.



An unavoidable activity in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is combat. Players can make the most of these encounters by obtaining the Gil Up material, which increases the amount of Gil received in battle by 100%. Now, it pays to eliminate as many enemies as possible, giving you more money to put into your savings.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Final Fantasy
PlayStation 5
February 29, 2024
Square Enix