Final Fantasy 6 follows a brave group of adventurers on a quest to save the world from a terrible evil. Set in a land where magic no longer exists, players are forced to rely on physical attacks until they have unlocked the means to reawaken and obtain spells. Meteor is one of the most powerful spells available in the game, but acquiring it can be quite challenging.

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There are many ways for party members to learn spells in Final Fantasy 6. One method requires the player to equip a character with an Esper and win a few battles, another demands certain pieces of equipment are worn, and the other requires a character to reach a particular level. Unlocking the ability to cast Meteor can take some time, but it's usually worth the effort.

What Does Meteor Do In Final Fantasy 6?

Casting Meteor in Final Fantasy 6

Meteor is a non-elemental magic spell that, when cast, targets all enemies on the field. Unlike most AOE spells in Final Fantasy 6, the damage Meteor can inflict will not decrease if it is aimed at more than one enemy, making it an extremely useful spell to have in most battle scenarios.

When used, it will ignore the target's Magic Defense and will also bypass the Shell effect if the enemy has it active. It is able to avoid being absorbed by Celes' Runic ability, making it possible for players to efficiently cast it while the ability is active. The spell's overall power can be increased by equipping accessories like Earrings and Hero Rings.

How To Get The Meteor Spell In Final Fantasy 6

The Odin Esper in Final Fantasy 6

There are three ways to learn Meteor in Final Fantasy 6, but each can take a considerable amount of time. That said, one method is much easier than others.

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Learning Meteor With The Odin Magicite

Esper Magicite, when equipped on a character, will allow said character to learn the spell associated with them after enough battles have been fought. Meteor can be learned while using this method from two different Espers, but Odin is perhaps the easiest Esper to acquire, especially while naturally progressing through the game.

To find Odin, players will need to locate the Ancient Castle. This area cannot be found by simply flying around the world map, but instead by journeying to Figaro Castle, speaking to the NPC in the Figaro Castle - B1 room, and moving the castle toward South Figaro. After a brief moment, the NPC will say the castle has hit something; players should cease moving the castle and exit through the prison on the eastern side of the castle, where they will find themselves in the Cave to the Ancient Castle.

Progressing through this area will lead the party to the Ancient Castle itself, but the layout can be a little confusing at first. To reach the Ancient Castle, the player should travel through the leftmost exit to the south in the first room, continue following the path leading southeast, and loop around to reach the Treasure Chest containing the Death Tarot weapon for Setzer. From there, heading southwest and then continuing up the stairs will lead to the entrance of the next chamber.

The Cave to the Ancient Castle map in Final Fantasy 6

From there, the player can simply travel southwest into the center of the room, where they can use the descending stairs to reach a room with a save point. The Ancient Castle is chock-full of challenging battles, so players should ensure to save their progress before going any further. To reach the Castle, the player can travel up the stairs on the western side of the save point room.

To obtain the Odin Magicite, all the player needs to do is walk through the two large doors north of the cave's exit, continue forward through the next hallway, and interact with the statue of Odin directly ahead. The statue will then begin to change colors, and once the cutscene ends, the Odin Magicite will be added to the party's inventory.

With the Magicite acquired, the player must then assign it to one of the party members for them to learn Meteor. The character equipped with this Magicite will then be able to cast Meteor while in battle, so long as they have 70 MP, but if the Magicite is removed, they will lose access to it until it is equipped again. To gain permanent access to the Meteor spell, players must equip the Odin Magicite to one of the party members and win battles with them, which will allow the spell to be learned at a x1 rate.

Learning Meteor With The Crusader Magicite

Shadow finds a Legendary Dragon in Final Fantasy 6

Another way to learn Meteor is to acquire the Crusader Magicite as, when it is equipped, it allows the spell to be learned at a x10 rate. This might sound like the fastest way to learn the spell, but obtaining the Crusader Magicate requires the player to first defeat all of the eight Legendary Dragons available in the game.

Most of the Legendary Dragon battles are extremely challenging, even when the party is at a high level, so acquiring Meteor from the Crusader Magicite isn't the most efficient way to do so, especially since players can acquire much more powerful spells long before needing to fight the Legendary Dragons.

Learning Meteor With Celes

Celes in Final Fantasy 6

Celes will learn how to cast Meteor upon reaching Level 98. This is arguably the most straightforward way to acquire the spell, but it might also be the longest, depending on how players prefer to progress Final Fantasy 6's story. In the Final Fantasy 6 Pixel Remaster, players can increase the amount of EXP they earn from the Configuration section of the main menu, which can make the process of leveling much faster.

By the time Celes reaches Level 98, the party will likely have already unlocked Ultima, a much more powerful spell than Meteor. Because of this, it's best to acquire Meteor through the Odin Magicite if players want to make the most out of it.

Final Fantasy 6 is currently available on PS4, Nintendo Switch, PC, and Mobile.

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