Square Enix is teasing that it has made some substantial changes to the combat system of Final Fantasy 7 Remake for Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. Very little about the Final Fantasy 7 Remake sequel has been confirmed yet, but Square Enix has recently been trickling out details through social media. When asked about Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's combat system and whether it would feature any changes, Square Enix offered up a couple of very interesting comments.With the release of Final Fantasy 7 Remake, players realized that Square Enix was going in a much different direction with the game than many may have assumed. While Final Fantasy 7 Remake may have taken heavy influence from the original Final Fantasy 7, any sequels would have much broader freedom for creative direction. As such, no one knows precisely what to expect from Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, if there will be dramatic changes to it, or what those changes will entail.RELATED: Square Enix Makes Bizarre Claim About Final Fantasy 7 RebirthSquare Enix is fielding a number of questions on Twitter, providing developer comments in response. One recently shared question asks "Has the battle system changed from Final Fantasy 7 Remake?" In response, Square Enix battle director Teruki Endo offers up two ambiguous responses. The second is more directly related to the question, answering that players "can cooperate with other party members in even closer ways than before." Exactly what this means isn't clear, but it's certain to make Final Fantasy 7 Remake fans very excited.

Some Final Fantasy fans believe this means that Square Enix will be adding mechanics where party members will group up to perform an attack. These types of "Double Team" or even "Triple Team" attacks are common mechanics found in past JRPGs. It would be interesting to see how they'd translate to Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's action-focused combat, though.

The first portion of the response is even more exciting, though perhaps less surprising. Endo explains, "In Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, new comrades will join you in battle." In other words, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth players can look forward to additional party members being added to the game. The new characters should make the sequel's battle system feel different, even if there weren't any major changes.

Who Square Enix will be adding to the party in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth remains a mystery. Fans already know which characters have yet to be added to the new series from the original Final Fantasy 7, of course. Cait Sith, Vincent, and Yuffie would all be popular additions. Zack is another popular possibility. There are even some hints that Sephiroth himself could work with Cloud. Final Fantasy fans will have to wait and see what Square Enix has in mind. Expect further announcements before long.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is currently in development.

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