
  • The Gold Saucer in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is expected to feature updated versions of classic mini-games from the original game, providing fans with nostalgic gameplay experiences.
  • The G-Bike mini-game, which was well-received in Final Fantasy 7 Remake, is likely to make a comeback in the Gold Saucer, along with other fan-favorite mini-games like Arm Wrestling and Mog House.
  • The introduction of the Gold Saucer implies the inclusion of the location's signature currency, GP, which could offer players the chance to win powerful weapons and accessories as prizes, as well as potential Easter Eggs referencing the original game.

The Gold Saucer has been a fan-favorite location in the Final Fantasy universe for a long time, with the recent reveal of the mini-game hub appearing in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth causing quite the stir for the upcoming remake. From the footage seen so far in the latest Final Fatnasy 7 Rebirth trailer, it also appears that the Gold Saucer might be a gold mine for Easter Eggs from the original location.

Although there are some notable story beats that happen in Gold Saucer, including the introduction of Cait Sith, this location's main draw to Final Fantasy 7 fans was a combination of atmosphere and a collection of mini-games. So, many fans will be happy to see that these mini-games might be one of many references back to the original game within the updated Gold Saucer.

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Gold Saucer's Retro Mini-Games Upscaled in HD

final fantasy 7 rebirth chocobo

Some of the new footage shown in the recent Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth trailer has completely confirmed a number of the classic mini-games from the original games. These include classics like 3D Battler and G-Bike, which have become iconic to Final Fantasy 7 in the much more limited form that simply reused other gameplay segments from throughout the game. Considering the update of these segments across the original and the first installment of the remake, this could make for some much better mini-games than what would fit in the original Gold Saucer.

The G-Bike especially has a lot of promise, since the motorcycle segment from Final Fantasy 7 Remake had already been well received in 2020. With that being the case about the G-Bike, the same will likely be said about other mini-games that had previously made an appearance in the original Gold Saucer. This could hopefully include more fan-favorites like the Arm Wrestling game and Mog House. Additionally, this could include improvements to more divisive mini-games like Snowboarding, which still hasn't made an appearance in the remakes.

On top of these mini-games, the introduction of the Gold Saucer also implies that this will also bring the location's signature currency to Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, and the many rewards that come with it. This GP was an addition to Gold Saucer that helped the amusement park vibe of the locale, but also could offer players the opportunity to win some of Final Fantasy 7's stronger weapons and accessories as prizes. However, this would also be a perfect chance for Square Enix to include even more Easter Eggs into the upcoming remake, such as figurines and charms that call back to the original game.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's New and Improved Battle Arena

final fantasy 7 rebirth gbike

In addition to the mini-games that seem to have been recreated with intricate detail, the return of Gold Saucer also implies that the combat arena in Battle Square is making a comeback. Fans of the first Final Fantasy 7 Remake might easily remember two separate arena-style combat encounters. However, the Gold Saucer from the original Final Fantasy 7 had its own type of arena that followed drastically different rules than the standard gameplay. So, this could be the case as the Gold Saucer expands away from Wonder Square and into the unique puzzle that is Battle Square.

Considering the new style that the Final Fantasy 7 Remake series has given to combat, the Battle Square is one section that could be interesting to see updated from the original version. Specifically, it is the compounding slot mechanic and the increasing rewards based on how harshly this RNG punishes the player. Combing this slot mechanic with the new action combat of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth could make for much more compelling battle challenges than Chadley's VR arenas.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is set to release February 24, 2024, for PS5.

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