
  • Synergy Abilities deepen bonds with characters and aid in taking down tough enemies with unique devastating attacks.
  • Experiment with different Synergy Abilities to find which ones suit a particular playstyle and to maximize effectiveness in battles.
  • Synergy Attacks like Mayhem-Go-Round and Divine Punishment offer crowd control and significant damage, perfect for defeating multiple enemies at once.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth not only features the powerful Limit Breaks that were present in the original, but it's also fleshing out a mechanic first introduced in the Episode Intermission DLC, that being Synergy. There are two Synergy types that players will be able to use during a battle. The first is Synergy Skills, which are free and often provide specific buffs to the team. The second is Synergy Abilities, where two party members will combine their powers to create a single devastating attack after they've used up enough of their ATB bars to charge up their Synergy meter, that is.

How to Get Every Weapon in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

There are 49 weapons in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, each of which has its own unique ability. This guide will explain how to find them all in order.

These techniques aren't only useful for defeating stubborn enemies though, as they can also be used to deepen Cloud's bond with specific characters, which will have a big impact on specific story moments. These Synergy Abilities are some of the most effective for taking down some of the tougher enemies Cloud and the gang will come up against throughout their grand adventure.

Before jumping in, it should be noted that every Synergy Ability in the game is useful in its own way, so while these are some of the best, players are still encouraged to experiment with as many of them as possible to see which they like the look and feel of the most.

1 Overfang (Red XIII & Barret)

Ability: Barret Sends Red XIII Flying Forwards At High Velocity To Unleash A Barrage Of Deadly Attacks

Barret and Red XIII using Overfang on an enemy
  • Raises Their Limit Levels

Red XIII and Barret are two of the best damage dealers in the entire game. While Red is faster on his feet than Barret and excels at taking out crowds of enemies at once, Barret can pick off enemies from afar with a steady barrage of bullets and explosions, which makes the two a deadly pair, as is demonstrated by this flashy Synergy Ability, Overfang.

After the two weaken the enemy by firing and slashing away at them from all angles, the ability finishes with Barret launching Red directly at the target to give them one final attack before the show is over. What stands out about this Synergy Ability is the devastating amount of damage that it can cause, capable of taking away chunks of enemy health bars, which can be very useful for some of the more durable enemies like ogres and orcs. It's also just a lot of fun seeing how creatively Barret and Red combine their abilities as part of one giant attack, which is quite a feast for the eyes.

2 Sweet And Sour Salvo (Aerith & Barret)

Ability: Barret And Aerith Unleash A Flurry Of Ranged Attacks At The Enemy

Barret and Aerith standing back to back
  • Use On Staggered Enemies To Increase Potency And Extend Stagger Duration

This ability is not only capable of annihilating enemies whose Stagger gauge has been filled up, but it's also a treat to watch in action thanks to the visual spectacle of the attack. After striking a pose, Barret and Aerith will begin bombarding the enemy with a gauntlet of bullets and spells, culminating in a cocktail of damage that can decimate enemy health bars if used in the right scenario.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: 6 Best Limit Breaks

Limit Breaks return in Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth, and some of these hard-earned abilities can be almost game-breaking with how powerful they are.

When taking on a fearsome enemy, players should always try to drive up their stagger gauge by exploiting their weaknesses and piling on as many attacks as possible. Though the enemy will be much more susceptible to damage in this state, this won't last for too long, so being able to extend this time window with the Sweet and Sour Salvo Synergy Ability can be a huge help, especially against boss enemies.

3 Planetary Roar (Aerith & Red XIII)

Ability: Aerith Unleashes Her Magic Through Red XIII's Howl, Unleashing A Devastating Ranged Attack

Aerith and Red XIII combining their magic powers on an enemy
  • Raises Their Limit Levels

Planetary Roar is a ranged attack that Aeirth and Red can use while remaining a safe distance away from the enemy. If the team already includes heavy physical damage dealers like Tifa or Yuffie, then this can be a useful Synergy Ability for catching the enemy off guard when they're already distracted by other allies who are getting more up close and personal. It can also be a game-changer for dealing with far-to-reach enemies, such as the Mystic Dragon or Velosiwings for example, making it very versatile as a result.

While it won't do too much for the Stagger gauge, Planetary Roar is still useful for whittling down an enemy's health with a quick and explosive attack, and it also helps that the ability itself is a true spectacle to behold. The myriad of vibrant colors that show up once Red XIII lets out his iconic howl makes the ability all the more satisfying to use when the situation calls for it. Being able to access new Limit Breaks after using the ability makes it even more useful, primarily for Red, who possesses some of the most powerful Limit Break attacks in the game.

4 Firework Blade (Cloud & Aerith)

Ability: Cloud Uses Aerith's Magic To Unleash A Ranged Attack

Cloud slashing an enemy with a sword imbued with magic
  • Raises Their Limit Levels

Get ready for the fireworks show, as this Synergy Ability is a joy to behold in action, with the flurry of blade strikes and explosive magic spells all coming together to create one of the deadliest attacks in the entire game. What makes Firework Show such a great ability, aside from how dazzling it looks, is the fact that it grants Cloud an option to attack enemies from range, something he otherwise often struggles to do unless he decides to use Magic Materia.

This means enemies who enjoy nothing more than sitting back and taking pot-shots at Cloud and the others can be easily taken down, and because of how lightning-fast the attack is, it allows players to get back into the action as soon as possible. Cloud and Aerith might have drastically different fighting styles, but this Synergy Ability highlights that when they combine their powers, they can destroy any enemies who stand in their way, no matter how intimidating they may seem.

5 Mayhem-Go-Round (Cait Sith & Barret)

Ability: Barret And Cait Sith Spin Around While Launching Ranged Attacks Across A Wide Area

Cait Sith and Barret using the Mayhem-Go-Around Attack
  • Raises Their Limit Levels

Without a doubt the best Synergy attack in the game when it comes to crowd control, Mayhem-Go-Round is an ability that can easily defeat numerous weaker enemies in one go thanks to its gigantic attack radius. Once Barret hops onto Cait's Moogle, the two will begin firing out gigantic lasers while spinning around the entire area, ensuring no one has any chance of escaping the blast.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: All Chocobo Stop Locations

There are over 30 Chocobo Stops in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. Here is how players can find all of them.

Additionally, while the attack radius is massive, this ability also packs a pretty big punch when it's activated, especially when unleashed onto staggered enemies who won't stand a chance against this deadly tag team. Most Synergy Abilities and Limit Breaks in the game focus on single enemies rather than multiple at once, so it's always a good idea to keep this ability handy for when numerous SHINRA troops or monsters start appearing.

6 Divine Punishment (Aerith & Tifa)

Ability: Tifa Makes Use Of Aerith's Magic To Deal Damage Across A Wide Area

Aerith using Divine Punishment
  • Raises Their Limit Levels

Everyone knows Tifa is a deadly hand-to-hand combatant, but as part of this ability, her attacks are made even more lethal thanks to the addition of Aerith's magic. The ability starts with Aerith creating a giant bubble-like structure that only contains Tifa and the enemies inside. As Tifa bounces off the walls, striking the enemies as she goes, it racks up a considerable amount of damage while also drastically dialing up the Stagger gauge in the process.

The range isn't quite as large as the Mayhem-Go-Around Synergy Ability with Cait and Barret, but the sheer amount of damage that Planetary Roar can cause more than makes up for this. It's one of the best Synergy Abilities in the game for when an enemy needs to be staggered as soon as possible, but if it's activated when they've already reached the Stagger state, then just be prepared to see some pretty big damage numbers popping up on the screen once it's let loose.

7 Mystic Multiplication (Yuffie & Aerith)

Ability: Aerith Clones Yuffie, Who Launches a Springy Assault

Yuffie being multiplied into three
  • Temporarily Grants Unlimited MP

A single Yuffie can already be a nightmare for enemies to deal with, considering how quick and agile she is, but when there are three of her on the battlefield, there's little chance any opponents will be able to make it out of the encounter still in one piece. Needless to say, this quirky Synergy Ability can strike fear into the eyes of any enemy with the amount of damage it can cause, especially at the end when Yuffie launches one of Aerith's magic spells at the enemy like a soccer ball to finish the attack off in style.

That's not all though, as once the attack ends, both Aerith and Yuffie are granted unlimited MP for a brief period. This allows Aerith to either use as many spells as possible to weaken the enemies or to fully restore the party with her healing techniques. Either way, it's a welcome bonus that can be useful when a battle starts getting out of hand and everyone's a little low on health.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

PlayStation 5
February 29, 2024
Square Enix