
  • Final Fantasy 7: Ever Crisis, the retelling of the 1997 version, will have a special New Year event featuring Yuffie as a boss.
  • The event will be available across platforms, including PC, and will include a traditional Japanese outfit for Cloud.
  • The event releases at midnight in Japan on January 1, 2024, and on December 31, 2023, for fans in Western nations.

Just recently launched for PC after its initial mobile-exclusive release, Final Fantasy 7: Ever Crisis will have a special in-game New Year event that will include the iconic heroine Yuffie as a boss. While the PC version of Final Fantasy 7: Ever Crisis has exclusive features, this special holiday event will be available to users across platforms.

First launched back in 1997, the original Final Fantasy 7 is considered by many to be one of the best installments in the RPG franchise. Final Fantasy 7: Ever Crisis is a retelling of the story from the 1997 version, with Ever Crisis featuring additional lore elements from other Final Fantasy titles. Since its launch in September of this year, Final Fantasy 7: Ever Crisis has featured multiple special in-game events, and the upcoming New Year event is already getting attention from fans.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Teases New Story Developments For Returning Character

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth teases a brand-new plotline for one of the game's returning characters, one that drastically departs from their original fate.

Announced by the official Final Fantasy 7: Ever Crisis account, the upcoming "Happy New Year: The Wily Hunter" event will feature Yuffie as the main boss and will include a traditional Japanese outfit for Cloud. Final Fantasy 7: Ever Crisis tells its story through unique downloadable chapters. While some fans have questioned this faster story telling in FF7: Ever Crisis compared to the remakes, many players have appreciated the expansive backstories given to Sephiroth and others. With the upcoming "Wily Hunter" event, Final Fantasy lovers will get to see the return of the beloved character Yuffie, as she serves as the main boss for this special event. She can be briefly spotted in the announcement trailer with her classic shuriken, along with the legendary hero Cloud, who is sporting traditional Japanese clothing and a katana.

When Does the Final Fantasy: Ever Crisis New Year Event Release?

  • January 1, 2024 - Midnight JST
  • December 31, 2023 - 10am EST

The reveal teaser has already got fans buzzing online, with many hoping that Yuffie's introduction during the event will lead to her becoming a playable character. Others were happy to see Cloud sporting a unique outfit and trading away his iconic Buster Sword for a more realistic weapon. Due to timezone differences, the "Happy New Year: The Wily Hunter" event releases at midnight in Japan on January 1, 2024, but it will be available to fans in Western nations on December 31, 2023. With this upcoming event bringing back the fan-favorite Yuffie from the Final Fantasy franchise, interested players may want to check out Final Fantasy 7: Ever Crisis.

With many fans enjoying Final Fantasy 7: Ever Crisis in the lead up to the launch of the highly-anticipated Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, it is understandable Square Enix has reintroduced one of the series' most popular characters. Final Fantasy 7: Ever Crisis players can enjoy the "Happy New Year: The Wily Hunter Event," along with monthly story chapter releases and exclusive content.