The developers of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth have finally revealed their plans for the future of the series. Fans were aware that this story was planned to be told throughout multiple entries, but the unveiling of the sequel's trailer has revealed that this new series will consist of three entries in total.

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The unpredictable approach to this retelling may cause fans to think the future is completely unknown, but this is not the case. Confirmed to be a trilogy, the story of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth can be easily predicted thanks to its origins. Though new plot points are destined to appear, the return and introduction of certain characters are almost guaranteed.

10 Angeal Hewley

Angeal Cropped (1)

Only present in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7, Angeal Hewely is often overshadowed by the more prominent figures in the series, but Rebirth may change this fact. As one of Zack's biggest influences, Angeal's morals have been spread through Zack, and thus into Cloud.

The angelically white feathers presented in the Rebirth trailer have no resemblance to what fans usually associate them with, but that does not render them irrelevant. One of Angeal's most iconic features is his beautiful white wings, so perhaps these feathers are a symbol of his return.

9 Cissnei

Final Fantasy Crisis Core Cissnei

The expert shuriken wielder, Cissnei, is one of Zack's best allies in Crisis Core, often seen offering helpful words of advice whenever she can. Absent from the original game, much of Cissnei's character is hidden in spin-off titles, but this may not be the case in Rebirth.

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As the only playable Turk in Crisis Core, Cissnei is arguably the most important member of the infamous military group. With Zack's return being solidified in the climax of the remake, there is a high chance his trusty companion Cissnei will return to his side in this new entry.

8 Vincent Valentine

final fantasy 7 remake part 2 characters

It has been confirmed by the Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth trailer that Cloud will be returning to his home in Nibelheim. Several harrowing events have taken place in this tiny town, but if the player opts to explore the ruins of this village they may stumble across a new party member.

The basement of the Shinra mansion located in Nibelheim houses more secrets than one. By thoroughly searching the mansion, the player can encounter Vincent Valentine slumbering inside a coffin. If the sequel's story follows the same plot beats, Vincent is guaranteed to appear by Cloud's side once more.

7 Elena

Elena appearing in Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children

Introduced to the party after escaping Midgar, Elena is the only female member of the Turks present in the original game. Her lack of experience may be the sole reason she is not seen during the early stages of the game, but that does not diminish her determination.

Elena encounters the party upon journeying to the Mythril Mines. She explains that she was hired as a Turk after Reno sustained several injuries during his previous battle with Avalanche. It would make sense for her to appear in the upcoming sequel as the timeline would permit it.

6 Nero The Sable

Nero The Sable in Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Known for his appearance in Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy 7, fans may have once believed his existence was confined to one title, but this is no longer the case. His inclusion in Final Fantasy 7 Remake: Intergrade has opened up a world of opportunities in which Nero could appear once more.

Nero's depiction in the remake suggests that he will play a vital role in the upcoming sequel. No longer confined to the laboratory beneath the Shinra Headquarters, Nero is free to unleash his terrifying powers in this new timeline. He will likely reappear in this new tale as an obstacle Cloud will be forced to conquer.

5 Yuffie Kisaragi


The original Final Fantasy 7 saw Yuffie as an optional party member that could only be obtained by chance. While wandering through the forest areas on the world map, the player could randomly encounter Yuffie and eventually convince her to join the party.

Yuffie's appearance in the Intergrade DLC implies that there is a strong likelihood that she will cross paths with Cloud and his companions in the sequel. The original game saw her introduced during the halfway mark, so it would be highly unusual for her to be absent until the third entry.

4 Weiss

weiss-the-immaculate FF7 Remake

The secondary antagonist of Dirge of Cerberus is none other than Weiss, a SOLDIER who escapes the laboratory beneath Shinra Headquarters three years after the events of the original game. As the leader of the terrifying military organization known as Deepground, Weiss commands a frightening level of power.

Weiss' impact on the story of the Intergrade DLC implies that he will take center stage for this new rendition of the story. Developers will likely not want to overuse Sephiroth during this trilogy, so perhaps Weiss may be one of Cloud's primary foes as he journeys through Gaia.

3 Cid Highwind

Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children Cid Highwind

The recurring character of Cid is one of the most iconic individuals present in the Final Fantasy series. Commonly depicted with a passion for airships and space exploration, his portrayal in Final Fantasy 7 is arguably his most sincere appearance to date.

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After journeying to Rocket Town, the player meets Cid, a strong dragoon with a shared hatred of the Shinra Electric Power Company. Though the extent of the upcoming story is still unclear, Cid could very well join the party toward the end of the game, similarly to Red 13 in the previous title.

2 Cait Sith


Cait Sith is one of the most controversial characters present in the original game, but it is difficult to deny his charm. This robotic creature is controlled by Director Reeve Tuesti, an undercover agent who works for Shinra.

Having briefly appeared during the collapse of the Sector 7 plate, Cait Sith is likely to return in the game's sequel to enact his revenge. Originally encountered in the Gold Saucer during the middle portion of the game, Cloud will likely be recruiting him as a party member at some point during the events of Rebirth.

1 Kadaj

Kadaj Trio - FF7 One Winged Angel Composition Facts

Similar to Sephiroth, Kadaj's mind has been manipulated by the power of Jenova. Introduced in Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children, Kadaj's primary goal is to revive his fallen brother and return to his mother's side.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is confirmed to no longer function as a remake, so there is a high chance that some forgotten characters will be revived. Though Kadaj's appearance is confined to a live-action movie set two years after the events of the original game, who's to say he won't return to assist Sephiroth in this new timeline?

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is scheduled to release in Winter 2023.

MORE: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Changes The Sequel Should Make To The Original Story