
  • Command Materia in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth offer physical-based skills with some magical tendencies for players to use.
  • Some Command Materia are repurposed from previous games like Steal and Spare Change, offering unique abilities and attacks.
  • The best Command Materia include Prayer, Assess, Darkside, and more, providing players with essential strategic advantages in battles.

There is no rhyme or reason to Command Materia in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. They are the yellow pieces of Materia which can be found virtually everywhere from shops to chests. They mostly offer physical-based skills although there are magical tendencies to some of them too.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Beginner Tips

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth can be confusing for new players. In this guide, they will find useful tips that will help them in their adventure.

A lot of them are tied to abilities that Jobs in other Final Fantasy games would naturally have like Thieves with Steal. Command Materia runs the gamut of wacky ideas in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, but they are useful without a doubt. Of the many, here are the best ones and where to find them.

8 Spare Change

Location: Buy From Chadley (Meridian Ocean Region)

Spare Change Materia in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

In the original game, there was a Command Materia called Throw. Yuffie started with that Materia in the game which allowed her to throw weapons at enemies. It could be leveled up to unlock Coin which would allow players to use money as a weapon too. In Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, Yuffie’s special command is Throw which allows her to toss her giant shuriken at enemies.

That’s how the Throw Materia was repurposed and as for Coin, it was resurrected as Spare Change. It works the same and players can only use 10,000 Gil as the max which still does some hefty damage during combat.

7 Steal

Location: Buy From Stores (Starting In Kalm)

Steal Materia in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Steal is a classic command in the Final Fantasy series. Since the dawn of the first game, Steal has belonged to the Thief Job or Thief adjacent characters like Zidane in Final Fantasy 9. In Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, anyone can be a Thief with Steal which can unlock the Mug attack.

Steal will literally just steal an enemy’s item while Mug will also damage enemies. Mastering the Materia will not raise the accuracy of theft, but attaching a Luck Up Complete Materia to a character wouldn’t hurt.

6 Darkside

Location: Buy From Chadley (Nibel Region)

Darkside Materia in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Darkside is kind of like the Darkness command of Dark Knights in the series. Cecil from Final Fantasy 4 is a great example of a Dark Knight. In that game, and in most interpretations, Cecil can damage himself to deal great damage to enemies. In Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, Darkside imbues a character with more power as it zaps away health.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: 6 Common Mistakes To Avoid

Players will ultimately have an easier time in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth by avoiding these common mistakes.

It’s not as useful as the Darkness ability in other games, but it is one players should get as soon as possible. The more players level it up, the greater it will become and it does take a while.

5 ATB Boost

Location: Buy From Chadley (Corel Region)

ATB Boost Materia in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Players can build up their ATB garage from attacking enemies or receiving damage although the latter if they two won’t increase it much. There are other ways to increase the speed like casting Haste via the Magic Materia, Time.

Then there is ATB Boost which will quite literally boost how much of the ATB will charge upon attacking. For characters that use a lot of abilities, this is a good Materia to have from healers to offensive death dealers. Yuffie has a lot of good ninja skills, so this would be a good one for her.

4 Enemy Skill

Location: Obtained Through Biological Intel: Know Thine Enemy

Enemy Skill Materia in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Of the many Command Materia in the game, Enemy Skill got the biggest glow-up from the PS1 original. In Final Fantasy 7, players could learn monster abilities and then use them in battle. The Materia didn’t give players stat bonuses but it does in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

It can increase HP, MP, and more as it levels up. Obtaining monster skills is different too as Chadley will reward them through his battle simulator.

3 Prayer

Location: Aerith Starts With It

Prayer Materia in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Prayer is a god tier Command Materia but only once it is mastered. It has the ability to heal everyone in the party without using MP. It takes a long time to acquire the Magnify Materia, which is a Materia that can increase the range of magic, so this is a good substitute in the meantime.

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Here's every playable character in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth ranked from worst to best, along with some other interesting info about each one.

For example, pairing Maginfy Materia with Healing Materia will allow players to cast spells like Cure on everyone. Prayer is the next best thing for the White Mage-like healer of the group even though the HP amount restored at first is small.

2 Item Economizer

Location: Buy From Chadley (Junon Region)

Item Economizer Materia in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

The switch to action combat in Final Fantasy 7 Remake changed a lot of things and the same is true in this sequel. The ATB bar still exists but it is used to cast spells, perform skills, or even use items.

The Item Economizer Materia bypasses the need for an ATB bar and allows players to grab an item as a free turn. The more it levels up, the more free turns players will get for items. This is good in a pinch when someone is about to die in battle like Aerith.

1 Assess

Location: Cloud Starts With It

Assess Materia in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Assess is clearly the best Command Materia in the game. In the original game, it was called Sense and it could only scan one enemy at a time. Once leveled up, which doesn’t take long, Assess can scan all enemies at once.

Not only that, enemy data can be referred to again with the touch of the PS5’s touchpad which does carry over between battles. Players can check HP, what elements enemies are weak to, and how enemies can be pressured more easily. This bounty of information is priceless and players should never remove it from Cloud or anyone else’s Materia slot even at the max level.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

PlayStation 5
February 29, 2024
Square Enix