
  • Aerith is more than a healer in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, with unique abilities like Altruistic Recovery and Spiritual Harvest.
  • Make the most of Aerith's MP by equipping skills like Enduring Ward and Enhanced Tempest on her weapons.
  • Obtain the powerful Reprieve skill for Aerith in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth to prevent death once per battle and enhance her survivability.

Aerith may not be a player's first choice when it comes to playable characters in Square Enix's Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. That said, she’s a great character with lots of memorable one-liners, and her charisma and spirit cannot be quelled in the remake's sequel.

8 Best Aerith Quotes From Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Aerith is a key character in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, and she delivers some of the game's funniest and most important lines during its campaign.

Playing as Aerith takes some getting used to, though. If players get all of her rods in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, they will have an easier time as they can unlock some great abilities like Noble Sacrifice or Ray of Judgement. They can also unlock weapon options, so let’s go over some of Aerith's best staff skills.

7 Altruistic Recovery +10%

Keeping The Party Healthy

Altruistic Recovery +10% Aerith weapon skill in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
  • Weapon: Timeless Rod

Aerith can get the Timeless Rod early by going to the back of Bill's Chocobo Ranch. With it, she can equip the weapon skill Altruistic Recovery +10%. It will give her an extra boost to her healing power for the party.

Aerith always gets kind of pigeonholed into the healer-type class, which would be a White Mage for this series. It makes sense since most of her Limit Breaks from the original game were either healing or buff-based. This weapon skill keeps in line with that tradition for Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

6 Spiritual Harvest

Keeping MP Reserves Up

Spiritual Harvest Aerith weapon skill in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
  • Weapon: Guard Stick

As a healer of the group, Aerith is going to go through MP a lot. Players may designate her as a Black Mage equivalent as well since she is good at casting offensive magic. That’s why a weapon skill like Spiritual Harvest is great, and it is even attached to her default weapon, the Guard Stick.

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There are a number of skills that Barret's gun-arm can be equipped with in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, but these are the best available.

Aerith will begin the game with the ability Soul Drain, which saps MP from enemies. Spiritual Harvest ensures that she will get 25% more MP from Soul Drain attacks, guaranteeing she can cast more spells without wasting Ether items.

5 Enduring Ward

Warding Off Evil

Enduring Ward Aerith weapon skill in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
  • Weapon: Guard Stick

Like all playable characters in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, Aerith can learn abilities from new weapons. A lot of these abilities are different kinds of Wards. For example, with the Ceremonial Staff, Aerith can learn ATB Ward which will boost ATB recovery for all characters that stand in it.

With the Guard Stick equipped, players can tag on the Enduring Ward weapon skill. It will increase how long Wards like the ATB Ward will last by 25%. It’s a great way to take advantage of Aerith’s wide range of Wards in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

4 Ward Shift Mastery

Dodge Better

Ward Shift Mastery Aerith weapon skill in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
  • Weapon: Timeless Rod

Aerith is one of the slower characters in the game. This is why she’s good for spell casting as she can hang out in the background while healing allies or casting fireballs at foes. However, monsters will still attack her and the default dodge ability is not great.

Instead, players should take advantage of her Ward Shift ability, which is her Triangle-based skill on the PS5 controller. It will warp Aerith out of danger somewhere on the battlefield. With Ward Shift Mastery on the Timeless Rod weapon, Aerith will reduce her cooldown by two seconds on her Ward Shift.

3 Enhanced Tempest

Beware The Butterfly

Enhanced Tempest Aerith weapon skill in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
  • Weapon: Guard Stick

This is another great weapon skill for the Guard Stick. If players hold down the Square button, they can activate Aerith’s Tempest mode. In this state, Aerith’s spell orbs will launch slightly faster and they will hit harder.

Enhanced Tempest will increase this damage further by 15%. Players should stick to using Aerith as a spell caster primarily, but this will help even the odds when they need to use normal attacks. Spells need ATB charges to be cast, and using normal attacks is the best way to build the gauge.

2 Not-So-Fleeting Familiar

The Butterfly Effect

Not-So-Fleeting Familiar Aerith weapon skill in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
  • Weapon: Guard Stick

There is another aspect of going into the Tempest mode that should be addressed. Players will know Aerith is in it because she will be accompanied by a butterfly familiar. This will increase spell damage besides Aerith’s base attack and speed.

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Here are the best broadsword skills Cloud can equip in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

The Guard Stick can enhance Tempest further with the Not-So-Fleeting Familiar weapon skill. This will increase the duration of this state by 25%. With Enhanced Tempest equipped onto the Guard Stick as well, Aerith can become quite a juggernaut.

1 Reprieve

Laughing In The Face Of Death

Reprieve Aerith weapon skill in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
  • Weapon: Ceremonial Staff

The Ceremonial Staff can be obtained in the Village of the Gi, which is a new short story section in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. With this weapon, they can equip the powerful Reprieve skill that prevents death once per battle. This safeguard can be accomplished in a few different ways in the game, such as casting Auto-Life with the Reraise Magic Materia. There is also an accessory in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth called the Revival Earrings that will break upon death but still revive players once.

The more ways players can prevent death, the better, and Reprieve will do it for Aerith. She is not the only character that can gain the Reprieve weapon skill either, as Cloud has it on his iconic Buster Sword. Still, overall, it is a rare one to find in the game.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

PlayStation 5
February 29, 2024
Square Enix