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During Chapter 5 of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, players will have to navigate the Corel Mines as Yuffie. While Cloud, Aerith, and Red take a quick break, Tifa and Barret join Yuffie on a climb to reach the control panel and lower a bridge. After fending off monsters and climbing up through the Mines with aid of a grappling hook, they find a bird's nest atop the control panel. Unfortunately, a rather large and angry predator has also found the nest.

Naturally, Yuffie and the others intervene, leading to a boss fight against the Gigatrice. In Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, Tifa has gained some better options for reaching enemies in the air, making this fight a bit less troublesome than it could have been. Nonetheless, the Gigatrice is a formidable foe with a range of dangerous attacks, so here are some tips and tricks to take it down.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Best Magic Materia, Ranked

In Square Enix's Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, Magic Materia can make a huge difference in battle. Here are the best ones in the open-world JRPG.

How to Defeat the Gigatrice

The Gigatrice spends a lot of this fight airborne, which can be troublesome for melee-focused characters like Tifa. Begin by using the Assess Materia to view the Gigatrice's weaknesses and get an idea of how to pressure it.

As the Assess screen says, players should try to pressure it and force it to land. Fire damage is the most effective against the Gigatrice, so use Yuffie's Fire Ninjutsu skill and go to town. Barret should use the Bonus Round ability and unload with Maximum Fury whenever his ATB Gauge is full. If any of the three have the Bio Materia equipped, they should also try to poison the Gigatrice. Tifa can take advantage of her Heavenly Ascent Synergy skill to get airborne and attack the Gigatrice while it's in the air, which can do tons of damage but leaves Tifa in a vulnerable position if timed badly.

Phase 1 Attacks

FF7R_Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth_Gigatrice_Rough Landing

Initially, one of the Gigatrice's preferred ranged attacks will be Aero, so watch for the green flash beneath a character and dodge away from it. It will also use "Rough Landing", hovering for a moment above a character and then dropping down onto them. This can also be avoided by dodging to the side as it begins the attack and offers a brief opportunity to hit it on the ground before it takes off again. The Gigatrice will sometimes breath a line of Petrifying Breath, starting directly below it and sweeping upward and outward in a straight line. This can be avoided with a dodge to the left or right.

When the Gigatrice is pressured enough to land, it will be vulnerable for a second before resuming the attack. On the ground, it can attack with Rake, a hop and talon slash as it moves forward slightly, and also with a fast Tail Sweep that spins and hits everything close to it. These can both be blocked, and this is likely the best way to avoid them, since both attacks come out incredibly fast. The Gigatrice will also wind up for a running charge, which moves in a straight line and damages anything it collides with. This can be dodged by moving quickly to the left or right, since it cannot change direction after beginning the charge. The Gigatrice retains its Petrifying Breath attack when grounded, firing it straight ahead.

Once the Gigatrice has lost around a third of its health, it will enter Phase 2.

Phase 2 Attacks & Strategy Changes

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth_FF7 Rebirth_Gigatrice_Talon Assault

The Gigatrice will enter phase 2 by demonstrating its "Conjure Cyclones" ability. This does exactly what it says it does, creating cyclones that will deal damage to anyone who touches them. These can do a lot of damage if they hit someone, but can also be used against the Gigatrice to great effect. These Cyclones can be targeted with spells to infuse them with an element, which will cause them to pressure the Gigatrice if it comes into contact with them. This trick should be mixed into the combat tactics used during the first phase to bring the Gigatrice down more quickly. You'll know that a cyclone can be targetted when a red targeting circle appears on it (this seems to only appear when the controlled party member is close enough to use magic on it.)

Along with the regular Cyclones, the Gigatrice can also now conjure a Petrifying Cyclone. This Cyclone will appear at the Gigatrice's location and expand outward, damaging anyone near it and inflicting the petrify status effect. This can only be avoided by backing away from the Gigatrice quickly.

The Gigatrice will also use "Talon Assault" during this phase, an aerial charge towards a target followed by talon swipes. This can be blocked, but can also be avoided by dodging to the side when the charge begins. A similar attack called "Gliding Harrier" will have it skimming the ground as it charges headfirst towards a target, which can be avoided in the same way. It will also begin using the "Double Talon Rake", another aerial attack where it slashes at a target below it with both of its talons. Due to the speed of this attack, it is best to block it.

Along with these new melee attacks, Gigatrice also upgrades Aero to Aerora during this phase of the fight and will occasionally use Wind Barrier.