
  • Security Officer is a great filler card for early decks, perfect for setting up sidelines in Queen's Blood matches.
  • Midgardsormr is essential for Blight decks, dominating lanes with its scaling abilities and pairing well with other cards.
  • Yuffie is arguably the best hero card, enabling self-enfeeble effects for Enfeeble decks and wiping the board with high-power cards.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is truly a spectacle to behold. Remaking a foundational game is a no-brainer, but rivaling the original would be impossible for a worse developer. Square Enix's follow-up to their 2020 success, Final Fantasy 7 Remake, perfectly re-imagines the remaining content of Final Fantasy 7's disc one. This title also introduced Queen's Blood, which has become addictive for fans. The mini-game is one of the few in Rebirth to dodge the criticism of gamers, and in anticipation of a potential standalone release, many fans are searching for the best cards to bolster their decks.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Queen's Blood DLC Wish List

Queen's Blood is one of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's most endearing and addictive activities, and there are ways an expansion could enhance it.

The best Queen's Blood cards fluctuate depending on where the player is in the game. The best cards in Chapter 2 will not be the best in Chapter 10. This is expected, especially since Queen's Blood cards are locked behind progression, and as gamers progress, their decks will get stronger along with them. But a major part of the genius of Queen's Blood is that it allows for early-game decks to still be viable in the end game. All in all, these are the best Queen's Blood cards in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

10 Security Officer

A Great Filler Card

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Security Officer
  • Pawn Cost - 1
  • Card Power - 1
  • Card Effect - N/A

Security Officer is a card players will receive with their starter deck. It's a phenomenal filler card and should be included if needed. The card can be played in the middle lane to push and set up the sidelines, and it is pivotal in those early matches.

Players need to include cards that cost 1 Pawn in their decks. Cards like Security Officer, Mandragora, and Crystalline Crabs are all good examples of these low-cost cards, and players that prefer these other cards can swap out Security Officer for them.

9 Midgardsormr

A Must-Have For Blight Decks

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Midgardsormr
  • Pawn Cost - 3
  • Card Power - 6
  • Card Effect - When allied and enemy cards are destroyed, raise this card's power by 1

This card is pivotal for Blight decks, and Blight players will want to primarily focus on Midgardsormr's card effect. If the player can start the match with Capparwire, Crawler, and Midgardsormr early, they'll be in a good position to win the match.

Midgardsormr can easily take over a lane with its great scaling abilities, and patient players will dominate the other lanes safely with this card. It can be found by defeating Cameron in Chapter 4.

8 Fat Chocobo

Situational, But Effective

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Fat Chocobo
  • Pawn Cost - 3
  • Card Power - 5
  • Card Effect - Creates a surfeit of positions around it when played

While Fat Chocobo doesn't fit into any deck as neatly as other cards, it allows for a great setup for players willing to build around it. Fat Chocobo players can easily set up three pawns while utilizing other set-up cards; Cactuar and Crystalline Crab.

This card is powerful in early-game decks for Queen's Blood. It can be found in Thorin's Shop after the Side Mission "A Rare Card Lost." Players interested in building one of the best early-game decks should use two Fat Chocobos and 3 Izana's.

7 Spearhawk

A Staple For Buff Decks

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Spearhawk
  • Pawn Cost - 1
  • Card Power - 1
  • Card Effect - Raise the power of allied cards on affected tiles by 2 while this card is in play

Fans of buff decks will rejoice after adding Spearhawk to their deck. The card is similar to Crystalline Crab but is better in the middle and top lanes. Gamers will receive this card after completing the "Spears and Needles" Puzzle at Costa del Sol in Chapter 6.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Confirms Fix For Platinum Trophy Issue

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth acknowledges and confirms that a fix is coming for a bug that is preventing players from acquiring the platinum trophy.

Spearhawk is a staple card that some gamers are even using to counter the hard card challenges of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. This card works wonders with Space Ranger, Chocobo and Moogle, and Cactuar.

6 Death Claw

Can Take A Deck To The Next Level

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Death Claw
  • Pawn Cost - 1
  • Card Power - 2
  • Card Effect - When enemy cards are destroyed, raise this card's power by 1

Death Claw is another staple for Blight decks. Being a 1-Pawn card, it can push the lane above it and scale each time the player destroys an enemy card, making it a cut above the rest. This card is received after defeating Mary in The Dust Bowl in Chapter 8.

When paired with other high-quality cards and built into a Blight deck, players can create some of the best all-around decks in the game.

5 Yuffie

Arguably The Best Hero Card

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Yuffie
  • Pawn Cost - N/A
  • Card Power - 1
  • Card Effect - Replace an ally and lower the power of allied and enemy cards on affected tiles by the replaced ally's power

Yuffie is one of the best support cards in the game. Her ability to enable self-enfeeble effects for lower power cards is pivotal for Enfeeble decks. When paired with high-power cards, Yuffie can pretty much wipe the board.

Square Enix Already Has a Perfect Blueprint To Follow To Keep Queen's Blood Alive Outside FF7 Rebirth

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is home to one of best card games around, and it already has the perfect blueprint to follow for success outside of Rebirth.

Yuffie takes advantage of the Replace ability very well, and fits well with other cards that do the same. Vincent, Heatseeker, and Bomb can bring out hidden synergies with this card. Yuffie's card can be found at the Puzzle of Card Carnival in Chapter 12.

4 Gi Nattak

Sets Up Other Cards For Victory

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Gi Nattak
  • Pawn Cost - N/A
  • Card Power - 1
  • Card Effect - Replace an ally and raise the power of allied cards on affected tiles by the replaced ally's power

Gi Nattak sets up high-power cards in the middle lane. This card, when used with cards like Shadowblood Queen, can dominate both top and bottom lanes. This card can be found in the Puzzle of Card Carnival in Chapter 12.

Gi Nattak can be used offensively or defensively due to its overpowered card effect. Self-destroying cards and decks tend to be the best decks in the game, and fans of that playstyle should make sure to have multiple Gi Nattaks in their decks.

3 Bahamut

The Comeback Card

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Bahamut
  • Pawn Cost - 3
  • Card Power - 5
  • Card Effect - When played, lower the power of enemy cards on affected tiles by 5

Bahamut can turn a game around with its card effect. It's a consistent card and, when played optimally, it can wipe a lane and give access to Pawns afterward. Players who want to add Bahamut to their decks must complete the "Nightmare" challenge at The Gold Saucer in Chapter 12.

Dyne can be used to support Bahamut's game plan of removing enemy cards from the board. Cid and Disgorgon are good for this role as well, and when used in synergy, these cards can quickly turn the tide of a battle.

2 Tseng

Every Deck Is Better With This Card

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth - Tseng
  • Pawn Cost - 1
  • Card Power - 1
  • Card Effect - The first time this card is enhanced, raise the power of allied cards on affected tiles by 4

Tseng is not only a consistent card, but it also allows for other cards to become consistent as well. Tseng's Pawn placement and buffing effect make hindering enemy cards much more reliable. Queen's Blood players who want to quickly empower a single lane should make sure to have Tseng in their deck.

He can be purchased in the QB Booster Pack: The Turks. Players can find the booster pack at the Queen's Blood Vendor in Costa del Sol in Chapter 12.

1 Maloceros / Chocobo Jockey

The Best Cards In The Game

  • Pawn Cost - 3 (Maloceros) / 2 (Chocobo Jockey)
  • Card Power - 5 (Maloceros) / 2 (Chocobo Jockey)
  • Card Effect - When you win the lane, receive a score bonus of 10

Gamers could argue that these two are the best cards in the game due to their insane card effects. These cards are strong individually, but decks with both are forces to be reckoned with. Chocobo Jockey specifically can be used to create a very basic yet consistent game plan. With these two cards, players can prioritize winning one lane. With their card effects, the extra points players receive can easily outnumber their opponent's points in the other two lanes. Chocobo Jockey is better in some decks because of its lower Pawn cost, whereas Maloceros is better in others with its greater Card Power. If there is space in the deck for both cards, they should be prioritized.

Maloceros is received after defeating Regina in Gongana during Chapter 10. Meanwhile, Chocobo Jockey is received by exchanging GP at the Gold Saucer in Chapter 8.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

PlayStation 5
February 29, 2024
Square Enix