Final Fantasy 7 Ever Crisis boasts one of the largest character rosters of any Final Fantasy game. This comprehensive collection is all the better to build a unique party. That said, some are better than others, and the variety doesn't stop there.

7 Beginner Tips For Final Fantasy 7: Ever Crisis

Players who just started playing Final Fantasy 7: Ever Crisis should keep these tips in mind.

Each character has several weapons to acquire. The sheer number of them can be overwhelming, and the gacha system makes it difficult to secure any specific tool. Despite those obstacles, players should still strive for certain offensive items. The best ones complement a character's inborn strengths while warding off different types of attacks. This list aims to aid in determining which ones to keep. With the perfect combination, players can propel characters from good to great, ultimately building the best party imaginable. The only downside is that it makes the heroes' stat disparity all the more apparent.

11 Lucia

The Gunner Gets An Earthy Christmas Gift With The Holiday Revolver

Lucia and the Holiday Revolver in Final Fantasy 7 Ever Crisis

Most of Lucia's weapons are unique. The reason is that they are usually the only physical weapons to inflict certain elemental damage. The Holiday Revolver falls into that category. It can inflict 800% Earth damage with the potential for further boosts. This makes it a viable substitute for Quake: a rare and devastating spell in any Final Fantasy title. Luckily, this gun is guaranteed to match it.

Fans need only look at its base stats. Not only does it sport 422 physical attack points, but its magic attack stat stands at 566. Granted, these aren't the absolute highest, but the aforementioned Earth focus makes up for that minor difference. Talk about a great Christmas gift.

10 Matt

The Slick Beetle Is Great For Both Inflicting And Healing Damage

Matt and the Slick Beetle in Final Fantasy 7 Ever Crisis

Matt also plays a dual role. On one hand, he has a respectable attack power with his rapiers. On the other, he's a potent medic, with AOE healing capabilities comparable to Aerith. As such, players should find a weapon complementing both of these roles.

Enter the Slick Beetle. It has 517 attack points. In addition, it deals 750% physical attack damage to single enemies while decreasing their own attack power. As if that wasn't enough, it boosts the potency of critical hits by 150% and their rate by 10%. Finally, it contains 224 healing points. These factors make the buggy blade a top-tier tool in both offense and defense. More importantly, it's a great balance of the two.

9 Barret

The W Machine Gives Barret The Best Hand Cannon

Barret in Final Fantasy 7 Ever Crisis

One would think the beefy Barret relies on strength, but he actually straps guns to his arm. The best of these is the W Machine. It carries 555 attack points with 360% damage to a single enemy. Granted, that damage is strictly non-elemental, but the weapon swiftly makes up for that shortcoming.

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A few other effects hinder the target and buff the wearer. The W Machine decreases enemy defenses at multiple ranges. Plus, it helps Barret resist lightning damage. How a metallic material resists electricity is a mystery, but fans aren't complaining.

8 Zack

Zweihander Beefs Up Zack's Strength Beyond Any SOLDIER

Zack and the Zweihander in Final Fantasy 7 Ever Crisis

As the predecessor to Cloud, Zack likewise boasts a batch of giant swords. The best among them is Zweihander. It matches Barret's W Machine at 555 attack points. However, the 940% physical damage to a single enemy is far superior. With this blade, Zack wipes the floor with the most imposing monsters in just a few hits. Of course, it has other benefits, as well.

Zweihander boosts Zack's attributes in small ways. For instance, it amplifies his critical hit rate by 10% and adds 50% potency to his physical and magic abilities. These perks may be small potatoes next to his melee damage output, but even the most insignificant stat can tip the scale of battle.

7 Sephiroth

Radiant Edge Grants Sephiroth A Heavenly Advantage Over Debuffed Enemies.

Sephiroth and Radiant Edge in Final Fantasy 7 Ever Crisis

The ultimate SOLDIER needs a weapon to match. Of the katanas at Sephiroth's disposal, none are more effective than Radiant Edge. Its attack points top off at 561. This is higher than any of his other swords, letting him dispatch foes with a graceful swipe. However, the weapon's utility comes down to more than raw power.

It also applies a slew of effects. On top of 540% physical damage to a single target, it activates various debuffs. Examples include decreasing enemies' defense as well as their fire resistance. At the same time, it beefs up Sephiroth's own fire potential. They never stand a chance against a One Winged Angel with the Radiant Edge.

6 Yuffie

With The Icy Power Of The Spiral Shuriken, An Aspiring Ninja Is Cold Comfort

Yuffie in Final Fantasy 7 Ever Crisis

Yuffie is a self-proclaimed ninja. Thus, her weapons are shuriken, each with special effects or magical augments. The Spiral Shuriken is the best example, packing 800% physical ice damage into a single target. One throw can freeze the most formidable foes in place. This is only the icing on the cake, though.

The main course is the attack stat. 566 points make the Spiral Shuriken deadlier than any other tool in Yuffie's arsenal. Such a fantastic mix of power and elemental effects is essential in any battle. Enemies are dead before they ever see the projectile coming. In the end, that's the point of a ninja.

5 Tifa

The Brawler's Holy Flame Gloves Freeze Foes In Their Tracks

Holy Flame Gloves in Final Fantasy 7 Ever Crisis

A seasoned martial artist, Tifa excels at hand-to-hand fighting. Her weapons are gloves with various materials to beef up her punches. The knuckles that hit the hardest are the Holy Flame Gloves, which have 573 attack points. With a stat that high, fans might expect the gauntlets' usefulness to be mainly physical.

On the contrary, they also have elemental benefits. No, they don't inflict fire damage as the name implies. Instead, they deal a whopping 800% ice damage to a single enemy. This makes them reliable for many of the same reasons as Yuffie's shuriken, but even more so. If Tifa can't knock out her enemies, then she turns them into popsicles.

4 Red XIII

The Platinum Collar Helps Red Heal His Newfound Friends

Red XIII and the Platinum Collar in Final Fantasy 7 Ever Crisis

The experiment known as "Red XIII" has no actual weapons since he walks on all fours. Rather, he cycles between a series of collars. In a similar subversion, his greatest strength lies not in attack, but healing.

Red works best as a support character. Like Aerith, his best weapon reflects that prowess. Enter the Platinum Collar. It has 265 healing points. In conjunction, its perks boost that rate by anywhere from 50 to 100%. Best of all, it applies Regen to all allies, trivializing many battles through constant restoration. In essence, he enables his friends to heal themselves without lifting a finger (or paw).

3 Aerith

Fairy Tale Cements Aerith's Place As FF7's Best Medic

Aerith in Final Fantasy 7 Ever Crisis

The flower girl has a hefty collection of staves. These are great for slinging spells or swatting enemies. That said, Aerith is a healer at heart. Her utility depends on how her staff complements that.

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From that perspective, the best weapon is Fairy Tale. Its base healing stat is 280. Plus, its attributes amplify that rate, boosting her restorative strength by anywhere from 50 to 100%. As an added perk, she resists Earth damage by 50%. It may not be much in the grand scheme of things. If it keeps her alive a little longer, though, she might just save everyone else in one fell swoop.

2 Glenn

Physical And Magical Might Ensure Enemies Rest In Peace

Glenn and Rest in Peace in Final Fantasy 7 Ever Crisis

The final character that Ever Crisis introduces, Glenn nevertheless feels familiar to the established heroes. In that, he focuses on heavy weapons packing a powerful punch. Players should look no further than Rest in Peace. This sword's attack stat stands at 577 points. Its magic power is nothing to sneeze at, either, reaching 419. What's more, is that it can amplify both by up to 50%. That said, it's clear which players should prioritize.

Physical attacks are the way to go. Rest in Peace inflicts 750% non-elemental damage to a single enemy. That strength cements Glenn as one of the game's heaviest hitters. In short, the sword's name is fitting.

1 Cloud

Skysplitter Sends Cloud's Foes Down In A Literal Blaze Of Glory

Cloud and the Skysplitter in Final Fantasy 7 Ever Crisis

The mainline game's primary protagonist, Cloud is the go-to character for melee attacks. His slew of oversized swords exist for that very reason. The best is Skysplitter. 578 points fill out its attack stat. In fact, this blade has the highest elemental DPS rate in the whole adventure.

That colossal rate comes from fire. Skysplitter combines its physical prowess with flame-based damage. It's actually the strongest tool for that particular element. When striking a single enemy, it carries up to 850% physical fire damage. Such a supreme weapon reduces foes to ashes while slicing them into ribbons.

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The Final Fantasy games have produced some of the hardest bosses in JRPG history, and these are the toughest fights.