
  • Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth introduces a new "Dynamic" difficulty level that adjusts enemy difficulty based on the player's skill level, offering a thrilling challenge for those who enjoy the fight.
  • The game also includes "Easy" and "Normal" difficulty levels, with Easy mode providing a story-focused playthrough and Normal mode offering a balanced challenge for both combat and story engagement.
  • Players can choose between "Classic" and "Active" combat styles, with Active mode giving total control over characters' actions and Classic mode automating actions, allowing players to focus on selecting commands.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is introducing a brand-new difficulty level, which will add a new level of dynamically adjusted challenge to the JRPG remake. The second part of the FF7 remake will be releasing next February, with gamers greatly anticipating this RPG. Square Enix has been giving out a lot of new details before the game's launch, including things like the story of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth thus far, and what changes to expect between the original and remake.

2020's Final Fantasy 7 Remake's difficulty settings were split into three levels; Easy, Normal, and Hard. Easy mode gave enemies lower HP and the player took less damage. Normal mode would scale things to be a bit more balanced, with it being designed for those to enjoy the game's story and battles. Hard mode is unlocked after beating the game, which makes the enemies stronger and also makes changes to how a player approaches Final Fantasy 7 Remake. The game also had a Classic mode, which was a way to make the game resemble the original turn-based combat instead of being a full action RPG, though it would only be available for Normal or Easy difficulties. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth has these options, along with a brand-new one.

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A new blog post from Square Enix goes into detail about Final Fantasy Rebirth's difficulty options. It denotes how there is an "Easy" difficulty, which is intended for a story-focused playthrough like in FF7 Remake, which will likely have the same modifiers as the 2020 game. The "Normal" difficulty is described as being able to provide a reasonable challenge for those who want to be engaged in both the combat and story. Lastly, there's "Dynamic," which adjusts the enemy's difficulty based on the player's skill level, and is described as being best for those who "love the thrill of the fight."

The dynamic scaling of enemies reminded some fans of other games like Final Fantasy 8, where the enemies would scale to the party's level. The exact details of how enemies are dynamically adjusted weren't outlined entirely, but many fans found that this could be a good change of pace to either play the game the first time or as a New Game Plus mode after beating Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

Just like Final Fantasy 7 Remake, Rebirth also has the option to choose between "Classic" and "Active" combat styles. The "Active" mode retains Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's action RPG combat, giving the player total control over their characters' actions and allowing for greater strategies to be made. "Classic" mode automates the characters' actions, giving players time to focus on selecting commands. While the post doesn't outline a "Hard" mode at this time, it's possible that it will be unlocked after beating Rebirth, giving players another challenge to contend with after the first run.