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While Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth has a wide range of playable characters for different playstyles, fans are quite curious to learn more about Cait Sith in particular in the game.

Cait Sith's short cameo in Final Fantasy 7 Remake managed to leave a lasting impression on fans. While many were disappointed that the character was not playable in the game, fans were expecting that they would get to see more of him in the sequel. Thankfully, Cait Sith is playable in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, and here is how players can unlock them in the game.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: How To Beat Mindflayer

The Mindflayer is a notorious fiend that is hungry for brains. Here is how FF7 Rebirth players can overcome it in battle.

How To Unlock Cait Sith In The Game?

ff7 rebirth caith sith 2

Cait Sith is not available to play in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth until much later in the game. Precisely, players will only be able to play as him in the latter half of the game, in Chapter 9 - The Planet Stirs. However, players will meet him a bit before that, during the events of Chapter 8 - All that Glitters.

Right when players head to the Haunted Hotel at the Gold Saucer to rest, Cait Sith makes a remarkable entry in his trademark goofy persona. However, soon after that, players will find themselves in a situation once again. Barret gets accused of a crime, and players have to ensure that he is acquitted, so they embark on a journey to the Corel Prison to find the real culprit. Once players return, Cait Sith will join them and players will be able to play as him by editing their party in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

Is Cait Sith Good In Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth?

While Cait Sith is hands down one of the most fun characters to play in the game, he is definitely not a good choice when it comes to defeating some strong enemies especially bosses in the game. That being said, he does have some really handy abilities that can prove to be quite useful from time to time. For instance, his signature ability, Let's Ride!, summons his Moogle. His Moogle can used in an array of ways, including as a mount as well as a standalone party member.

Depending on what players choose, the abilities will vary. While Cait Sith might not stand out in one department as such, his versatility especially with his Moogle makes him easily a really enjoyable character to play as. If not for boss fights, players can definitely use it quite frequently for fighting overworld enemies, as it can add a new dynamic to the combat which might get a bit monotonous by that point in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Final Fantasy
PlayStation 5
February 29, 2024
Square Enix