
  • Support Materia in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth can enhance spells, decrease casting time, and link to other Materia for bonuses.
  • Players can find unique Support Materia like Swiftcast, Elemental, HP Absorption, and more by completing specific tasks.
  • Utilizing Support Materia combos strategically can give players an edge in battles, such as absorbing HP or MP, improving spell potency, and reducing costs.

Support Materia as a type can misleading. They are the little blue orbs in the game that are mostly gained through quests or they might be lying in the ground. Support, in RPGs, usually has something to do with stats or recovery.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Beginner Tips

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth can be confusing for new players. In this guide, they will find useful tips that will help them in their adventure.

Complete Materia is the more stat-heavy type in the game like HP Plus Materia which will increase HP by a certain percentage. Support Materia instead can be linked to other Materia for bonuses from imbuing weapons with elements to allowing spells to be cast on everyone. There are a lot of Materia combos players can make in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and Support Materia will help.

8 Swiftcast

Location: Buy From Chadley (Meridian Ocean Region)

Swiftcast Materia in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Swiftcast is one of the last pieces of Support Materia that players can find and it takes some effort too. Players have to unlock Gilgamesh Island by completing all of the Protorelic missions. Once those are done, Chadley’s Meridian Ocean shop will open and offer players some rare Materia.

Swiftcast will simply reduce the casting time needed for spells. Some, like Fire, don’t require this help but others like Comet could definitely benefit from Swiftcast. Players may need that for the upcoming fight with Gilgamesh.

7 Elemental

Location: Obtained Through Battle Intel: Conqueror of the Skies

Elemental Materia in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Elemental has a defensive and offensive tinge to its support. A linked Materia like Ice will imbue the equipped weapon with Ice elemental powers. So, if a monster is weak to Ice then it will be a lot easier to put them into Pressured or Staggered states.

Unfortunately, some monsters have resistance to spells completely and there’s no way to switch weapons mid-battle in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, so it’s a risk-reward system that requires some planning. Alternatively, an Ice Elemental combo on armor can reduce Ice attacks which is another valid strategy.

6 HP Absorption

Location: Buy From Chadley (Corel Region)

HP Absorption Materia in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

HP Absorption operates similarly to the Elemental defense combo. However, a linked Materia in this relationship will absorb the damage instead. Let’s say HP Absorption gets equipped to someone like Cloud along with the Wind Materia.

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If a monster uses Aero on him then that attack will partially heal Cloud instead. It’s the better of the two defensive combos but it still requires some planning.

5 MP Absorption

Location: Buy From Chadley (Nibel Region)

MP Absorption Materia in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

MP Absorption is the opposite coin to HP Absorption and operates the same way. A linked Materia will absorb damage with MP recovery instead of HP recovery. So much of this game requires players to make headway in battle by breaking defensive barriers.

The best way to do that is by exploiting elemental weaknesses similar to other RPGs like Persona 5. MP stats, even with Materia like MP Up, are relatively low so any way to recover MP in battle without wasting turns on Ethers is always a good thing.

4 Magic Focus

Location: Buy From Chadley (Gongaga Region)

Magic Focus Materia in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Magic Focus operates similarly in this game to an ability that many Black Mages have in the series. For example, Vivi from Final Fantasy 9 can use the command Focus to increase the potency of his next spell.

That’s what Magic Focus does to the linked Materia in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. Comet would be a good Materia to link this with until Swiftcast is unlocked. Another good combo would be Healing Materia as spells like Cure would recover more HP.

3 Magic Efficiency

Location: Buy From Chadley (Junon Region)

Magic Efficiency Materia in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Magic Efficiency is a Support Materia that will help keep MP numbers up as well. It will reduce the linked Materia’s cost which will improve as Magic Efficiency levels up. For example, a Lightning spell may normally cost 6MP but Magic Efficiency can reduce that number perhaps down to four.

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Reducing Lightning spells is fine, but it is better to link Magic Efficiency with higher-costing Materia. To bring it up again, Comet would be a good alternative.

2 AP Up

Location: Mythril Mines

AP Up Materia in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Some Materia in this game can level up to the max relatively easily such as the main tenants of elements including Fire, Lightning, and Ice. Others take a lot longer to level up such as HP Up which is an example of Complete Materia. HP Up and MP Up are two Materia that every character should have equipped.

To make them level up faster, players can attach AP Up with them as it will increase AP earned in battle. Unfortunately, there aren’t many opportunities to get AP Up Materia in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and the Mythril Mines in Chapter 3 is the earliest example.

1 Magnify

Location: Cait Sith Starts With It

Magnify Materia in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Magnify is a reformed Support Materia that was called All in the original game. It allowed players to cast spells like Cure on the entire party. Players could use this offensively as well such as casting Ice on all enemies. It was an easy-to-obtain piece of Materia in Final Fantasy 7 that became extremely rare in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth as players can’t get it until Chapter 9 via Cait Sith.

Nearly every Magic-based Materia could be improved with Magnify such as the aforementioned Cure spell or players could hasten their ATB gauges by using Time Materia on the party. The flexibility and all-encompassing effect of Magnify make it an easy number one.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

PlayStation 5
February 29, 2024
Square Enix