Final Fantasy 6 tells the story of a group of adventurers on a quest to rid the world of a terrifying evil. Throughout the beginning of the game, players will learn that magic is no longer a power that can be wielded by party members, but by progressing through the story, this fact can be changed.

RELATED: Final Fantasy 6: How To Find Shadow In The World Of Ruin

Ultima is arguably one of the best spells available in all of Final Fantasy 6. Because of this, the game makes it quite difficult for players to acquire it. There are three ways to obtain Ultima, but some of them are much harder than others.

What Does The Ultima Spell Do In Final Fantasy 6?

Ultima in Final Fantasy 6

Ultima is a non-elemental magic spell that, when cast, targets all enemies on the battlefield. It is by far the most powerful spell available in the game, not only for the damage it can deal but also due to the defensive enemy buffs it ignores.

Ultima will not be reflected back at the party if it is cast at an enemy with an active Reflect buff. It also ignores enemy Magic Defense, and its damage will not be lessened if cast on a foe with an active Shell buff. Casting Ultima requires the caster to spend 80 MP, and though this sounds like a lot, equipping the Celestriad Relic will allow players to cast it, and all other spells in exchange for only 1 MP.

How To Get Ultima In Final Fantasy 6

There are three ways to obtain the Ultima spell in Final Fantasy 6, but each comes with a few complications. That said, one method is much easier than others.

Learning Ultima With The Ragnarok Magicite

Finding Ragnarok in Final Fantasy 6

Once players have found and recruited Locke in the World of Ruin, they can return to Narshe and use his skills as a Thief to unlock the door to the Weapons shop. Inside, the party can speak to the vendor, who will then offer them a pretty powerful piece of Magicite.

Players will then have the option to decide what form this Magicite will take. Choosing to transform it into a weapon will add the Ragnarok sword to the party's inventory while choosing to keep the Magicite will reward players with the Ragnarok Esper, which can then be equipped to a character to let them learn Ultima.

Acquiring Ultima this way is quite simple, but it also prevents players from obtaining one of the most powerful swords in Final Fantasy 6. Thankfully, there are two other ways to learn Ultima, so players can feel free to take the Ragnarok sword from the vendor if they are willing to get Ultima elsewhere.

Learning Ultima With The Paladin's Shield

The next best way to acquire the Ultima spell is to find and equip the Cursed Shield on a party member and win 256 battles with them. This can take an extremely long time, especially because of the status effects that come with wearing the shield, so players should equip a Ribbon to the character using the shield to lessen its negative effects.

Where to find the Cursed Shield in Final Fantasy 6

To find the Cursed Shield, the player must enter the house in the northwestern corner of Narshe. Like with the Weapons shop, Locke must first be recruited in the World of Ruin in order to unlock this door.

Finding the Cursed Shield in Final Fantasy 6

Once inside, the Cursed Shield can be obtained by speaking to the NPC in the bed. With it equipped, players will need to win 256 battles in order to transform it into the Paladin's Shield; after which Ultima can be learned at a x1 rate by equipping it.

Learning Ultima With Terra

Terra in Final Fantasy 6

Terra will automatically learn Ultima once she reaches Level 99. Acquiring Ultima via this method requires the most work and time out of the other two options, and it's not really worth the effort.

RELATED: Final Fantasy 6: Terra Scenario Walkthrough

In the Final Fantasy 6 Pixel Remaster, players can actually increase the rate at which the party levels up by adjusting the setting in the Configuration section of the main menu, but reaching Level 99 will still take a pretty considerable amount of time.

Final Fantasy 6 is currently available on PS4, Nintendo Switch, PC, and Mobile.

MORE: Beginner Tips For Final Fantasy 6 Pixel Remaster