The best stories make people laugh a little, learn a little, and most certainly cry a little. Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth gives fans plenty of opportunities to cry with its massive main story and numerous side quests. The moments below are the biggest tear-jerkers.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Things We Want Added Through DLC

The following DLC additions could significantly improve the Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth experience.

Some of them are ripped straight out of the original 1997 game while others are newer and help expand the world gamers already love so much. It says a lot about how successfully the developers crafted this world when such absurd things as talking robotic cats can bring tears to gamers' eyes.

Warning: Spoilers Ahead

1 Aerith & Ifalna

Losing A Parent

Aerith looking at Iflana

Rebirth shows a scene where Aerith arrives at Midgar with her mother after escaping Hojo's lab. Ifalna is too weak to move from the train station and the young Aerith tries to find help. Being a big city, many of the residents could care less about the young girl in extreme distress.

Only through Elmira's kindness is Aerith able to find a new home, but sadly her mother does not make it and passes away. The mere idea of a young girl losing her mother while being hunted by an evil corporation is depressing enough on its own without the dramatic weight of watching it play out on screen.

2 Red XIII Being Tested On By Hojo

Animal Testing Is Evil

Closeup of Red XIII with a muzzle on

Red XIII discovering that his father was not a coward and fought against the Gi until the very end certainly is emotional, but it would not make us cry out of sadness. It is more of a triumph for Red XIII to understand his place in the world and reclaim his heritage of being from Cosmo Canyon.

The real sad part involving the character is when he is forced to relive his past and is dragged onto a table and held down while Hojo runs tests on him. To add insult to injury, the camera zooms right onto his face as he is in agony.

3 Cloud Almost Killing Tifa

Tifa Lives, But Cloud Is Losing Control

Tifa falling away from cloud

While under Sephiroth's control, Cloud goes on a rampage and massacres some Shinra troopers. It is easy to get behind this move, but even the party starts to think he has gone too far. It is clear something is not right when he starts approaching Tifa with a menacing look.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Best Summons

Summons are a mainstay in Final Fantasy that enable players to enlist the help of a powerful fourth teammate. Here are the best ones in FF7 Rebirth.

He has her backed up against a ledge when he slashes at her and forces her to jump into the lifestream. She is then swallowed by a weapon and goes through a series of intense visions. The saddest part is thinking she really may have died and thinking about the crisis Cloud is going through for th game.

4 Dyne

Barret Confronting His Mistakes

Dyne looking at Barret

Barret blames himself for Corel's destruction, which is why he sees it as his responsibility to stop Dyne's murder spree in the Gold Saucer. After besting him in combat, he tries his hardest to save Dyne, but his old friend is too far gone.

Even after learning that his daughter Marlene is still alive, Dyne concludes that his hands are too red with blood to hold her again. He dies, and forces Barret to live with the weight of his mistakes for the rest of his life. It certainly will take some time before Barret can forgive himself and move on.

5 Nibelheim Burning Down

An Entire Town Is Destroyed

Cloud looking at a ruined house on hire

Fans know it is coming, but it still does not make it any easier to see the entire town of Nibelheim being turned into ash. In fact, it is even worse with the increased graphical fidelity.

One harsh truth of it is that Sephiroth could have made the world a much better place if he focused his energy on taking down Shinra instead of trying to destroy The Planet. With Rebirth taking more time in every area to help players know it better, they become more familiar with the townspeople, making it all the more painful seeing them being cut down and burned up.

6 Roche's Demise

The Comedic Foil Meets A Tragic End

Roche lunging at the camera with his sword over his head

Roche's over-the-top personality and obsession with Cloud make him feel like somewhat of a joke character. It is difficult to tell what his end goal in the series is since he really just likes fighting the main protagonist.

8 Best Barret Quotes From Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Barret is a closed-off character in Final Fantasy 7 Remake, but in Rebirth he fully comes out of his shell, as shown by these great quotes.

The character's arc takes a wild turn when he lets Hojo inject him with some of Jenova's genes, making him more powerful for the final fight. After he loses, he turns into one of the many robed men walking the planet heading toward the mysterious "reunion."

Those who played the original game have a better idea of where the robed men are going, but this list will not spoil it in case readers have not played the original game.

7 Aerith's Death

What We Thought Could Change Still Happens

Cloud holding Aerith as she is dying

Throughout the whole game, players are wondering if the narrative will steer dramatically away from the original plot and prevent Aerith's death, an event that marks the end of the original game's first disc. For a moment it seems that Cloud does stop it, but then the whispers change reality and Sephiroth ends up impaling her anyway.

Players have to relive that tragic moment all over again after spending so long thinking that they might be able to change it. With the vision of Aerith walking beside Cloud during the last cutscenes that no one else can see, maybe she is still there in some form, but no one knows for sure until the third part comes out.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

PlayStation 5
February 29, 2024
Square Enix