
  • Many newcomers to the Final Fantasy 7 series opted to play FF7 Remake instead of the original due to outdated graphics and complexity.
  • The original FF7 provides important context for understanding the story and references in FF7 Remake .
  • Despite its polygonal graphics, the original game still holds up today and offers a charming art direction and a deep story for players to explore.

Prior to the release of Final Fantasy 7 Remake in early 2020, many players new to the complex and sprawling franchise that was Final Fantasy 7 had no choice but to play the original FF7 for the PS1 to understand the full picture first. Not many future fans were ready to make that leap. While FF7 may have always been this incredibly popular and classic title, it only seemed to get harder and harder for the series of games to be completely understood. It was always a hurdle as many newcomers wanted to skip the aging, blocky, turn-based Final Fantasy 7.

Needless to say, with the announcement of Final Fantasy 7 Remake, many players who hesitated to experience the original game jumped at the chance to experience Remake instead. It's since been made clear, especially with it's ending, that the FF7 Remake project isn't exactly a "remake" like fans hoped. While the newer releases are great at including newer fans regardless of its story about defying fate, it ultimately hits harder if players already understand the fate that Cloud and company are fighting against, leaving FF7 as a must-play for fans even now.

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The Important Context of the Original Final Fantasy 7

Squats in Final Fantasy 7

While some of the original game has aged poorly in the last 26 years, other parts have aged like a fine wine. After all, the decision to remake one of the most prominent Final Fantasy games wasn't a decision made lightly. Many of the original Final Fantasy 7 development team were aware that as video games evolved, remaking a game that took advantage of its technical limitations at the time would extend the game and its development time considerably in comparison.

The original FF7 isn't just a beacon of context in terms of its development, it's also able to help players understand the true story of FF7 Remake, even if they've experienced the newer release before. There are countless references to the original FF7 game in Remake, and it isn't shy about bringing up the Compilation, either. Thankfully, due to projects like the recently released Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion and the upcoming Ever Crisis mobile game, even the Compilation is more accessible than it used to be, making it great for newer fans to pick the previous FF7 stories up.

The Adventure that Awaits Final Fantasy 7 Players


A common reason behind why many players don't want to try the original Final Fantasy 7 is because of its polygonal graphics, despite the knowledge that it tells a deep story. However, if fans looked past the outdated graphics, they'd see why Final Fantasy 7 still holds up today. It's easy to find the art direction of the PS1 title rather charming as players ease into the game. Just like how FF7 Remake has its comedic moments, so does the original FF7 game, and players may discover that these graphics help the game more than they hurt it once the plot kicks in properly.

When it comes to the turn-based aspects, some players may legitimately struggle to adjust, but there are ways around this if they'd rather just explore the story and world at their own pace. Recent home console releases of Final Fantasy 7 feature cheats that can help breeze players through the tougher sections, or if they're stuck on a boss with no way out. There's also nothing wrong with using guides.

Now that FF7 is accessible and easy to get to, players shouldn't sleep on this classic before treading the brand-new territory of the Remake trilogy, if not at least brushing up before Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth releases. After all, FF7 Rebirth is beginning some timeline-based shenanigans that are bound to confuse even the oldest FF7 fans. Even if players may think they know what they need to about Final Fantasy 7 already, everything is up in the air from FF7 Remake's ending onwards. Knowing the past ahead of time could very well help fans understand the future.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is set to release in early 2024 for PS5.

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