
  • Yuffie was greatly improved in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, offering unique abilities like Banishment and Elemental Ninjutsu.
  • Her weapons, like the Fuma Shuriken and Savage Dagger, provide different strengths and playstyles for versatile combat.
  • Acquiring Yuffie's abilities, such as Windstorm and Doppelganger, adds depth and fun gameplay elements to Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

Yuffie got kind of a bad rap in the original game. She was an extra character who didn’t get to play in the main story much. She was greatly improved in the DLC for Final Fantasy 7 Remake and she remains just as fun to play in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

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Yuffie is a cross between a close-range and a long-range character because she can toss her giant shurikens at enemies or use them for melee combat. There are seven to get in the game and Yuffie can learn abilities from them. Here are the seven shurikens for Yuffie in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth ranked by their usefulness in battle. There will be spoilers on where to find these weapons.

7 Banishment (Crystalline Cross)

An Ability To Strengthen Others

Crystalline Cross weapon in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
  • Location: Gold Saucer

Yuffie can get the Crystalline Cross in Gold Saucer which has the Banishment ability attached. Banishment can be cast on the enemy and then whenever Yuffie uses an ability on that enemy, that damage will be increased.

It’s only for weapon abilities though so damage doesn’t stack from normal attacks or spells using Magic Materia like Fire in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. Yuffie starts with a great offensive attack called Art of War. This is a good combo to use with Banishment along with other abilities Yuffie can learn from the following weapons.

6 Purification (Fuma Shuriken)

Drain Enemies Of HP/MP

Fuma Shuriken weapon in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
  • Location: Temple of the Ancients

Purification is a slightly better version of Banishment but it doesn’t feel like an ultimate ability for Yuffie’s ultimate weapon. The weapon in question, the Fuma Shuriken, can be found in the final dungeon of the game: The Temple of the Ancients. It has great stats but an average ability attached, unlike other characters like Aerith who gets an outstanding weapon ability like Noble Sacrifice with her Gambanteinn.

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Purification can be cast on an enemy and then whatever damage Yuffie does to it, she will absorb a fraction of HP and MP from it. The MP absorption is the better of the two gains from this ability as it’s hard to keep those numbers high at the end of the game.

5 Blindside (Savage Dagger)

Nothing Can Stop This Ninja

Savage Dagger weapon in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
  • Location: Yuffie’s Default

Yuffie is kind of like a ninja god in this game as she has the tools to seemingly get out of every situation and to take advantage of every situation. For example, no one likes status effects in RPGs as they can be frustrating in battle. If Yuffie gets hit by a paralyzing status effect where she can’t move, Blindside is an ability that will negate those status effects.

Blindside can be gained from the Savage Dagger which is one of Yuffie’s two starting weapons. Activating it will launch Yuffie forward with a deadly strike on her opponents. It won’t cure the status effect, but it does give Yuffie something to do if everyone else is paralyzed in the party.

4 Shooting Star (Crescent Sickle)

An Improved Throw

Crescent Sickle weapon in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
  • Location: Cosmo Canyon Region (Bonds of Trust Side Quest)

There are a lot of weapons in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth tied to mini-games which makes acquiring them challenging in some cases. To get the Chocobo of the Cosmo Canyon region, players have to go through multiple courses with their Chocobo and fly through targets. The precision players have to have is near pixel-perfect.

If players ace the course completely they can get Yuffie’s Crescent Sickle with the Shooting Star ability. Shooting Star will send Yuffie’s weapon soaring across the battlefield, piercing through any enemy it touches. It’s more effective if players target an enemy in the distance rather than one close to Yuffie. It’s like a more effective Throw command, but Yuffie can’t warp to the spot.

3 Windstorm (Twin Viper)

Get Over Here!

Twin Viper weapon in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
  • Location: Coal Mines

Yuffie has a lot of magical power brewing inside of her which makes her hunger for Materia in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth all the more weird. For example, she can summon literal wind storms with the help of the Twin Viper weapon. It can be acquired in Corel’s Coal Mines when Yuffie, Barret, and Tifa have their separate adventure from Cloud and the others.

It will teach her Windstorm which will create the aforementioned wind turbines in the field. Besides targeting a large area, these gusts of wind will also bring enemies to Yuffie like Scorpion’s classic grappling move in Mortal Kombat.

2 Elemental Ninjutsu (Four-Point Shuriken)

The Right Element For The Job

Four-Point Shuriken weapon in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
  • Location: Yuffie’s Default

The Four-Point Shuriken is the other default weapon Yuffue begins with in the game and it’s her standard weapon across the series. It can teach her Elemental Ninjutsu which will imbue her weapon with either fire, ice, wind, or lightning elemental magic. There is a Support Materia in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth that can do this as well, Elemental, but players have to prep setups before a battle begins.

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Elemental Ninjutsu makes Yuffie more flexible on the fly for any situation that comes up. It’s a carryover from her DLC episode with the PS5 version of Final Fantasy7 Remake. It was devastating in that game and it remains true here.

1 Doppelganger (Bird of Prey)

Yuffie’s Shadow Clone Jutsu

Bird of Prey weapon in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
  • Location: Gongaga Village

Yuffie borrows from a lot of high-profile anime ninjas like Naruto from his titular series. One of his main moves allows Naruto to clone himself, and that’s what Doppelganger does for Yuffie in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. It can be learned via the Bird of Prey weapon found in Gongaga Village. The clone of her looks hilarious too as it’s quite goofy looking if players zoom in with the photo mode.

As goofy-looking as it is, it helps Yuffie gain a cloned copy of her melee attacks. It’s like getting a fourth party member in the game albeit a weaker one. Still, every little extra attack can make the difference during Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth’s combat, especially with challenging boss fights.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

PlayStation 5
February 29, 2024
Square Enix