Sephiroth is among the most famous gaming villains ever, and a big part of that comes from how formidable he is. The Final Fantasy 7 antagonist is virtually unparalleled as a fighter. He topples titanic foes with a swing of his sword, and he does so with calculating efficiency. These qualities make him a great SOLDIER operative. As accomplished as he is, though, he's not invincible.

On the contrary, Sephiroth has a handful of weaknesses. Most of these are physical failures which factor into gameplay. In addition, he's sometimes vulnerable to psychological warfare. That's not something one would expect from such a stone-cold killer, but Sephiroth does have a few hang-ups capable of breaking stoicism. Thankfully, these chinks in his armor can give the heroes a fighting chance.

6 Holy

Final Fantasy 7

Aerith prays in Final Fantasy 7

In FF7, Sephiroth's mightiest weapon is Meteor. He plans to use the catastrophe spell to destroy a section of the planet. He'll then absorb the resulting Lifestream essence to achieve divinity. Luckily though, Aerith has a trick up her sleeve.

Final Fantasy 7: 10 Things That Make Sephiroth The Most Terrifying Villain In Gaming

Throughout the history of gaming, few villains have ever come close to rivaling Sephiroth, Final Fantasy 7's representation of evil incarnate.

The flower girl aims to use White Materia to summon Holy. This is the only spell capable of countering Meteor. Thus, it's the key to dismantling Sephiroth's entire scheme, ending his ambitions in one fell swoop. It's nice to know she gets a hit in before that infamous scene.

5 Stagger

Final Fantasy 7 Remake (2020)

Stagger in Final Fantasy 7 Remake

A main mechanic in Final Fantasy 7 Remake's combat system is staggering. Players use specialized attacks and/or spells to build an enemy's stagger meter. Once this meter fills, the enemy is stunned. He's unable to move and lies open to further assault. His defenses also lower, allowing for some serious damage. This method is the best way to conquer bosses.

Sephiroth is no exception. Though he has no elemental weaknesses to speak of, the villain is still vulnerable to staggering with enough physical attacks. This provides a precious window for inflicting damage. On a side note, it's also the only time he's not slaughtering the party. Players should make the most of that momentary respite.

4 Counterstance

Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Twin Stinger in Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Once again, Sephiroth spends most of FF7 Remake's final battle slicing the heroes to ribbons. They don't have much chance to strike back, making it difficult to build up the stagger meter. Sure, they have Cloud's Punisher Mode, which automatically counterattacks after blocking a hit. However, he can also learn a more advanced version.

Final Fantasy: 8 Bosses Who Were Surprisingly Tough

These Final Fantasy boss fights can be quite difficult to get through even if the enemies don't seem all that threatening at first glance.

The Twin Stinger sword comes with the Counterstance ability. When activated before an incoming attack, it delivers a crushing blow in rejoinder. It's the most reliable method of building Sephiroth's stagger meter and draining his health bar. With the flurry of slashes, it's easy to get the timing right. As such, players can keep setting the same trap.

3 His Friends

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7

Angeal, Sephiroth, and Genesis in Crisis Core Final Fantasy 7

Despite his insulated nature, Sephiroth makes two friends at Shinra: Angeal and Genesis. These fellow SOLDIER operatives both go rogue in Crisis Core, and fans see how it gets under the warrior's skin. The company no longer has his absolute loyalty, especially given its declining state. He even intentionally lets his old pals escape at numerous points. In essence, he's unwilling to carry out his orders if it puts him at odds with the only people he's ever cared about. This already compromises him in the higher-ups' eyes, but he only grows more distant once Angeal dies and Genesis remains at large.

Sephiroth eventually contemplates abandoning the company altogether. This is the only life he's ever known. Everything he's worked for lies with Shinra, yet he's prepared to throw it away for his friends' sake. It's a huge sacrifice for anyone, particularly the cold and unfeeling star of SOLDIER.

2 The Power Of Light

Kingdom Hearts 2

Tifa and Cloud in Kingdom Hearts 2

When Final Fantasy characters show up in Kingdom Hearts, they do so with slight alterations. Namely, their backstories and motivations adhere more closely to the theme of light conquering darkness. That applies to Sephiroth in Kingdom Hearts 2. Here, he's a manifestation of the darkness in Cloud's heart. He's therefore powerless if the hero lightens up (literally).

Final Fantasy 7: 10 Cloud Vs. Sephiroth Memes That Are Too Hilarious

Cloud and Sephiroth are almost inseparable, and the same can be said for most of their Final Fantasy 7 memes.

Fans see this when the two come to blows. Sephiroth has Cloud at a disadvantage, but Tifa soon joins the fray. She offers the hero both physical and emotional support. Her inner light powers Cloud up, much to Sephiroth's shock and frustration. The combatants then vanish, but it's clear who will emerge victorious. The "power of light" plot device may be cheesy, but it does the trick. Plus, it's what players have come to expect from Kingdom Hearts.

1 Existential Crises

Final Fantasy 7, Crisis Core, & Remake

Sephiroth in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Given how powerful he is, it's ironic that Sephiroth's greatest enemy is his own past. The SOLDIER operative has no memory of his early life. All he knows is that his mother's name was "Jenova." It turns out that Mom is really an alien life form who crashed on the planet. The folks at Shinra then dissected and experimented on her. Believing her to be one of the divine "Ancients," they sought to use her cells to create the perfect living weapon. Their attempts resulted in hordes of subhuman monsters.

Sephiroth is one of these experiments. When he discovers this in Nibelheim, he shuts himself in the town's abandoned mansion for days on end. He questions everything he thought he knew and desperately searches for some meaning to it all. It's among the only times he not only loses his composure, but is consumed with self-doubt. The former hero's most crippling hindrance stems from himself. Sometimes, ignorance is bliss.

final fantasy 7 remake
Final Fantasy 7 Remake

PC , PS4 , PS5
April 10, 2020
Square Enix Business Division 1
Action RPG
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