Sabin is the brother of Edgar who is the Prince of Figaro. Sabin is also a prince, technically, but he left home shortly after their father died to become a great Monk-like warrior instead. Edgar, Locke, and Terra discover him training in the mountains and he quickly becomes the fourth party member in Final Fantasy 6.

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Sabin’s unique special command is called Blitz. Players can input certain commands to perform moves on enemies akin to a fighting game. Some are easy to master while others are more complicated. Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster has made it easier to perform these techniques at least. Sabin will learn Blitzes as he levels up, so let’s go through all eight in a quick ranking of power.

8 Soul Spiral

Soul Spiral, Sabin’s ability in Final Fantasy 6

Soul Spiral can be learned at level forty-two for Sabin and it is kind of a letdown. The technique will sacrifice Sabin to restore everyone in the party to full health. When this happens, Sabin will leave the battlefield and can’t even be revived.

This Blitz should be used as a last-ditch effort and is technically a good healing ability for an RPG. However, the sacrifice cost is a bit too high as removing one full-party member can be brutal. Soul Spiral can be performed with the simple command of R, L, Up, Down, Right, Left, and then A.

7 Aura Cannon

Aura Cannon, Sabin’s ability in Final Fantasy 6

Aura Cannon should be learned by the time Edgar, Locke, and Terra find Sabin in the game. It’s a level three Blitz and is like Sabin’s version of a Kamehameha Wave from the Dragon Ball series. It is a non-elemental attack that will strike one opponent.

It’s good to use against enemies and bosses strong against physical attacks but it is nowhere near one of Sabin’s best skills overall. It’s one of those Blitzes that comes in handy the most in the early sections of Final Fantasy 6. Aura Cannon can be performed with the simple command of Down, Diagonal Down Left, Left, and then A.

6 Meteor Strike

Meteor Strike, Sabin’s ability in Final Fantasy 6

Meteor Strike is basically Sabin’s version of a suplex, which was the earlier name given to it in the SNES version. Sabin will grab one selected enemy, jump into the air, and then slam down on the ground with it. The move is a great attack, but it has a low success rate at times.

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Flying enemies, for example, usually can’t have this move performed on them and a majority of the bosses won’t be affected either. Like it or hate it, this Blitz can be learned at level ten. Meteor Strike can be performed with the simple command of R, L, Down, Up, and then A.

5 Chakra

Chakra, Sabin’s ability in Final Fantasy 6

Chakra is the better healing technique for Sabin compared to Soul Spiral. Sabin will heal the party for a small bit of energy. This is a rare case for Chakra in the series as most techniques like this are singular use only.

For example, Amarant from Final Fantasy 9, uses Chakra on himself. This move can be learned at level twenty-three and should be a skill that players strive to get as soon as possible. It’s a good substitute for Cure or Cura magic in a pinch. Chakra can be performed with the simple command of R, L, R, L, Down, Up, and then A.

4 Raging Fist

Raging Fist, Sabin’s ability in Final Fantasy 6

Raging Fist is the very first technique Sabin will learn at level one. It may be his first, but it remains one of his strongest in Final Fantasy 6. That tends to happen in games from time to time with magic, skills, and even weapons.

Dead Space’s Plasma Cutter, for example, is the first and best weapon in that game. While Raging Fist isn’t the best Blitz for Sabin, again, it will literally pack quite a punch. Raging Fist can be performed with the simple command of Left, Right, Left, and then A.

3 Rising Phoenix

Rising Pheonix, Sabin’s ability in Final Fantasy 6

Rising Phoenix is an amazing technique that Sabin may or may not learn upon first meeting him at level fifteen. It depends on how much players grind which is quite easy in the Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster version of Final Fantasy 6.

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That’s because this remaster adds boosts that act like assist modes which can increase how many experience points players get. Now, the technique will attack all enemies with a fire-based wave. Rising Phoenix can be performed with the complex command of Left, Diagonal Down Left, Down, Diagonal Down Right, Right, and then A.

2 Razor Gale

Razor Gale, Sabin’s ability in Final Fantasy 6

Razor Gale is a lot like Rising Phoenix except it is a wind-based version. It’s almost tied in terms of power and whether players use this or Rising Phoenix depends on enemy weaknesses. The undead, for example, tend to hate fire-based damage and there are a lot of undead critters in the game.

The Blitz can be learned at level thirty, which players should get to before the World of Ruin section of Final Fantasy 6. Razor Gale can be performed with the complex command of Up, Diagonal Up Right, Right, Diagonal Down Right, Down, Diagonal Down Left, Left, and then A.

1 Phantom Rush

Phantom Rush, Sabin’s ability in Final Fantasy 6

Phantom Rush is Sabin’s ultimate technique and can be learned in one of two ways. Players can grind for hours to reach level seventy which will unlock it automatically. They can alternatively visit Master Duncan in the World of Ruin who somehow miraculously survived the cataclysm.

It is another Blitz that targets a single enemy on the battlefield for a huge amount of non-elemental damage via Sabin’s aura. Phantom Rush can be performed with the complex command of Left, Diagonal Up Left, Up, Diagonal Up Right, Right, Diagonal Down Right, Down, Diagonal Down Left, Left, and then A.

Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster was re-released for consoles on April 19, 2023, and is available on PS4 and Switch.

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