The original Final Fantasy 7 has one of the strongest core groups of playable characters in the series. Cloud is quiet and brooding but he’s also iconic because of that spiked-up hair and giant sword. Barret is gruff and weathered as a vigilante but he has a loving relationship with his daughter not to mention his gun arm looks cool.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Beginner Tips

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth can be confusing for new players. In this guide, they will find useful tips that will help them in their adventure.

Cloud, Barret, and the others were made better in these remakes too. The main cast is great in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, but what about the support characters? Do any stand out and should they return in the final episode? Let’s go through some highlights with spoilers.

7 Broden

A Sickly Innkeeper

Broden in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Broden is the innkeeper of Kalm, a place that had virtually no characters or big story significance in the original game. He looks like Vincent Valentine, one of the main original party members, if he weren’t always decked out in metallic armor and capes. The town overall got a glow-up including this small, but important character.

Broden used to work for Shinra, got sick, and then retired to Kalm where the company still kept messing with him. That’s why he decided to help rebels like Cloud and the others escape the siege on Kalm at the start of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. He even has a few quests for players which they should do to get to know Broden better.

6 Captain Titov

I Have A Specific Set Of Boating Skills

Captain Titov in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Captain Titov is one of the strangest characters in the game because of his design and voice. It could be a coincidence but it sounds like the English voice actor is going for a Liam Neeson impression. Voices aside, Titov is the captain of the Shinra-8, a cruise ship docked in Junon.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: 6 Common Mistakes To Avoid

Players will ultimately have an easier time in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth by avoiding these common mistakes.

He’s mostly there to make announcements during the Queen’s Blood tournament which is what a majority of this arc is about. His enthusiasm is infectious especially if players imagine it really is Liam Neeson. A special mention goes out to the nameless crewman at the tournament who keeps putting Cloud merchandise on if players win.

5 Cissnei

Turks Never Die

Cissnei in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Cissnei is not an original character for this remake trilogy but she did not appear in the original game. She was a Turk in Before Crisis: Final Fantasy 7 which was a mobile-only game in Japan. Western fans will most notably remember Cissnei as a supporting character from the PSP prequel, Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7.

Fans had no idea what happened to her after the events of those prequels. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth gives fans some closure to ensure she is safe and doing well in the reformed city of Gongaga which is a much more active part of the story. It’s only a matter of time before more old Turks show up in these remakes.

4 Kyrie

I Can Be A Merc Too

Kyrie in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Kyrie looks like she belongs in The World Ends With You, another Tetsuya Nomura-driven game. She was first introduced in Final Fantasy 7 Remake albeit in a smaller role as she was just a rabble-rouser in the Sector 5 Slums of Midgar. Kyrie has a bigger role in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, as seen in the very first cutscene wherein Zack hands Cloud over to her.

She returns later in the other timeline posing as a mercenary for hire in a variety of quests. First, she tries helping with pipe repairs and then she is seen trying to set up a mercenary shop far on the outskirts of the Junon territory. She can be annoying for some, but her lack of common sense makes her a fun character to interact with.

3 Regina

The Queen Of Queen's Blood

Regina in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Regina is a Queen’s Blood player in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and a self-proclaimed champion of the sport. Players will first meet Regina on the Shinra-8 cruise liner on the way to Costa del Sol. She’s skilled but a bit too into herself at first even after losing the card tournament on the boat.

The more players interact with her throughout the adventure, the more humble she will become. That confidence will never go away, but at least Regina will see Cloud as an equal. Like Kyrie, she looks like a Tetsuya Nomura character from head to toe.

2 Roche

Time To Rev Up The Engines

Roche in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Roche is an all-star in this remake series as one of the flashier characters first introduced in Final Fantasy 7 Remake. He is a member of SOLDIER and in the original game, there were no other SOLDIER units that Cloud interacted with besides Sephiroth. His inclusion seemed like a good idea to help flesh out the Shinra hierarchy.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Every Playable Character, Ranked

Here's every playable character in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth ranked from worst to best, along with some other interesting info about each one.

He appeared for one fight in the game, showed up again for Yuffie’s DLC to play a mini-game, and then had an explosive entrance in Junon in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. His motorcycle antics alone qualify Roche as a top-tier character. All he wants are good fights with Cloud throughout the adventure and he gets several. To avoid spoilers, let’s just say this game does Roche’s character dirty by the end and it’s simply not okay.

1 Shinra 7th Infantry

Sir, Yes Sir!

Playing the Shinra Parade mini-game in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

This entry is not about a singular character but is instead about an entire group within Shinra aka the Shinra 7th Infantry. These are the men Cloud leads in the Junon parade mini-game. Players don’t have to find all ten squads, but if they do, they will be rewarded and they will have more squad options too.

What makes the Shinra 7th Infantry great is their undying loyalty to Cloud just because he claims to be a captain. They will run around with him, asking Cloud if he found everything he needed in a store, and then cheer after. It’s an incredibly goofy moment in the game and the squad gets their dedication tested further when they fight alongside Cloud in the escape. They should get some sort of tactical spinoff to Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

PlayStation 5
February 29, 2024
Square Enix