Every character in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth can equip three things including weapons, armor, and an accessory. Weapons and armor come with Materia slots that players can place orbs into like Fire Materia which will quite literally allow characters to shoot fire at enemies. Weapons also have skills attached that players can then place into Materia-like slots.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Beginner Tips

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth can be confusing for new players. In this guide, they will find useful tips that will help them in their adventure.

Accessories don't come with any Materia slots, but they have greater functionality in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. They will provide characters with special properties to increase stats or to prevent deadly diseases. Of the many in the game, which are the best? Let's go through the top of the list and where they can be found.

8 Kupo Charm

Get More Items

Kupo Charm accessory in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
  • Location: Clear The Demo

Square Enix deserves a lot of praise for having a demo available long before the game came out. If players managed to beat it or even put time into it, they would be rewarded with the Kupo Charm upon loading up the main game. This accessory will grant a hearty 5% boost to HP along with an increase in how many items drop after battle. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth has an item crafting component to it, so monsters mostly drop materials. It’s an easy way to get rare items early in the game.

7 HP Up Materia Earrings

Save Those Materia Slots

HP Up Materia Earrings accessory in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
  • Location: Moogle Emporium (Junon Region)

The Materia system in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is great but players can only equip so many pieces to their armor and weapons. That’s why HP Up Materia Earrings are such a nice little cheat. These earrings contain fully developed HP Up Materia inside which means it will boost HP by 30%. There are other Materia-based earrings in the game that contain great Materia like Assess and Healing. It’s nice to be able to clear some slot room with accessories like these but HP Up Materia Earrings rank among the top and they can be bought in the Junon region’s Moogle Emporium.

6 Healing Carcanet

Makes You A Better White Mage

Healing Carcanet accessory in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
  • Location: Cape Del Amor (Corel Region)

The Healing Carcanet accessory is a crown that will help turn a character into a great White Mage. It will boost the healing effect of spells like Cure, items like Potions, and all other healing abilities in the game. It can be found in the Corel region while exploring the Cape Del Amor.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: 6 Common Mistakes To Avoid

Players will ultimately have an easier time in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth by avoiding these common mistakes.

Aerith would be a good character to equip it to since she is already a good spell caster in the game. Combining this accessory with Materia like Item Master and Item Economizer would also be a good strategy.

5 Psychic’s Charm

Makes You A Better Black Mage

Psychic’s Charm accessory in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
  • Location: Obtain Through Crafting

The Psychic’s Charm can be easily made through the aforementioned crafting system. It’s another good accessory for a spell caster in the party as it can prevent Silence. Silence is one of those annoying status ailments that will block the usage of spells until cured. The Psychic’s Charm will also boost MP and the magic power of attacks by 5%. Cait Sith is kind of a hard character to control so he would be a good pick to turn into a Black Mage-type character with this accessory.

4 Gi Warrior’s Charm

Increase Your Limits

Gi Warrior’s Charm accessory in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
  • Location: Cave of the Gi

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth received a significant amount of story changes and one of the big ones happens in the Cave of the Gi. That’s a co-op dungeon for Barret and Red 13 instead of the three-man party in the original. In this dungeon, players can get the Gi Warrior’s Charm during the fetch sequence. The accessory will increase how fast the Limit Break gauge fills when taking damage in battle. Of the two in this instance, Barret has the better Limit Breaks as they are strong and they can mess up areas of enemies if timed right.

3 Full Throttle Wristguards

A Killer Attack And HP Combo

Full Throttle Wristguards accessory in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
  • Location: Obtain Through Crafting

Full Throttle Wristguards will be great for the damage dealers players put into their party. This accessory can be crafted and it will boost Strength by 10% and grant a character 500 HP. Tifa is a character that would make sense since her whole thing revolves around fisticuffs.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Every Playable Character, Ranked

Here's every playable character in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth ranked from worst to best, along with some other interesting info about each one.

The power increase is great but the boost to HP isn’t bad for Tifa either. There’s a similar accessory for those who want to invest in higher defense via the Riot Vest. It will increase Vitality, aka defense, by 10% with a 500 HP bonus.

2 Karmic Cowl

Defy The Tonberry King

Karmic Cowl accessory in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
  • Location: Obtain Through Crafting

Chadley has a lot of repeatable side quests in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth and one of them revolves around killing monsters. Once a set number of monsters are killed in a region, a mini-boss will appear. For the Corel region, it’s the Tonberry King who holds items necessary to craft the Karmic Cowl. This accessory will boost Vitality and Spirit by 30 and prevent instant death and slow status effects. There is an enhanced version too which will pump up those stats to 50 Vitality and Spirit, but the base model is already great.

1 Revival Earrings

A Second Chance At Life

Revival Earrings accessory in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
  • Location: Buy From Stores Starting In

The best accessory in the game is cheap and it can be bought at relatively any store starting in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth’s second chapter. The Revival Earrings will give the equipped character the Auto-Life boon which will revive them upon death. After that, the accessory will break, but because it’s so cheap, it doesn’t matter. Having a stock of these on hand for difficult boss fights or enemies, like the Tonberry King, that can instantly kill players is a good idea. Eventually, players can get the Reraise Magic Materia to also cast Auto-Life but that won’t be until the second to last chapter.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

PlayStation 5
February 29, 2024
Square Enix