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The world of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is absolutely massive, filled with an abundance of encounters and activities designed to keep Cloud and his party constantly occupied. As expected, every time the group completes one of these encounters, they gain experience towards leveling up and receiving a handful of benefits. In this way, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth follows the conventions of the genre and series it belongs to. With this in mind, many players will likely wonder: just how high can Cloud and the party level up?

Reaching the max level in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth will take considerable time, and requires Cloud and the party to do just about everything they possibly can in the game, sometimes more than once. This guide will show players what the max level is, and give a general overview of how to reach it.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Review

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is an epic-scale adventure with an unforgettable cast of characters that will keep players busy for dozens of hours.

What is the Maximum Level in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth?


The Maximum Level in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is Level 70. This is twenty levels higher than the max level in Rebirth's predecessor, Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Given the considerable increase in world size and side content, the addition of 20 levels to the cap is absolutely justified.

How to Reach the Level Cap in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth:

While Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth does offer an immense amount of content, reaching level 70 still requires players to work fairly hard if they intend to reach it. Here are a few things to keep in mind when going for the power ceiling:

  • Difficulty level has a significant impact on EXP gained. While all of FF7 Rebirth's difficulty levels will require some amount of grinding to reach the cap, playing on Easy will require considerably more than even Normal. Those wishing to reach the level cap should certainly consider sticking to Normal or Hard.
  • Take the time to complete every POI in each region. Aside from the obvious EXP that will be gained, there are many opportunities that are only revealed once certain requirements are met. Boss fights like Rebirth's Quetzalcoatl are great examples.
  • Make sure to distinguish between EXP types. Party and Craftsmanship EXP are different from general level EXP. While these are important to level up in their own right, they do not contribute directly to individual levels.

Does Cloud Start at Level 1 in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth?


Like Remake, Cloud does not begin Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth at level 1. Instead, Cloud begins Remake at level 15 or above, depending on whether the Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Demo save files have been transferred over. Even with the save file, players can play through the opening sequences again, gaining the EXP again before moving on to Kalm and the Grasslands.

How to Get the Grind it Out Trophy in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Chadley in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Along with Cloud, each member of the party will also level up. The 'Grind it Out' trophy is awarded for getting an ally to Level 70, which, as the name suggests, can be a significant grind. There is little doubt that, just like Cloud, the fastest way to do this will be in Hard mode. Make sure to do the following to reach Level 70:

  • Complete everything available in each region. When looking at the world map, players will see a large string of nodes that represent each individual task the party can complete in that region. Once every node is filled, players will know they have completed everything.
  • Complete everything Chadley has to offer. The combat simulator will be one of the best tools for grinding.
  • Utilize the Musclehead Colosseum to grind out as many levels as possible.