
  • Cid continued his work in airship engineering and used his resources to help the sick get medical attention, fighting with the rest of the party when called.
  • Yuffie worked as a healer and searched for a cure for Geostigma. She accompanied Vincent in the battle against Deepground.
  • After helping to prevent Sephiroth's meteor from destroying the world, Aerith lived on in the lifestream and appeared to Cloud in visions to provide aid.

The conclusion to Final Fantasy7, perhaps the most iconic and recognizable game in the series, was mindblowing and left fans with just as many questions as they had answers. With such popularity, spin-offs, sequels, and remakes were practically inevitable.

Final Fantasy 7: Cloud's Best Friends, Ranked

Cloud may not come across as the most social guy in Final Fantasy 7, but there are a few characters that he has formed a strong bond with.

As the events of the original 1997 Final Fantasy 7 and its remake trilogy differ, the ending of the remake trilogy will undoubtedly be different as well. With that in mind, here's a look into the stories of each of the original FF7 cast as they continued after Sephiroth's defeat and the end of the Meteor Crisis.

Cid Highwind

Ever The High-Flying Maverick

cid highwind final fantasy 7
  • Cid continued his work in airship engineering
  • He used his resources to help the sick get medical attention

Cid's fascination with air travel hardly died down after saving the world (which makes sense considering how cool airships are in Final Fantasy). He began work on a new airship in Rocket Town with his partner, Shera. It is implied that once he got it airborne, he used his ship to ferry those with severe Geostigma (a disease left behind by Sephiroth) to get the medical aid they needed.

He also provided air support in his newly-named airship, the Shera, in the fight against Bahamut SIN and Sephiroth's remnants. He later became affiliated with the World Regenesis Organization (WRO), heading an airship division. Along with the WRO, he participates in the Battle of Midgar against the leftovers of the Shira Electrical Company military wing, Deepground.

Yuffie Kisaragi

The Materia-Hunter-Turned Healer

yuffie final fantasy 7
  • Rather than continue her hunt for materia, Yuffie worked as a healer in her village
  • She was one of the first victims of Geostigma and the first to search for a cure

After expecting a hero's welcome after returning home, Yuffie found her hometown devastated by the lifestream after it coalesced to stop Sephiroth's meteor spell. Using some healing materia that she collected on her adventure, she took care of the sick and injured. After briefly being quarantined by her father after being mistaken for Geostigma's patient zero, she escaped, only to become infected with the disease after encountering black water in a cave.

She began her search for materia that could cure Geostigma but was ultimately cured by the lifestream's purified water at the end of Advent Children, along with other bearers of the illness. She accompanied Vincent in his assault against Deepground during the Battle of Midgar.

Aerith Gainsborough

Living On Through The Harmony Of The Lifestream

aerith looking towards the camera in final fantasy 7
  • Aerith lived on in the lifestream and helped prevent Sephiroth's meteor from destroying the world
  • She appeared to Cloud in lifestream-powered visions and gave him aid

In possibly the most famous (or infamous) spoilers in the history of video games, Aerith died partway through Final Fantasy 7, shocking gamers across the world. However, the death of her physical body was not necessarily the end of her. Cloud encountered her while having visions of the lifestream, and when the holy spell was not enough to push back Sephiroth's meteor, she brought the lifestream itself up to push it away.

Final Fantasy 7: All Versions, Ranked

Final Fantasy 7 has experienced several iterations and ports. Here's how they compare.

She also appeared to Cloud in visions during the Geostigma epidemic, telling him that he need not be forgiven and that he should move forward with his life. She aided him in the fight against Bahamut SIN, allowing him to break the summon's attack.

Cait Sith

The Pupper And The Puppet Master Usher In A New World

Caith Sith against a black background Final Fantasy 7
  • Cait Sith, the puppet, was rebuilt with all the memories of the previous versions
  • Reeve Tuesti, the puppetmaster, went on to found the World Regeneration Organization (WRO)

Cait Sith is really two people, although the crowned cat does demonstrate some sentience of his own apart from Reeve Tuesti (the former head of Shinra's Urban Development department), despite being a puppet. Tuesti went on to found the WRO, having proven himself as a strong anti-Shinra figure.

Cait Sith, while presumably deactivated after Meteorfall, joined the party to fight Bahamut SIN with Cloud and the rest of the party. The Scottish-accented puppet also appeared in Dirge of Cerberus to battle alongside Vincent (although he still hadn't gotten better at fighting). Sometime after, Tuesti created a fifth Cait Sith with all the memories of the previous versions.

Barret Wallace

Lending A Hand (Or A Gun) Where It Is Needed Most

Barret looks very different in the Final Fantasy VII remake.
  • Barret helped the smaller folk rebuild their lives after beating the oppressive Shinra Electric Company
  • He commissioned a new robotic hand that doubled as a machine gun

After finally taking down Shinra Electric Company, Barret began to adjust to a life without a fight. He commissioned a mechanical hand from the same engineer who created his gun-hand. Although his life's enemy had been defeated, Barret still had a fight in him, so the engineer created a steel hand that could transform into a weapon if needed.

10 Best Final Fantasy 7 Remake Mods You Need To Try

Every popular game has a dedicated modding community surrounding it, and for Final Fantasy 7 Remake, these are some of the best it has produced.

As well as pitching in during the Battle of Midgar and searching for a cure for Geostigma, Barret used his time and strength to help rebuild the world in a more down-to-earth way by lending a hand in farm and construction work.

Vincent Valentine

The Heart Of Chaos Put To Rest

Vincent Valentine Sitting in Coffin
  • Vincent saved the world from the Omega Weapon and Deepground, who were attempting to use the weapon to extract the planet's lifestream
  • After being purged of chaos, it is unknown if he remained immortal or consumed by darkness

In Derge Of Cerberus, Vincent plays a pivotal role in saving the planet from Omega, one of the planet's powerful weapons, which was awakened by Deepground in order to trick it into extracting the planet's lifestream. In fact, it was revealed that the Chaos that had turned him into an immortal being was created as a herald to Omega. It was designed to return all life to the lifestream before Omega could carry it to another planet as a last resort.

Thankfully, Vincent put an end to Deepground and the weapon before that could happen. Since Vincent is immortal and is set to live longer than even Red XIII, it is unknown what happened to him between the completion of Edge City and nature's reclamation of Midgar. Hopefully, being purged of Chaos, he found a way to live a happier life.

Tifa Lockhart

Pulling The Community Back Together

tifa final fantasy 7 1997
  • Tifa built a bar in the city of Edge, built on the ruins of Midgar
  • She formed a family with Cloud and attempted to heal his frayed mental health

After helping to avert the end of the world, Tifa focused on building a small family with Cloud, Barret, and Barret's daughter, Marline, in the newly constructed city of Edge, built on top of Midgar's eastern ruins. She set up a bar called "7th Heaven" and focused on cultivating wellness and a sense of much-needed normality in her small community.

Tifa continued to help mend Cloud's shattered mental health but with mixed results. During the Geostigma crisis (Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children), she combatted Sephiroth's remnants, preventing his resurrection, along with Cloud and the rest of the old party. A year later, she joined Cloud, Barret, and Vincent in the battle against Deepground and their attempt to extract the planet's life force.

Cloud Strife

A Soldier's Battle Never Ends On The Battlefield

Cloud Strife from original Final Fantasy 7
  • While he seemed to enjoy regular family life, he secretly struggled with depression and loss
  • Cloud truly began to heal after finally destroying Sephiroth during his attempted return

Cloud's battle never ended, even after saving the world from Sephiroth and his Meteor spell. Between putting down Deepground, preventing Sephiroth's return via his remnants, and operating a delivery business (Strife Delivery Service), he struggled to piece together his still-shattered identity and purpose.

Final Fantasy 7: 8 Biggest Weaknesses Cloud Has

Cloud is known for being a great fighter, but even he has his unique vulnerabilities.

While he seemed to be adjusting to his new family life with Tifa, Denzel, and Marline, he was secretly struggling with depression and loss. Gradually, with the help of his former party and through defeating Sephiroth's memory (symbolically and physically), he was able to begin the process of healing.

Red XIII (Nanaki)

The Storied History Of The Long-Lived Wanderer

Final Fantasy 7 red xiii
  • Red XIII lived for at least another 500 years and had cubs of his own
  • He traveled the world for meaning and promised to meet with Vincent every year

Red XIII, or Nanaki, to use his real name, traveled the planet after stopping the meteor spell from destroying the planet. He continued to maintain contact with the rest of the old party but became despondent upon realizing his longevity would force him to see his friends age and die many times over.

He confided these fears in Vincent, an immortal himself, who encouraged him to see the world and promised to meet with him once a year in Midgar. Nanaki can be seen during the opening of Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children 500 years into the future with two cubs looking over Midgar's verdant ruins.

final fantasy 7 box art

January 31, 1997
Square Enix