
  • Barret's gun-arm in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is iconic like Cloud's Buster Sword, with unique abilities for each weapon.
  • Gun-arm skills like Overcharge Protection and Massive Recharge enhance Barret's range and power in battle.
  • Equipping specific gun-arms like the Gatling Gun can boost Barret's Limit Break damage and attack abilities significantly.

Barret is a useful character to have in the party in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. His gun-arm is a fine weapon and is almost as iconic as Cloud's giant Buster Sword. Every gun-arm that Barret finds can teach him new abilities that will carry over between weapons. For example, Lifesaver is an ability that can grant Barret extra temporary HP in battle.

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Each gun-arm also has a slew of weapon skills attached to it. These skills cannot transfer between weapons, unlike abilities, so players have to create new loadouts when they equip their gun-arms in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. Here are some notable gun-arm skills to track down for Barret.

7 Unflinching Overcharge (Gatling Gun)

Steadying Aim

Unflinching Overcharge Barret weapon skill in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

The Gatling Gun is Barret’s standard weapon, which he must have gotten during his accident in Corel involving the Shinra Corporation. It has a bevy of great weapon skills attached to it, like Unflinching Overcharge. Overcharge is Barret’s default Triangle ability on the PS5.

It will shoot out a burst of energy, and then it will either recharge fully over time naturally or players can manually reload it by tapping Triangle. Now, Unflinching Overcharge makes it harder for Barret to be interrupted while firing this ability. It doesn’t take forever to use Overcharge, but an enemy can interrupt Barret's attack animation without this skill.

6 Overcharge Protection (Gatling Gun)

Protection While Aiming

Overcharge Protection Barret weapon skill in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

There’s another protection skill that players should equip when they have the Gatling Gun arm on. Overcharge Protection will cast a defense spell around Barret after he fires this ability. This barrier will reduce incoming physical attack damage from enemies, which is like the spell literally called Barrier.

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Players can cast this skill manually in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth if they have the Barrier Magic Materia equipped. Barrier also has the spell, Manaward, which will protect against magic damage, and Manawall, which will reduce both types of damage. The point is, it’s good to have more protection for this big guy, since Barret’s dodge rolls are a bit slow.

5 Massive Recharge (Gatling Gun)

Get Blasting Faster

Massive Recharge Barret weapon skill in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Barret’s normal attacks are great because he has the best range out of anyone in the game. Aerith has her spell attacks, which do travel far, but they are slow. Yuffie’s great because she can throw her giant Shuriken and then teleport to it, but its range isn’t that great.

There’s nothing like a mass of bullets firing from the Gatling Gun while Barret screams on the battlefield. Overcharge is better than his normal rounds, and Massive Recharge is a skill that will allow players to reload the ability faster. Instead of five or six Triangle prompts, it may only take two or three tries.

4 Limit Break Damage +10% (Fafnir Rifle)

Making A Bigger Hole

Limit Break Damage +10% Barret weapon skill in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Barret has some of the best Limit Breaks in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, as they are all quite destructive. Fire in the Hole is a lot like Barret’s weapon ability, Focused Shot, except that the Limit Break leaves a lasting explosion in a bigger area. Another Limit Break, Catastrophe, fires a large laser beam that can cause a great deal of Stagger damage to enemies.

Limit Breaks can be enhanced with the Fafnir Rifle’s weapon skill, Limit Break Damage +10%. The name should make it obvious, but to be clear, this skill will increase the damage of Limit Breaks like Catastrophe by 10%. To get this weapon, players must complete The Pursuit of Perfection side quest in the Gongaga Region of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

3 Attack Damage +5% (Vulcan Cannon)

Make Every Bullet Count

Attack Damage +5% Barret weapon skill in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

As mentioned before, Barret’s gun-arm has a lot of uses. To make the most out of Barret’s normal attacks, players should get the Vulcan Cannon weapon. This one is easy to obtain, as it is practically sitting in front of Barret before players have to face one of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth’s toughest bosses, Dyne.

With the Vulcan Cannon, players can get a boost to damage with the Attack Damage +5% skill. It’s a basic enhancement to equip to Barret, but this is an RPG and the genre runs on numbers. Every little bit helps in the long run, or more like the long gun.

2 Weapon Ability Damage +5% (Gatling Gun)

Taking Advantage Of Barret’s Abilities

Weapon Ability Damage +5% Barret weapon skill in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

There is another way to enhance damage if players go back and equip the Gatling Gun again. Weapon Ability Damage +5% will power up the strength of abilities like the aforementioned Focused Shot, which can be learned for the Gatling Gun.

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Barret has a great lineup of weapon abilities in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, like the Fafnir Rifle’s Point Blank or the Calamitous Bazooka’s Smackdown. Point Blank sends Barret next to an enemy to fire directly at them literally at point-blank range. Smackdown is a ground punch with the gun-arm that will explode everything around it.

1 Enhanced Overcharge (Gatling Gun)

The Mega Buster Is Ready

Enhanced Overcharge Barret weapon skill in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

There are no downsides to Barret going into battle other than his cumbersome ability to dodge away from attacks. Otherwise, he is a tank, which should be clear from his sheer size. Whether players invest in increasing his core attack power, his ability power, or his Overcharge power, they will often be victorious.

The latter of those options can be increased via the weapon skill Enhanced Overcharge. It’s a Gatling Gun weapon skill that will boost Barret's Overcharge attack by a whopping 15%. Overall, of the many weapons for Barret in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, it should be clear the starting Gatling Gun reigns supreme.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

PlayStation 5
February 29, 2024
Square Enix