SPOILERS for Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth ahead.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is finally here, meaning key party members are finally playable in their own right, such as Yuffie Kisaragi, Red XIII, and even Cait Sith. While many Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth players are saddened by the fact that other party members such as Vincent Valentine and Cid Highwind aren't playable, and are made into guest characters at best, the party is rather full with just Cait Sith on his own.

In Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, Cait Sith is arguably the party member that takes up the most screen time, as the recent release sees his character arc all the way through to the end. In the original PS1 game, he wasn't that important, but in Rebirth he takes up the role of being the team's unofficial guide until the later chapters cause a prominent party mix-up. However, from the very beginning, his fortunes make it clear that he's important to the overall story.

One Iconic Boss is Already De-Confirmed for Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 3

Given the changes Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth makes to the story of the original game, one boss is unlikely to appear in the remake trilogy's part 3.

What Cait Sith's Fortunes in the Gold Saucer Say About the Rest of the Game

Cait Sith takes a while before he joins the party proper, but he does his best to earn Cloud and Barret's trust by offering them fortunes after swiping free lodgings for the night for the rest of the party. These fortunes may not seem like much at first glance, but they're actually very important and tease late-game Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth spoilers.

Cait Sith's First Fortune - A Last Minute Surprise

While all of Cait Sith's fortunes are familiar to veteran players, they've been changed a fair deal since the original Final Fantasy 7. This shows the most with the last of the three fortunes, but it's still worth mentioning, given how this one changed to be less of a fortune and more of a push for Cloud and company to allow Cait Sith to travel with them. Talking about "throwing caution to the wind" and "putting trust in others" so a "last minute surprise" can happen certainly fits this bill, even if it doesn't win Cloud and Barret over.

In the original, this fortune was much more fortune cookie-like, stating "Ordinary Luck. It will be an active fortune. Give into the good will towards others, and something good will happen after summer."

Cait Sith's Second Fortune - Black is Cloud's Lucky Color

The second of Cait Sith's fortunes seems simplistic and comedic, but it ties into important information regarding Cloud himself. In FF7 itself, this fortune was most certainly a simplistic fortune, while this one states "watch your belongings. Lucky color: black." This wouldn't mean much if it wasn't for the fact that Cloud is in possession of a very important belonging indeed, and that's the Buster Sword, which once belonged to the black-haired Zack Fair, and, by extension, his mentor Angeal. While this fortune does not mean too much, it hints at Cloud's history and the even deeper secrets of FF7 Rebirth itself.

Cait Sith's Third Fortune - Seek and You Are Sure to Find

Sephiroth holding the sword behind his back

Cloud humors Cait Sith's fortunes, hoping that the cat's predictions could reveal Sephiroth and his location, which is why the first two fortunes don't interest Cloud or Barret much. In a last ditch attempt, Cait Sith gives an incredibly cryptic and unexpected fortune that states "seek and you are sure to find. But alas, you shall forever lose what you cherish most." This doesn't sit well with any of them, and it's within reason as it serves as a very heavy hint for the Aerith scene that longtime Final Fantasy fans expect to lie ahead,

Surprisingly, this cryptic message is one that changed the least between games. It may seem different for those used to Final Fantasy 7 on PS1, as the English dialogue is known to be full of mistranslations that sit differently with specific players, but the one in FF7 Rebirth is much closer to the Japanese original than the PS1's version is. It's heavily ironic, in that way, that the one fortune that was changed the least is foreshadowing the scene that fans desperately wanted to see changed the most, but it'll likely take the third game to understand the truth of Final Fantasy 7 Remake and Rebirth's story at large.