Cloud is the driving force of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. He's accompanied by a big cast of playable and non-playable characters but he is definitely the star. As such, he's one of the most powerful characters in the game. He has Mako energy flowing through his body after he was experimented on through the SOLDIER program.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Every Broadsword Ability Cloud Can Learn, Ranked

Here's every broadsword ability Cloud can learn in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

His iconic Buster Sword is his weapon of choice in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, but players can find other big swords for Cloud to equip. Every sword has an array of skills imbued inside that players can equip to Cloud much like the Materia system. Let's go through some of the best skills and which swords are attached to them.

7 Defense +50 (Umbral Blade)

Buffing Cloud’s Resistance

Defense +50 weapon skill in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Cloud is one of the rare party members that cannot be replaced in the party. There are a few instances where he gets removed for story reasons or if the team splits in two like in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth’s third chapter in the Mythril Mine. This means players will probably naturally want to gravitate toward controlling Cloud and this means he needs a good defense stat since he will be present in the action up close.

This Defense +50 skill is the strongest stat boost among any of Cloud’s swords in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. It is attached to the Umbral Blade which can be found in Dustbowl in the Corel region. Enhanced Physical Guard is a good similar skill, which reduces damage by 5%, and it is attached to Cloud’s default Buster Sword.

6 Max HP +200 (Buster Sword)

More Health For Battle

Max HP +200 weapon skill in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

If players do want to go with the iconic Buster Sword to boost defense via Enhanced Physical Guard then another skill would work well in a combo. Max HP +200 will boost Cloud’s HP to a small degree but it is good for early sections of the game before players acquire HP Up Materia.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Beginner Tips

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth can be confusing for new players. In this guide, they will find useful tips that will help them in their adventure.

This is a good Complete type of Materia to have equipped to the entire party in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. Characters like Cloud can dish out a lot more damage if players don’t have to worry about constantly healing. It’s a simple but effective sword skill.

5 Bloodsucker (Umbral Blade)

Cloud Goes Full Vampire

Bloodsucker weapon skill in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Bloodsucker is another sword skill attached to the Umbral Blade. It will restore 5% of HP to Cloud if he is the one who kills the enemy. Bloodsucker is like a retooled ability or weapon that appears in a lot of the Final Fantasy games.

For example, Steiner from Final Fantasy 9 can get the Blood Sword weapon which will heal HP just for doing damage. Bloodsucker in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth then is not as good as Final Fantasy 9’s Blood Sword as Bloodsucker requires a kill to activate. Still, Bloodsucker pairs well with the Defense +50 skill on the Umbral Blade.

4 Unrelenting Punisher (Sleek Saber)

A Nonstop Barrage Of Slashes

Unrelenting Punisher weapon skill in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

The Sleek Saber is quite literally a sleek blade that Cloud can wield. It’s located in the beginning area of The Grasslands. One of its best skills is called the Unrelenting Punisher which will add more slashes for the combos used in Punisher Mode.

Punisher Mode will make Cloud slower during combat, but his blade work will be faster and stronger. He can easily get knocked out of Punisher Mode during combat too. It’s tricky to master, but it is useful, especially during Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth’s many tough boss fights. Another good sword skill that will enhance Punisher Mode is called Improved Punisher which will increase damage done by 10% for the Buster Sword.

3 Attack Damage +5% (Slipstream Saber)

A Basic But Useful Damage Power-up

Attack Damage +5% weapon skill in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

The Slipstream Saber is one of Cloud’s coolest swords in the game. It looks a lot like Noctis’ Engine Blade from Final Fantasy 15 except with a lot more pulsating green energy. It can be found in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth’s final dungeon, The Temple of the Ancients.

The Slipstream Saber has a decent sword skill called Attack Damage +5%. It will increase basic attacks by 5% if that title isn’t already clear. Players that equip Complete Materia like Strength Up in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth that can improve Cloud’s attack power further.

2 ATB Charge Rate Up (Sleek Saber)

Hastening Skills

ATB Charge Rate Up weapon skill in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

There are a lot of gameplay changes in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth over the original game. In Final Fantasy 7, players had to wait for the ATB bar to charge to do anything. In Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, players can attack freely but all other actions require ATB charges from casting spells to using items.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: 6 Common Mistakes To Avoid

Players will ultimately have an easier time in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth by avoiding these common mistakes.

The ATB gauge plays a vital part in battles, so sword skills like ATB Charge Rate Up can be beneficial. It’s attached to the Sleek Saber and the skill will increase how fast the ATB charges through actions taken. A good Complete Materia to combine with this sword skill is called First Strike which will fill the ATB bar as soon as a battle begins.

1 Reprieve (Buster Sword)

Laughing In The Face Of Death

Reprieve weapon skill in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Reprieve is a god-tier sword skill and not many other characters in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth have this attached to their weapons. It’s on the Buster Sword predominantly for Cloud and it will revive him if he dies in battle. It only applies once per battle but players can cheat the system with this strategy.

There’s a cheap accessory in the game called the Revival Earrings. They will revive a character once per battle before shattering. Combined with Reprieve, Cloud could get two chances to defy death in battle not to mention if anyone in the party can cast Auto-Revive via the Reraise Magic Materia.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

PlayStation 5
February 29, 2024
Square Enix