
  • Red 13's absence in the initial remake was compensated with unique weapon abilities in the sequel, enhancing gameplay.
  • Various collars in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth provide Red 13 with powerful abilities like healing, haste, and devastating attacks.
  • Mini-games like Run Wild in Costa Del Sol offer players the chance to unlock special abilities like Chilling Roar for Red 13.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake was a bold move on many levels. Calling the game a remake and having it just focus on Midgar is one example. In the original game, that section is barely a fraction of the overall whole. Because it was so focused on that section, some classic characters were missing.

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Red 13 got in at the end but he wasn’t playable like everyone else. Thankfully, the developers made up for his absence and his controllable build in this sequel is well-liked. Red 13's weapons in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth are collars which are more like enhancements for him. Let’s go through the seven he can get in the game with spoilers on their locations.

7 Watcher’s Respite (Golden Collar)

Red’s Version Of Prayer

Golden Collar weapon in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
  • Location: Gongaga Reactor

The Golden Collar can be retrieved in the Gongaga Reactor during Chapter 9 of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. It has the Watcher’s Respite ability attached to it which isn’t a god-tier ability but it is nice to have. The ability will deplete Red 13’s Vengeance meter to heal all allies, including himself, on the battlefield.

Vengeance mode is Red 13’s triangle prompt on the PS5 controller which takes some effort to use beyond other characters’ specials like Cloud’s Punisher Mode. Once players beat the game, they will unlock hard mode. In this difficulty option, players can’t use items during combat. That’s when healing Magic Materia and healing abilities like Watcher’s Respite become the most useful.

6 Watcher’s Spirit (Mystic Collar)

A Motivational Sacrifice

Mystic Collar weapon in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
  • Location: Cave of the Gi

After Gongaga, the party will head toward the Cosmo Canyon region for Chapter 10 of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. During Red 13’s trial in the Cave of the Gi, he can acquire the Mystic Collar for himself. This collar weapon will teach him Watcher’s Spirit which acts similarly to Watcher’s Respite.

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Here's every Knuckles ability Tifa can learn in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

In exchange for the Vengeance meter, the ability will refill the party’s ATB bars which are used to do everything from cast spells to use items. It’s a close tie with Watcher’s Respite but Watcher’s Spirit narrowly beats it out. With full ATB bars, other characters can heal the party or do whatever.

5 Supernal Fervor (Amethyst Collar)

Time Is On Their Side

Amethyst Collar weapon in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
  • Location: Coal Mines (Of Robed Men and Ransoms Side Quest)

Supernal Fervor is attached to the Amethyst Collar. It’s tied to a quest in the game called Of Robed Men and Ransoms located in Corel. Dr. Sheiran will task the party with tracking down lost robed men from his clinic who wandered into the Coal Mines.

It’s a story side quest players should tackle in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth for the reward and the lore drops. Now, Supernal Fervor is yet another ability that can be cast on the entire party. It takes 2 ATB charges and it will cast Haste on the party which will in turn increase the recharge rate of the ATB gauge for a limited time.

4 Crescent Claw (Renegade’s Collar)

A Basic But Powerful Strike

Renegade’s Collar weapon in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
  • Location: Mythril Mine

The Renegade’s Collar can be found in another one of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth’s mines, the Mythril Mine, in Chapter 3. Red 13 can gain the Crescent Claw ability from it which is a basic attack that will get stronger in Vengeance mode. It will get an increase in its range and attack power while in this stance.

The range isn’t going to be anything drastic like Yuffie with her giant Shurikens or Aerith and her basic attack spells. Still, players can at least attempt to hit flying enemies with Crescent Claw and the results may vary every time.

3 Reaper Touch (Brisingamen)

Not Done Yet!

Brisingamen weapon in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
  • Location: Temple of the Ancients

Brisingamen is Red 13’s ultimate weapon which can easily be found in the Temple of the Ancients. It has the Reaper Touch ability which can indeed be as deadly as the Grim Reaper. The ability will get stronger depending on Red 13’s HP level.

It’s one of those abilities that should be reserved for a certain situation. Reaper Touch has the potential to critically bulldoze through an enemy or even a boss in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. Players just have to keep an eye on Red 13’s HP levels before using it.

2 Chilling Roar (Silver Collar)

Protected By Ice

Silver Collar weapon in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
  • Location: Costa del Sol (Run Wild Mini-Game Prize)

There are a lot of mini-games in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth which is a good thing especially since Final Fantasy 7 Remake didn’t have a lot along with the series’ last major installment, Final Fantasy 16. One of the biggest areas with them is in Costa del Sol during Chapter 6. One of them is called Run Wild, which is like Rocket League.

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Completing the top course in Run Wild will unlock the Silver Collar which will in turn grant Red 13 the Chilling Roar ability. Chilling Roar will summon a shield of icicles to surround Red 13 for a limited time. If attacked, these icicles will fly off and counter enemies for a decent amount of damage.

1 Stardust Ray (Mythril Collar)

A Devastating Area Attack

Mythril Collar weapon in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
  • Location: Red 13’s Default

Stardust Ray is not only Red 13’s best ability, but it may also be one of the strongest if not THE strongest attack abilities attached to a weapon in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. Best of all, it’s part of Red 13’s starter weapon simply called the Mythril Collar. For 2 ATB charges, Red 13 will release a mini supernova in the middle of battle.

It will pulsate, pull most enemies toward it, and do continuous damage for a short period. The devastating attack power and the range of it is what makes this a top-notch ability whether players use this on bosses or random monsters.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

PlayStation 5
February 29, 2024
Square Enix