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This article answers a very spoiler-heavy question about Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth with as few spoilers as possible to do so, but it is unavoidable to a certain degree. Moreover, the very premise of this question is rooted in knowledge of the original and is something many fans have been asking since FF7 Remake released.

The Final Fantasy 7 Remake diverged rather heavily from the original game, expanding Midgar into a game of its own and introducing new concepts like Whispers. The ending left many fans curious about what would happen in the eventual release of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, and likewise, the ending of FF7 Rebirth has many fans scratching their heads, curious about the next game in the planned trilogy. A lot of this revolves around one question that has been lingering since FF7 Remake.

One of the most memorable deaths in gaming history is Aerith in the original Final Fantasy 7, with folks who have never even played the game likely knowing her fate. Because Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is not just a remake, with the whole project being more akin to a reimagining, many folks are no doubt curious if Aerith dies in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. The short answer is yes, but even that answer is a bit complicated.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Complete Guide & Walkthrough

A complete guide to Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth; including a full main story walkthrough and information about weapons, world intel, and side quests.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Changes Aerith's Fate

For Full Details on the Ending: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's Ending Explained


In the original Final Fantasy 7, the events are pretty straightforward. Aerith dies, and the party continues the fight against Sephiroth. However, her death is made more complicated in the latest release. For a moment, players are led to believe she is saved before that hope is dashed. Players are shown the events from, seemingly, three different timelines or universes in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, with the prior game establishing there to be at least two. One shows her alive, one shows her dead, and another just shows her severely hurt, but still alive. It seems the main universe in which Cloud and party are is the one where Aerith dies.

Complicating it further is the fact that Aerith continues to appear thereafter, perhaps leading some to wonder if Aerith is still alive in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. However, it appears to be an Aerith from other timelines aiding Cloud, alongside some Ancients magicks, while her continuing to appear in cutscenes even after that is likely some form of Cloud's delusion. It's noteworthy that he can see her and they talk, but it's very clear that the others are under the impression she is dead and cannot see her. In this vein, Cloud may be hallucinating Aerith once everything in FF7 Rebirth's Forgotten Capital is said and done. Of course, as with his prior hallucinations, it's worth asking if it is actually her, if it is something or someone else, and

For answers to that question, fans will need to wait for the eventual third Final Fantasy 7 remake game sometime in the next few years.