Even before The Game Awards technically started, there were plenty in the way of announcements. During the pre-show, Square Enix unveiled a new trailer for Final Fantasy 7 Remake, offering a fresh look at how the highly-anticipated game will reimagine the beloved classic.

This announcement didn’t come out of nowhere. Earlier, today, Square Enix teased that Final Fantasy 7 Remake would get a new trailer at The Game Awards, leaving fans to wonder all day what the new look at the game would reveal and whether it would reveal more about the game would build on the 1997 original.

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Surprisingly, though, the trailer that dropped tonight is pretty low on surprises. Whereas the previous trailers for Final Fantasy 7 Remake from the past few years have focused on new reveals, this new one focuses more on fleshing out what we’ve already seen. While many know the story of Cloud Strife already, the trailer uses this opportunity to focus on giving newcomers a better idea of why he’s working with the resistance group Avalanche, as well as a better glimpse at his interactions with characters like Tifa and Aerith.

It suggests that Final Fantasy 7 Remake will go deeper into the story and Cloud’s character more than the original did. Which makes sense, given that the game is actually just the first in a multi-game retelling of FF7’s story, focusing on what, in the original, is the opening section in the city of Midgar. There will be more than enough room for additional narrative content.

In reimagining the Midgar section as a full game, Square Enix will be doing more than just refreshing the original game’s content with HD visuals, updated voice-acting, and new, real-time combat. As director Tetsuya Nomura confirmed last month, Final Fantasy 7 Remake will feature brand new bosses, in addition to new versions of the bosses that players fought in Midgar back in the PlayStation 1 days.

So far, the game is currently slated to come out for the PlayStation 4 exclusively, but that exclusivity won’t last forever, as the latest version of its box art confirms that Final Fantasy 7 Remake will only be a timed PS4 exclusive until its one-year anniversary in 2021.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake is out on March 3, 2020 for PS4.

MORE: Final Fantasy 7 Remake: Character Designs From 1997 Versus 2020