It’s a common trope in RPGs to give the male protagonist a cluster of women to gawk over. Cloud, as the protagonist, isn’t a hound dog like Brock in the Pokemon anime but he does indeed have loyal female friends. Tifa, for example, was his childhood friend whom he left long ago.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Beginner Tips

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth can be confusing for new players. In this guide, they will find useful tips that will help them in their adventure.

Returning to a sort of lost childhood love is a trope in and of itself too. That was an obvious theme in Final Fantasy 7 Remark and it remains a theme in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. The jealousy between Tifa and Aerith is subtle but it is there. Relationships aside, let’s look at Tifa as a singular character and examine her best lines. There will be spoilers.

8 “Cloud, You A**hole!”

Chapter 1, Nibelheim

Young Tifa in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

There is a small Easter Egg in the beginning section of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth during Cloud’s flashback. If players go up to Tifa’s closet they will get a prompt to investigate it. Before they do, players will be asked if they are sure they want to do this.

While the game doesn’t show what Cloud finds, Tifa and Aerith call Cloud an a**hole at the same time for rummaging through her clothes. It will affect their relationships with Cloud so maybe players shouldn’t do it even though it is funny.

7 “Sephiroth, Soldiers, Mako, Shinra, I’m Sick Of This!”

Chapter 1, Mt. Nibel Reactor

Tifa with her dead dad in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

The climactic finale of Cloud’s flashback is a big one in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. Sephiroth has gone wild with mommy energy for Jenova. He burns Nibelheim to the ground and kills anyone on his journey up to Mt. Nibel’s reactor including Brian, Tifa’s dad.

As she finds him, Tifa starts to get angry and even tries to take Sephiroth down with his Masamune sword. The plan backfires, but this gusto from Tifa is riveting even if she failed.

6 “I’m Here Now Because They Were There For Me Then, And Where Were You Again?”

Chapter 2, Kalm

Tifa talking to cloud in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

One of the story changes to Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth has Tifa doubts Cloud was ever in Nibelheim during that Sephiroth incident. Also, Sephiroth is putting the idea in Cloud’s head that Tifa is either lying or is some sort of clone. To prove she is telling the truth, Tifa lifts her shirt to reveal the scar from the Masamune strike.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: 6 Common Mistakes To Avoid

Players will ultimately have an easier time in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth by avoiding these common mistakes.

The scar is right on her chest so of course the game doesn’t show it. Still, this moment at least has Cloud start to believe Tifa even with Sephiroth pushing this lie further in the game.

5 “Ribbit?”

Chapter 4, Junon

Cloud and Tifa as frogs in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

One of the worst status effects in the original game was Frog which literally turned the party into frogs. It’s a status effect in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth as well during combat, but it’s also part of a mini-game called Jumpfrog. In the lower section of Junon, Tifa and the others can find some kids playing in a pink mist that turns them into frogs.

She is one of the first ones to jump in and her reaction is a bunch of ribbits. One of the funniest things about this scene and mini-game is looking at all of the frog forms of the party, especially Red 13.

4 “You Look…Wow.”

Chapter 4, Junon

Tifa as a soldier in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

One of the best reveals in the original game was when players got to see Barret dressed up like a sailor on the Shinra cargo ship. Everyone calls him a marshmallow, which he hates. In Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, Barret’s character actually likes the costume even though he takes offense at first when Tifa says this line.

Another change during this section of a Junon is that Aerith and Tifa are dressed up as soldiers along with Cloud which doesn’t happen until the cargo ship originally. It was a good change to help give the parade mini-game some more pep.

3 “I Get This All The Time.”

Chapter 6, Costa Del Sol

Aerith and Tifa talking to Jenny in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Costa del Sol is a much more expanded location in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth along with most locales. Upon arriving, most of the party splits up including Tifa and Aerith who go on a date together. As they walk around the city, they bump into Jenny who looks a little like Johnny.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Every Playable Character, Ranked

Here's every playable character in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth ranked from worst to best, along with some other interesting info about each one.

She’s obsessed with him and thinks Tifa is trying to steal Johnny away. Upon hearing this, Tifa says she gets this sentiment a lot from other women which is a bit of a humble brag in Jenny’s opinion. Just how often does it happen Tifa?

2 “You’re Afraid Of A Little Video Game?”

Chapter 8, Gold Saucer

Tifa at Gold Saucer in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Like in the original, players can go on a date during the Gold Saucer arc of the game. It’s easier to tell who that person will be because there is a new relationship mechanic in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

If players get Tifa, they can visit a variety of places within Gold Saucer including the arcade area. When she sees the G-Bike mini-game, she’ll encourage Cloud to play it even though he thinks it’s for little kids. It’s one of many cute moments with Tifa in what should be the canonical date of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

1 “No, Don’t Take Him Too!”

Chapter 9, Gongaga Reactor

Cloud and Sephiroth in a white void in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Another big story change happens in the Gongaga reactor. During a boss fight involving Whispers swarming the party, Sephiroth possesses Cloud to strike at Tifa. He misses but she falls into the Lifestream and passes out.

She gets inside a Weapon and starts to see visions including one where things white out. Cloud and Sephiroth are walking away from her to which Sephiroth says, “Your words can’t reach him now.” Is it too late or can Tifa save Cloud’s mind in the next game?

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

PlayStation 5
February 29, 2024
Square Enix