Well-designed side quests are often hard to come by; developers sometimes want to add more content to a game without distracting players from the main story too much, but this usually means side quests have unfulfilling objectives. For the most part, side quests such as these amount to little more than "fetch and kill" quests, which, as their moniker suggests, see players either fetching an item for the quest-giver or killing an enemy. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is one of the latest games to include plenty of side quests for players to complete, and many of them happen to fall on the better side of quest design. In fact, it's possible for players to miss out on some decent character development and worldbuilding should they skip some of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's side quests.

While many of the side quests offered in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth are more than worth doing, there is one, in particular, that is highly distinct from the others. "When Words Won't Do" is an optional quest that players can pick up once they arrive in Under Junon, and it just so happens to be what is arguably Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's cutest side quest. Its value goes far beyond its cute factor, however, as its design, execution, and even its music all make for a unique experience in the game that other side quests don't provide. As such, perhaps Part 3 of the Final Fantasy 7 Remake trilogy should consider bringing this quest (and its main character) back for an encore.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: One Summon Already Seems Like a Clear Successor to Gilgamesh in Part 3

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth tasked players with completing a grueling set of challenges to unlock Gilgamesh, and Part 3's successor is already clear.

"When Words Won't Do" Needs an Encore in Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 3

"When Words Won't Do" Features an Adorable Dog and Has Its Own Music Track

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's side quests aren't necessarily all the same, but almost none of them stand out like "When Words Won't Do." Not long after they arrive in Under Junon, players can speak to the Under Junon Sheriff, Rhonda, to receive the quest. She then proceeds to task players with escorting Salmon the porter dog as he delivers money to her estranged son. She hasn't seen him since he left town without looking back, and she now wants to send him some Gil as a way of letting him be a “grown man” and live his own life.

Once players meet up with Salmon, a fun electronic music track begins playing to show the quest's main journey has begun. Most of th quest involves nothing more than following Salmon as he braves the wilds of Junon with his newfound friends behind him, but players are also required to overcome multiple enemy encounters along the way. Interestingly, the battle music during this quest has also been exchanged for something electronic that is more akin to the main theme that plays while following Salmon. All of this doesn't necessarily make for an exciting set of objectives, but its uniqueness comes from its adorable animal companion and the upbeat music that plays throughout the quest.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 3 Needs to Bring Back Salmon the Dog

It would be a shame to let such a cute side quest be a one-off after Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, especially after introducing players to Salmon and even giving him his own theme song. As such, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's sequel should see Salmon return for another quest or two. It might be too much to ask to make Salmon a permanent companion, but Part 3 of the Final Fantasy 7 Remake trilogy could still amp up any potential quests associated with him. In any case, it would be nice to see him again in the next game. If not Salmon, then maybe another dog or animal companion with its own theme song could take his place.