In the more than 25 years since its launch, Final Fantasy 7 has remained one of the most iconic and important video games ever released. While debate among fans still continues to this day regarding which entry in the long-running Final Fantasy series is the best, it's hard to argue against Final Fantasy 7 being the most important game in the franchise. Not only did Final Fantasy 7's PlayStation exclusivity help to catapult Sony to the top of the "console war" pile in the 5th generation, but the title was also responsible for bringing JRPGs to a mainstream audience. Part of the game's enduring appeal rests squarely on the shoulders of its incredible cast of characters.

Even though the recent Final Fantasy 7 Remake and its upcoming sequel Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth look to change some of the beloved cast's status quo, the characters themselves still retain much of the same appearance and personality that fans have associated with them for decades. In addition to having one of the more recognizable protagonists of any game and an unforgettable party of heroes that accompany him, Final Fantasy 7's antagonist Sephiroth is the pinnacle villain of the Final Fantasy franchise next to Final Fantasy 6's Kefka. Still, not all of Final Fantasy 7's large cast is created equal, making them due for a ranking.

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S Tier

final fantasy 7 rebirth cloud and sephiroth

Cloud Strife - As protagonists go, it doesn't get much better than Cloud. Not only is he one of the most recognizable and popular characters in gaming, but he's also a well-rounded and tragic hero with a deep backstory and personal demons. Final Fantasy's use of flawed heroes is nothing new, but Cloud's grappling with his mental illness and self-doubt resonated with legions of fans who found themselves dealing with the same real-world struggles. And lest it is forgotten, the Buster Sword is one of the most incredibly cool weapons in history.

Sephiroth - Speaking of realistic and flawed characters, a tough and cool exterior belies the inner turmoil of Final Fantasy 7's big bad. After all, it can't be easy coming to grips with the fact that one is a genetically-engineered god. When players finally learn the ins and outs of Sephiroth's fascinating origins, it immediately elevates him to the highest echelon of villain-dom, and he sits alongside Kefka as one of the best antagonists in the entire Final Fantasy franchise.

Aerith Gainsborough - Aerith is the ultimate tragic hero, the necessary sacrifice to give Final Fantasy 7's heroes an additional push to track down Sephiroth outside needing to save the world. But beyond her importance in the game's plot, Aerith is a kind soul that sees the best in everyone, to a fault. Considering how important her character arc was to the original Final Fantasy 7, it will be interesting to see how her fate unfolds in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

RELATED:Why Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth's Dramatic Emphasis on Tifa is a Red Herring

A Tier

Tifa Final Fantasy VII Remake (2020)

Barret Wallace - It's not often that players are introduced to a gruff eco-terrorist only to bond with them as they grow and develop, but then again Barret isn't a typical companion. Adding to the list of "Final Fantasy 7 heroes with tragic backstories", Barret comes off as aggressive and tough until players see how he is around Marlene. And when it's finally revealed how Barret came to be Marlene's adopted dad, be prepared to like him even more.

Tifa Lockhart - Tifa isn't just Cloud's childhood friend and love interest, she's the physical powerhouse of the team. By the time players make it to the Northern Cave, it's likely that their core party is Cloud, Barret, and Tifa. Her fate at the hands of Sephiroth leaves her inextricably tied to Cloud and also makes her one of the most important characters in the game's plot.

B Tier

Vincent in Final Fantasy 7 and Advent Children

Vincent Valentine - Everyone's favorite Turk-turned-vampire, Vincent Valentine is still one of the coolest-looking characters in all of Final Fantasy 7. Given the timeline of his appearance in the original game, it's no surprise that fans are eager to see him show up in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. Not content to just be a cool-looking character, though, Vincent's limit breaks are also one of the more unique aspects of Final Fantasy 7, making use of his genetic modification to transform into hideous monsters.

Red XIII - Red XIII shows up in the climax of Final Fantasy 7's first act and ends up becoming one of the most important characters thanks to his connection to Bugenhagen. Once players return with Red XIII to his hometown, they learn of the impending doom facing the planet. Still, outside of being an important character in the plot, Red doesn't have tremendous use in battle by the time he joins the party.

C Tier


Cid Highwind - It's not a Final Fantasy without Cid, and the namesake's appearance in Final Fantasy 7 is a mixed bag. On the one hand, he gives the party access to the Highwind airship and provides powerful support in combat through a variation of the Dragoon class. On the other, he's a total jerk. Win some, lose some.

Yuffie Kisaragi - Yuffie is also a conflicting character in that players are first acquainted with her as an enemy and a thief. First impressions are a killer, and Yuffie's isn't exactly sterling. Thankfully, the character was given some interesting backstory and fleshed out in the Final Fantasy 7 Remake: Integrade expansion.

Cait Sith - Outside being a cat riding a giant animatronic robot, Cait Sith doesn't have much going for them. The double-crossing robotic cat brings the Blue Mage class to Final Fantasy 7, but has not much use as a party member until the final battle. The second and third parts of the Final Fantasy 7 Remake can hopefully redeem the party's resident feline.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake is available now for PC, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5.

MORE: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Still Has a Lot of Unanswered Questions